'Houdini' toddler escapes baby gate using sneaky tool

Two-year-old Michaela escaped from her baby gate using a toy necklace.
Two-year-old Michaela escaped from her baby gate using a toy necklace.  Photo: Facebook/ Jennie Dudson

Move aside Houdini - there's a new escape artist in town, and she's only two years old.

Meet cheeky little Michaela, of Greater Manchester, who has just completed her most daring escape yet.

In footage captured by her mother, Jennie, we see Michaela successfully break out of her baby gate - using a plastic toy necklace.

"We've got a wooden gate on her bedroom door, the metal gate on her playroom and another metal gate at the top of the stairs but she doesn't like being locked away," Jennie told the Mirror.

"After this latest break-out it looks like we're not going to be able to keep her in - she's really quite pleased with herself."

And, while her little one has been breaking out of her cot since she was 15 months old, and managed to loosen the screws on the wooden gate in her bedroom, even Jennie was surprised by Michaela's latest great escape.

"I couldn't believe it, it was really clever," she said.

"She's got a charm necklace with a love heart on it and she was putting it down the side of the gate and yanking it to get out.

"We've started putting her in her room while we do the cleaning as I don't want her in the way and slipping on the wet tiles.

"I was getting on with my work when I heard this little voice shout 'ta-da!'.

"I turned round and there she was standing with her arms in the air looking really pleased with herself."

Ta-da, indeed!