Author Archives: riserefugee

Before you donate to a refugee nonprofit agency, you need to consider the following items to check whether they are ethical or not:

1. Is the organisation run by the affected people?
2. Does the cause directly support the affected people?
3. Does the organisation support or have they supported or worked/invested in detention centres?
4. What is their position on mandatory detention policy in Australia? Note: if they say they support detention centres doesn’t matter even 1 day or 1 month, do not support that organisation
5. Whether the affected people are in-charge of the organisation?
6. What proportion of people hired by the organisation are of refugee background?
7. Are refugees being used as a token gesture to promote the organisation?
8. History of the organisation and individuals in charge, such as, how long they have been working with refugees & what impact they have had on the refugee self determination process.
9. Is the organisation affiliated with any political parties or driven by political agendas that run counter to the interests of refugees?
10. How does the organisation support the refugee self determination process in the long term & short term?
11. Whether the organisation receives funding from the Department of immigration in any capacity-thereby creating a conflict of interest.

Written by ex-detainee and RISE member, Hisam

RISE Press Release : NO We Ex-detainees, Asylum Seekers and Refugees do NOT Support Invasion Day. (23/01/2017)

RISE Press Release Re-“Australia Day” aka Invasion day 2017

NO We Refugees, Ex-detainees and Asylum Seekers do NOT Support Invasion Day.

As refugee communities seeking protection and freedom on this land we acknowledge that we live in occupied territories where Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples are the traditional owners and where sovereignty has never been ceded. ‘Always was, always will be Aboriginal land’

RISE represents over 30 refugee community groups in Australia and being the first registered, non-profit refugee organisation in Australia led and managed by refugees, asylum seekers and ex-detainees, RISE declares that we do not endorse any movement or individuals who claim to be pro-refugee but celebrate “Australia Day” aka Invasion Day on the 26th of January.

We believe this systemic abuse of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples is a result of over 200 years of discrimination as part of the white colonial genocide strategy that continues to this day.

RISE founder, ex-detainee and CEO Ramesh Fernandez said “When you tell your kids what “Australia Day” means, would you tell them it was the day people celebrate white occupiers coming to Australia and colonising the land of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples which resulted in genocide, the slaughter, dispossession and continuous discrimination of Indigenous communities upto this day? Or will you teach them to perpetuate lies after lies to cover up colonial occupation and genocide?”

RISE especially requests that refugee and ex-detainee community groups in Australia NOT participate in any “Australia Day” event that celebrates the barbaric practice of genocide of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

Further Mr.Fernandez added “As survivors of occupation, rape, torture and oppression we should not undermine the struggle for survival that other oppressed community groups face. We should respect Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and their sovereignty. It is not a day to poster yourself on a billboard, dance, sing or wrap a flag around yourself that represents occupation, colonisation and genocide of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in Australia”.

We fully support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples sovereignty and self-determination and stand in solidarity with them everyday. Invasion Day is another day for colonial gimmicks, post-colonial love and racism in Australia for people who still believe that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples don’t own this land or don’t exist.

What can you do?

Support Invasion Day rally

Donate / Amplify Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples-led movements and organisations

Grandmothers Against Removals
Justice For Julieka Dhu
Hey Sis, we’ve got your back
Black Rainbow Living
Family Violence Prevention Legal Service
Latoya Rule
​First Nations Telegraph
Rebuild Aboriginal community that Burnt down
Justice for Kevin Henry

The above list was given to us by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community members who support/work with RISE. If you would like to add any Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples-led organisations to this list please email

Finally, we thank the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples across Australia who have been supporting refugee self-determination and standing in solidarity with our community groups every day.

With Solidarity

Sovereignty + Sanctuary: A First Nations / Refugee Solidarity Event held in 2016


Why I support RISE?

1. RISE is autonomously run by refugees, mainly ex-detainees

2. I’m a refugee & a person of colour

3. RISE doesn’t use images of refugees to gain funding

4. RISE is founded by an ex-detainee

5. RISE board and staff are from refugee backgrounds

6. RISE supports Indigenous sovereignty and freedom

7. RISE doesn’t compromise its values

8. RISE doesn’t support any form of detention regardless for even 1 minute or 1 day

9. RISE believes in self-determination

10. Services & projects are designed by refugees for refugees

Hisam.N , Ex-detainee and Refugee

Australian politicians want Pauline Hanson to exist – It’s not a secret

Pauline Hanson is a perfect mascot for Australian politicians in this racist state.- By Ramesh Fernandez (ex-detainee and refugee)

The 2016 federal election has brought in xenophobic and Islamophobic politicians and politics in Australia including the return of extremist groups like Pauline Hanson’s One Nation political party to the Senate. Pauline Hanson entered politics in the mid nineties on an anti-Aboriginal and anti-Asian platform. Since this time she has been given near celebrity status, with a podium to stand on to air racist anti-refugee policies that equate refugees with “terrorists”.

