'What a zeal for life': Internet falls in love with a giggling grandmother who accidentally recorded a video as she struggled to take photos in mobile clip found by her grandson after her death 

  • Grandmother Maureen Thorne, 81, was trying to take photos on her new phone
  • She accidentally recorded a clip of herself talking in her beautiful garden
  • The video was found by her grandson after her death and was shared online
  • It has charmed viewers and has been watched more than 800,000 times

Viewers around the world have fallen in love with a grandmother whose charm and 'beautiful spirit' were captured in a video she took before her death.

Maureen Thorne, from Somerset, was trying to take pictures on her new phone when she accidentally hit 'record' and started filming. The 81-year-old did not realise the camera was on as she chatted excitedly to her neighbour and her husband, David.

The heart-warming video was posted online yesterday by grandson Jordan Wallace, who found it while checking his grandmother's phone following her death last week.

It has since been watched more than 800,000 times and thousands of viewers have sent Mr Wallace messages, celebrating his grandmother's laugh and 'zeal for life'.

Charming: Grandmother Maureen Thorne, 81, pictured, from Somerset, was trying to take pictures on her new phone when she started filming by mistake - and kept the camera running

Mr Wallace told MailOnline his beloved grandmother would have found the response 'incredible'. 

He said: 'I've had a lot of comments on Reddit and YouTube from people who have lost family and friends, all sharing stories and reminiscing.

'It's comforting to know we're all going through the same motions.'

In the clip, Mrs Thorne is heard speaking to her neighbour and close friend, Helen, as she unknowingly films her beautiful garden.  

She says she is 'having another go at the phone' and learning how to take photos. In a moment of realisation, she adds: 'I think that must be video come up there.'

The footage also picks up a fleeting exchange between Mrs Thorne and her husband of 55 years, David. 

Simple pleasures: The 81-year-old kept the camera on her blooming garden, pictured, as she spoke to her neighbour and shared a tender moment with her husband, David

She tells him she 'might' be filming a video, and he replies tenderly: 'That might be video? Darling if it is moving, it's video'. 

The couple's warmth and intimacy has won over thousands of viewers and condolence messages have poured in on Reddit. 

One user wrote: 'What a zeal for life that is just so obvious in her voice! My deepest sympathy for your loss, the world is definitely less sweet without her around'. 

Support: The clip has since been watched more than 800,000 times and thousands of viewers have sent Mr Wallace messages, celebrating his grandmother's laugh and 'zeal for life'

Another added: 'Your grandmother sounds like a peach, sorry for your loss'. 

Mr Thorne told MailOnline: 'Its amazing. Im pleased to see so many people have watched and enjoyed it.'

Remembering his 'terribly intelligent' wife, he added: 'This is a worthy reception to a very intelligent and beautiful woman, and an exceptional wife.' 


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