
Big rise in CityLink truck tolls tipped to push heavy vehicles onto local roads

Suburban roads could experience an increase in truck traffic as drivers bypass CityLink to avoid a major increase in tolls set for April 1.

The industry has spoken out against a looming rise in CityLink tolls for heavy vehicles of up to 125 per cent, which will triple the daytime cost of using the road for trucks compared with cars.

On April 1, the cost of a CityLink day pass will rise from $11.85 to $26.70 and night-time tolls will double from $8.90 to $17.80.

The increase is being imposed to help pay for the $1.28 billion CityLink/Tulla widening project, due for completion early next year, which is being jointly funded by Transurban and the Andrews and Turnbull governments.

The toll increase will add hundreds of thousands of dollars a year to the cost of driving on CityLink for larger freight operators, industry body the Victorian Transport Association warns.

Its chief executive, Peter Anderson, said some would seek to pass that cost on to their customers, while other operators, particularly smaller ones, would simply avoid the toll road.


"Trucks will move away from CityLink and onto suburban roads and there will be more congestion, and it will be directly related to the fact that Transurban's tolls are discriminatory," Mr Anderson said.

He predicted many operators would also begin to take roads where level crossings have been removed, in an unintended consequence of the Andrews government's eight-year, $6 billion dollar project.

"As railway crossings are removed you'll see more heavy vehicles on those roads because it's easier, so some will take the longer route because it's cheaper," he said.

Mr Anderson said the rise from April 1 was unfair given CityLink users still face months of road works before the project is complete and its promised benefits are delivered.

"Where's the benefit? They want us to pay the extra money when there is not the extra lanes," he said.

Transurban and the Andrews government have said freight operators will benefit from the widened tollway, because it will provide quicker and more reliable travel times.

They have also forecast a reduction in truck traffic on suburban streets due to a 30 per cent increase in capacity.

Once complete, the project will deliver "a reduction in commercial vehicles using local roads, as 3000 more commercial vehicles will be able to access the freeway," a briefing document for freight operators says.

It also argued the increase was fair given the damage heavy vehicles do to road surfaces.

"Trucks cause a significantly greater amount of wear and tear on the freeway network and this is reflected in the truck tolling fee structure," the document said.

About 26,000 commercial vehicles use CityLink each day.

Works began on the Bolte Bridge on Wednesday.

Extra lanes are being added to the Bolte Bridge as part of the CityLink/Tulla widening project. Photo: Justin McManus.

Martin Wurt is spokesman for the Maribyrnong Truck Action Group, which has lobbied to reduce truck traffic in Melbourne's inner west.

He said higher tolls would inevitably cause an increase in suburban truck traffic without truck bans on residential streets.

"Without truck bans, operators are going to avoid tolls where they can, particularly the smaller owner-operators who don't receive a lot of money for doing the empty container runs," Mr Wurt said.

A spokesman for Luke Donnellan, Victoria's roads minister, said the industry had been given two years' warning about the toll increase. 

"Trucking rates are being brought into line with other states and territories – VicRoads and Transurban have been working with the freight industry over the last two years to ensure they had time to adjust."