When I heard Pauline Hanson was re-elected, I was not surprised. Anyone who is up-to-date with the current anti-refugee and anti-Muslim propaganda in Australia and around the globe, know that there is no time like the present for people like Pauline Hanson. It is a time that has accumulated all the ‘fears’/lies Australian politicians have spread through the public over many election campaigns.

Pauline Hanson is targeting all people of colour, with particular emphasis on Indigenous peoples, Refugees, Muslims and Asians. In the lead up to the 2016 election Pauline Hanson was paid by Australia’s most watched breakfast TV news program to provide “expert” commentary on topics such as “terrorism and border security”.Basically, her xenophobic politics is nothing new and does not stop with her. Pauline Hanson wants to protect Australia from “Asians” and she refers to “Suburbs that are swamped by Asians”.

According to Pauline Hanson’s anti refugee policy she has recommended a list of “solutions” and what is remarkable here is that she is too racist to even realise that her “one nation solutions” are part of the current refugee policy. The current politicians have contributed to even more extremist, right wing racism towards refugees via immigration policies.

Her party “One nation” wants to reduce the number of Muslim refugees coming to Australia, limit family reunion, introduce temporary protection visas and re-assess refugee claims, character checks, welfare cuts and involuntary deportation. All these ‘interventions’ are part of the current refugee law, which was introduced by both Labor and Liberal governments.

Pauline Hanson wants to remove Australia as a signatory of the UN refugee convention, which Kevin Rudd tried to negotiate in 2013. In her maiden speech in 1996, regarding immigration, she clearly states that “if I can invite whom I want into my home, then I should have the right to have a say in who comes into my country”. In 2001 during the federal election John Howard shared her sentiments: “We will decide who comes to this country and the circumstances in which they come”.

There is no difference between One Nation sentiments and those of Australia’s Labor and Liberal governments. After the Paris attack Pauline Hanson said “Not every Muslim is a terrorist, but every terrorist is a Muslim, Can’t we see that these refugees may be cells that have been brought out, who have been planted (by) ISIS to become refugees, who will end up in Australia, on Australian soil”. Her comment had some backlash but a few weeks later Immigration Minister Peter Dutton linked refugees to terrorists. Dutton said “we want to make sure that we know who’s coming to this country – we’ve seen what’s happened in Istanbul and in Brussels and in Paris”. Both Hanson and Dutton have publicly said that refugees are stealing Australian jobs.

Australia is a one nation country on stolen land and it is dangerously ignorant not to acknowledge this fact. This is truly seen in the treatment & targeting of Indigenous peoples in this country both through policy and action by white Australia. An obvious second example is the fact that mostly people coming to Australia on boats to seek asylum are indefinitely tortured and sexually abused in detention centres.

Australian politicians benefit from people like Pauline Hanson; her overt racism and anti-Muslim sentiments provide a norm for their own racist sentiments. Politicians such as Tony Abbott, Peter Dutton, John Howard, Scott Morrison, Chris Bowen, Malcolm Turnbull, Kevin Rudd, Amanda Vanstone, Philip Ruddock and Julia Gillard have similar anti-refugee and anti-muslim stances. Pauline Hanson’s caricature can be mocked to make the aforementioned politicians appear ‘smarter’ or ‘more ‘trustworthy’ however they share the same ultimate white Australia dream to keep this country for white people.

We are aware that there is nothing original in Pauline Hanson. Pauline Hanson has been used to open more pathways and platforms for mainstream politicians to use xenophobia to win elections over the years. She has been chanting “Stop the Boats” for over a decade with successive Australian prime ministers joining her chorus. Racism towards refugees and asylum seekers has always been an election winner. These anti-Refugee and anti-Muslim fear mongering sentiments come in different forms from different white politicians because Australia is the foundation for racist immigration policies. Australia’s legacy is that other countries use Australia as the prime model to introduce racist anti-immigration policies.

Australian politicians want Pauline Hanson to exist; she is a perfect mascot for Australian politicians in this racist state.

Help RISE arts to reach international level

RISE (Refugees, Survivors and Ex-Detainees) is thrilled to announce that our Arts Director has been offered a unique opportunity to receive mentorship at the International Community Arts Festival (ICAF) in the Netherlands from January – 02 April 2017. In order for our Arts Director to participate in this important event however, we need your help.

RISE is a not-for-profit organisation that relies almost entirely on public donations. At this current stage our Arts portfolio receives no funding and we rely heavily on the hard work of volunteers. This invitation to attend an international community arts festival is rare and we can only do so with your help.

