Vote Leave Boss Matthew Elliott Joins Legatum Institute

Vote Leave boss and EU referendum mastermind Matthew Elliott is joining the Legatum Institute. Elliott joins as a Senior Fellow and will work on the “progress and possibilities of a UK-US trade deal and exploring and researching the rise of Populism abroad, with special focus on the US and those countries facing significant elections this year and next (France, Netherlands and Germany)”. Baroness Stroud, Legatum Institute CEO said: 

“Matthew’s proven campaigning skills, strength of thought leadership and ability to deliver transformational results make him key to that vision. We could not be more delighted that he has chosen to come and join the Legatum team.”

Elliott said:

I’m delighted to be joining the Legatum Institute as a Senior Fellow because Philippa and her team are uniquely placed to provide clear thinking for not only the UK Government, but also for policy makers right across the world. Brexit provides us with an opportunity to promote global prosperity by strengthening free trade, and the Institute is one of the only think-tanks with the skills and global reach to achieve this important objective. Clarity of thought is also required on the rise of Populism, and I look forward to analysing the similarities and differences between public opinion in Britain and overseas.”

A great hire to work on some very timely topics…

Corbyn’s Alternative Facts on Thatcher and Apartheid

Jeremy Corbyn has written to Theresa May claiming Margaret Thatcher “supported Apartheid”. He’s tweeted the same:

A demonstrably untrue statement straight out of the Trumpian playbook that the Labour leader is currently copying. Nelson Mandela praised Thatcher’s role in helping to end Apartheid, famously saying:

“She is an enemy of Apartheid. We have much to thank her for.”

Amhed Kathadra, one of Mandela’s closest friends, said Thatcher was instrumental in ending Apartheid:

“Her word did count – I’m sure of it… Mrs Thatcher wasn’t one of our oppressors.”

F W de Klerk said of Thatcher’s contribution to the end of Apartheid:

“She exerted more influence on what happened in South Africa than any other political leader”

Robin Renwick, Britain’s former ambassador to South Africa, has written at length about how Thatcher secretly campaigned to end Apartheid. He says Thatcher told P W Botha “very firmly” to end Apartheid and “exploded” at the South African ambassador, telling him “Apartheid must go”. Renwick says the claim Thatcher supported Apartheid is a “myth“. Fake news from Jez…

Top City Lobby Group U-Turns and Embraces Brexit

Number one square mile lobby group TheCityUK has performed a complete u-turn, abandoning its Remain position and instead embracing Brexit. TheCityUK – which represents major banks and professional services firms – said leaving the EU is a “once-in-a-generation opportunity” and declared:

“TheCityUK is a strong believer in the potential opportunities that the UK’s departure from the European Union will offer.”

Before Brexit they said:

“A Brexit risks damaging our industry in the UK through uncertainty, reduced market access and a loss of influence over trading conditions. Major global businesses also come to London to access the Single Market – but that position is dependent on the legal freedoms made available by the Treaties and Single Market legislation. The overall competitiveness of the UK as a place to do business would therefore be threatened by Brexit.”


Prince Charles Blasts Trump

It isn’t just climate change that has caused Prince Charles to fall out with President Trump. Speaking to World Jewish Relief last night Charles praised those who have taken in Syrian refugees and claimed we are in “a time when the horrific lessons of the last war seem in increasing danger of being forgotten”. Not so much thinly veiled as completely unveiled…

Peter Ricketts Works For Lockheed Martin, Who Trump Yesterday Cost $600 Million

Former Foreign Office Perm Sec Peter Ricketts is leading the news bulletins with his warning that the Queen has been put in a “very difficult position” by the Trump state visit. It’s surely nothing more than an amusing irony that Ricketts currently works as a paid strategic adviser to Lockheed Martin, the aerospace company that Trump has railed against in recent weeks. Just yesterday Trump forced Lockheed to cut their price for supplying new F35s by $600 million. And today Lockheed’s top British adviser is dumping on his trip to the UK…

Lobbyist Denis MacShane Still Telling Fibs

Lobbyist Denis MacShane Still Telling Fibs


“Local” Stoke Candidate Is “Still a Suffolk-Boy at Heart”

“Local” Stoke Candidate Is “Still a Suffolk-Boy at Heart”


HS2 White Elephant Lights Up Piccadilly Circus

HS2 White Elephant Lights Up Piccadilly Circus


Soames Sorry For Woofing at Female MP

Soames Sorry For Woofing at Female MP


Dennis Skinner: Trump is Like Hitler

Dennis Skinner: Trump is Like Hitler


London Behind Trump Petition, Rest of Country Not Fussed

London Behind Trump Petition, Rest of Country Not Fussed


MPs Who Voted For Referendum Now Trying to Block Result

MPs Who Voted For Referendum Now Trying to Block Result


Piers in Heels

Piers in Heels


Government Cake Tsar is Labour Sponge-Lover

Government Cake Tsar is Labour Sponge-Lover


Political Correctness Gone Mad-eira! Treasury Cake Ban Panned

Political Correctness Gone Mad-eira! Treasury Cake Ban Panned


UKIP Launch NHS Counter-Attack: Labour Like “Abusive Parent”

UKIP Launch NHS Counter-Attack: Labour Like “Abusive Parent”


Quote of the Day

Theresa May asked how she’ll get on with President Trump:

“Haven’t you ever noticed that sometimes opposites attract?”

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