This is what 53 looks like: Natural beauty business owner Katrina Bodmer reveals her secrets for looking young 

  • Katrina Bodmer lives in Petworth, West Sussex, with her husband
  • After a career in PR, she recently created her own natural beauty business 
  • Do you look good for your age? Tell us your secret at 

Katrina Bodmer lives in Petworth, West Sussex, with her husband and three children. 

After a career in PR, she recently created her own natural beauty business, BRYT skincare ( 


Katrina Bodmer lives in Petworth, West Sussex, with her husband and three children

This is my mantra. If you have good, healthy skin, everything else falls into place: it is the ultimate beauty backdrop. To look after my skin, I hardly ever wear foundation and follow this simple three-step formula. 

First, after removing any eye make-up, I wash my face with a 100 per cent natural cleanser. Second, I rehydrate with a nourishing serum, before finishing with a moisturising day and night cream.


I’ve always loved my signature long, thick hair and believe that a healthy diet is key to maintaining its quality with age. I start the day with broccoli for breakfast: it is rich in the Vitamin A, Vitamin C and calcium that strengthen and add shine to hair follicles. 

Plenty of beauty foods are easy to snack on — my favourites are Brazil nuts, an excellent source of selenium, which stimulates hair growth.


When choosing my clothing, I find that bold, quirky colours help me look and feel my best. My favourite outfit is an L.K. Bennett dress in vibrant orange: this is a colour that signifies happiness and I feel so positive when I wear it. 

If I need to feel strong — at work, for example — I also like to wear a striking purple, which is traditionally a regal colour. However, for an energy boost, nothing beats green: a symbol of growth and rejuvenation.

It is so important to have fun: my children can’t believe how often I go out at my age 


It is so important to have fun: my children can’t believe how often I go out at my age, but I take immaturity as a compliment! Don’t give in to your age, do what you want. 

For me, this might mean going out for a glass of wine or a dance with friends — we laugh a lot and have a good time. Dancing is also great exercise and releases happy hormones. With this outlook on life, I’m 53 but feel more young and carefree than I did in my 20s.


Stress when not channelled, ages us horribly. To stay youthful, I love to take time out of my day to be mindful. I find that the most achievable way to do so is to integrate this attitude into my daily routine: cooking is my meditation. 

Each day, I prepare home-made dinners for my family: I find this ritual deeply relaxing, as it takes my mind off everything else. 

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