
Citi analysts forecast lower earnings in Telstra's core businesses, but higher NBN payments

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Telecommunications analysts at Citi have issued a sell recommendation for Telstra shares on fears revenue from mobile, fixed and data products will decline due to increased competition in the mobile and NBN markets.

The analysts have given the shares a target price of $4.50, which is nearly 12 per cent lower than the current trading price of $5.08. Telstra's shares dropped 3¢ in early trading on Monday morning. 

Citi forecast income and earnings to increase by about 3.5 per cent in the first half of 2016-17, which is at the lower end of Telstra's guidance of "low to mid single digit EBITDA growth". Telstra's results will be announced on February 16.

Citi expects revenue declines in mobile of about 6 per cent, a decline of 3 per cent in fixed products, and declines of 2 per cent in data products. This will be offset by significant increases in the amount of money Telstra gets from NBN Co under the deal the two companies struck in 2010. 

"We expect Telstra to report recurring core [earnings] growth of -1.5 per cent and total [earnings] of +3.5 per cent," the unnamed analysts wrote. 

One of the biggest risks is an upcoming regulatory decision.


The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission is investigating whether it will "declare" Telstra's mobile network. This would force Telstra to sell access to other carriers, in effect ending its boasting rights of having the biggest network in the country exclusively.

"Our current base case is that the outcome of this investigation is the same as the previous two and we expect the ACCC to decide against a declaration of mobile roaming," Citi said. 

The ACCC has not yet announced a decision date. 

Meanwhile, the communications regulator is gearing up to sell a chunk of spectrum left over from the last auction, which could go to a new mobile network operator. 

"The upcoming spectrum auction in April could flag the entrance of a fourth network operator, and in our view this path becomes much more likely if the ACCC declares a mobile roaming service," Citi analysts wrote.

"We now see the potential entrance of a fourth network operator as a serious possibility, threatening the relative stability of the past seven years." 

Cut-price telco TPG secured some spectrum in the last auction, but has not yet explained how it will use the spectrum. 

The latest data on which telcos are winning customers as they transfer to the NBN will be released later this week. 

So far, Telstra had about a 50 per cent market share of the 1.36 million households connected to the NBN as at September 30, the time of the last report. A further 400,000 premises have been connected to the NBN since then, according to NBN Co's weekly updates

"As the pace of the NBN rollout accelerates, we expect competition to intensify. To date, the NBN has had a slight weighting to regional areas (where we estimate Telstra had a significant market share lead) and it will be interesting to see if it can maintain that lead as the NBN pushes further into metro areas where Optus and TPG are more active," the report notes.