International Agreements



Focus on

Behaviour change l Conservation awareness l Enforcement


Iconic wildlife

Apes l Bears l Deer l Elephants l Leopards l Marine turtles l Pangolins l Reptiles l Rhinos l Sharks & rays l Tigers l others



Timber trade



Fisheries regulation


Medicinal plants

Medicinal and aromatic plants



Wildmeat resources


Pets & fashion

Wild animals used for pets & fashion



Africa l Americas l Asia l Australasia l Europe l Middle East


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TRAFFIC aims to ensure that trade in wild plants and animals is not a threat to the conservation of nature

Latest news from TRAFFIC


New project to promote sustainable, legal and responsible timber trade in Viet Nam

Hanoi, Viet Nam, January 2017—the Viet Nam Administration of Forestry (VNFOREST), TRAFFIC, WWF-Vietnam and the Center for People and Forests (RECOFTC) have launched a joint project under the “Responsible Asia Forestry & Trade” (RAFT) Partnership to focus on sustainable forest management, supporting Viet Nam to strengthen its implementation of legal and responsible timber trade.

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Combatting Snow Leopard poaching & trafficking the elusive X factor to conserve Asia’s high mountain ecosystems

Kathmandu, Nepal, 20th January 2017—As scientists and government officials considered new evidence of cross-border migration of Snow Leopard individuals, a presentation of TRAFFIC’s research on poaching and trade emphasised that poachers and traffickers also have no boundaries.

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Wild plant harvesters gain insights from a successful cooperative model in Viet Nam

© TRAFFICBac Kan, Viet Nam, January 2017 TRAFFIC is working to increase the capacity of collectors of wild medicinal and aromatic plants (MAPs) in Bac Kan Province to protect biodiversity and improve local livelihoods.  To achieve these outcomes, TRAFFIC, the Bac Kan Forest Protection Department (FPD) and two local pharmaceutical companies assisted the local harvesters to establish collector groups and cooperatives in Bac Kan.

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Cooking up a storm to encourage legal and sustainable foods for the Lunar New Year holidays, instead of threatened wildlife

Hanoi, Viet Nam, 11th January 2017 -TRAFFIC and the Centre for Women and Development (CWD) held a cooking competition in Hanoi on 8 January where nearly 100 people showed their commitment to wildlife protection. 

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China to ban domestic ivory trade by end of 2017 in huge boost for Africa’s elephants

Beijing, China, 30 December 2016 – TRAFFIC and WWF welcomed today’s historic announcement that China will close down its domestic ivory trade by the end of 2017, signalling an end to the world’s primary legal ivory market and a major boost to international efforts to tackle the elephant poaching crisis in Africa.

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Postal bureau joins enforcement agencies for CITES training

Xi’an, China, December 2016—more than 50 officers from government departments in Shaanxi, Gansu, Qinghai and Ningxia provinces were joined for the first time by representatives from the Shaanxi Postal Bureau for two days of training on implementation of measures under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) late last month.

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Environment Canada’s Pacific Region staff make end-of-year donation in memory of lost colleagues

Vancouver, Canada, 15th December 2016—As the year draws to a close, staff at Environment Canada are making a donation to TRAFFIC in memory of two of their former wildlife officer colleagues, Patrick Porter and Bryan Huska, who passed away earlier this year.

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TRAFFIC brings hospitality enterprises together to stop illegal wildlife trade

Hanoi, Viet Nam, 14th December 2016—Nearly 50 representatives from hotel and tourism enterprises were equipped with the tools to adopt corporate social responsibility (CSR) policies that reject the consumption of illegally traded wildlife at a workshop in Hanoi today.

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