Accused Bourke Street killer driver 'filmed going on bizarre rant about Aboriginal rights in a Melbourne church' just days before attack that killed five

  • Man believed to be Jimmy Gargasoulas filmed ranting at church congregation 
  • Can be heard talking about aboriginal right and telling listeners to 'wake up' 
  • Video purported to have been filmed three days before Melbourne attack
  • Five people died and more than 30 were injured after car mounted the pavement on Swanston Street before driving through Bourke Street mall 

A man believed to be the accused Bourke Street Mall attacker was filmed ranting to people in a church just days before the tragedy.

Video purporting to show Jimmy Gargasoulas, 26, has emerged online showing him shouting about Aboriginal rights and ordering people to 'wake up'.

The uploader, who goes by the name of Roy Rumengan, claims the footage was taken on January 18 - two days before five people were killed and another 30 injured when a car mounted the pavement in Melbourne and drove at shoppers.

A man believed to be accused Bourke Street mall driver Dimitrious Gargasoulas was filmed ranting about Aboriginal rights in a church days before the attack

In the video, a man can be seen standing at the front of a church as organ music plays in the background.

He can be seen speaking with a woman at the front of the church for a moment, before turning to the congregation.

Multiple witnesses have come forward to claim Gargasoulas was acting strangely in the days and hours leading up to the attack

He says: 'Please, if no one does anything... wake up. 

'The Aboriginal people, their rights and their knowledge, they have the power to remove all laws and give everyone freedom.

'Free electricity, free water, no money, they will give everyone entitlement for a treasury... that has taken all our money and made us slaves.'

The footage is just the latest in a long line of witnesses to come forward and claim that Gargasoulas was acting strangely in the days and hours leading up to the attack.

Last week two workmen renovating a house in Melbourne's suburbs claimed he approached them on the day of the attack before talking about a comet in the sky and the end of the world.

Others close to Gargasoulas told Daily Mail Australia that he had become convinced a comet was going to destroy the planet.

In a series of online posts, he also talked about 'restoring God's law' to earth and accused people of being 'sheep'. 

Gargasoulas is accused of killing five people and wounding more than 30 when he drove down the pavement in Melbourne and ran down pedestrians

The accused has since appeared in court where he was charged with five counts of murder

Gargasoulas also has a history of substance abuse problems and mental health issues which likely played into his ramblings, those close to him said.

He has since been charged with five counts of murder over the alleged attack, and is due to reappear in court in December once lawyers have finished putting the lengthy case against him together.

Prosecutors say it is likely more charges will be added as the case moves forward.

Among the dead are three-month-old baby Zachary Bryant, and 10-year-old Thalia Hawkin, who were both out with their parents and siblings when they were hit. 

Days of mourning have taken place for the dead and wounded in Melbourne, with multiple people still in hospital

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