We have 3 weeks to raise $2500 to cover part ofthe cost of a return air-fare to the Netherlands. Are you able to help make this happen?

Why is our Arts Portfolio important?

Our Arts portfolio has played a critical role in the lives of our members and provides vital opportunities for our members to develop their capacity and means for creative self-expression, while also addressing the social isolation and marginalisation that many in our communities experience. Through our projects, participants gain experience in various forms of the arts (e.g. through our Hip Hop program, the Forum Theatre project, Film-Making Workshops and more) and at all stages of development, from concept building, production, presentation, curating and through to promotion and publicity.

Why is our participation in the International Community Arts Festival important?

The International Community Arts Festival is a highly acclaimed event that brings together leading pioneers in community art from all around the world. Participating in this festival means our Arts Director is able to:

• Ensure RISE is actively represented in global conversations around refugees and asylum seeker
• Allow RISE to seek and develop partnerships with community arts organisations in Europe and from around the world
• Deliver Masterclass’ at the festival for practitioners on community arts practice
• Hold skill-sharing workshops with RISE members to impart experience and lessons learned

The RISE Arts Director, Tania Cañas, has been playing an instrumental role in the development of the RISE Arts portfolio. For more information about Tania, please see here.

Big or small, we would truly appreciate your contribution. Please help RISE to be part of this global conversation to challenge, develop, improve and continue to deliver community-based arts programing at RISE Refugee.

Please make a donation and leave a message as “RISE Arts” : here


Update on RISE’s #BlockTheBill Campaign

Dear RISE members and supporters,

As you know, last week RISE started the #BlockTheBill campaign after members of parliament in Australia’s lower house passed the bill for a lifetime ban of refugees coming by boat.The lifetime ban of refugees bill has NOT yet been passed at the upper house.

Thank you very much to all those who have supported the campaign. If you don’t know much about our #BlockTheBill campaign, we have summarised some information for your convenience.

What is the ‘lifetime ban’ on refugees?
Why do we need to #BlockTheBill?
What can YOU do?

– A script suggestion to help you when you call

More information can be found here :

While the rest of the world turns a blind eye to the highest number of refugees being forcibly displaced globally since World War 2, we as a nation can do better. We can be an example to other nations and show them that we do not let our politicians continue barbaric and racist policies against refugees who are seeking sanctuary from persecution and harm.

RISE #BlockTheBill campaign is entirely run and managed by ex-detainees and refugees at RISE. Thank you for supporting RISE’s #BlockTheBill campaign so far.


#BlockTheBill Campaign

What is the ‘lifetime ban’ on refugees?

The Coalition is proposing a bill amendment that would prevent asylum seekers arriving by boat after 19 July 2013 from ever entering Australia. On 19 July 2013, then Prime Minister Kevin Rudd announced that from this day forward, all refugees arriving by boat would be blocked from gaining long-term protection and settlement in Australia. This proposed ban would add further discrimination against refugees as it is a lifetime ban that would apply to all who were adults when they arrived to Australia after July 19, 2013 and sent to a regional processing centre such as Manus and Nauru, for the rest of their ‘natural lives’. That is, until their death, they are not allowed to enter Australia unless the minister of immigration, who is a politician, and the only person in the whole of Australia with the power to do so, decides to allow them to enter.

Information that can be referred to (name of bill: Regional processing cohort)
Migration Legislation Amendment (Regional Processing Cohort) Bill 2016
Migration Legislation Amendment (Regional Processing Cohort) Bill 2016
Migration Legislation Amendment (Regional Processing Cohort) Bill 2016 [Provisions]
Migration Legislation Amendment (Regional Processing Cohort) Bill 2016

Why do we need to #BlockTheBill?

1. People who have fled war, trauma and torture need long term security in order to restore their lives. The proposed legislation adds major uncertainty to the lives of asylum seekers who have fled persecution and in turn exacerbates the trauma they have endured and continue to live through.
2. It is an extreme form of xenophobia and racial discrimination. Seeking asylum is not a crime and it is a right that is upheld by International law and the Refugee Convention, of which Australia is a signatory.
3. This bill impacts the reunion of families. Some of our members still have families in offshore detention centres. If this bill goes through, they will not be able to ever see their families again.
4. There is no evidence to suggest that this proposal will eventuate in saving lives. It will instead result in returning people who’ve fled from dangerous circumstances back to the extreme situations they have fled from.
5. Australia as one of the wealthiest countries in the world, with one of the smallest numbers of asylum seekers. It should not hand its responsibilities to other nations.
6. Australia has a history of racism and genocide. Far right-wing sentiments are reappearing fast. It is up to us to not repeat the abhorrent acts that Australia was built on.

What can you do?

This proposal is going to be discussed at the Senate before being passed as law. We need to ‘Say No To The Life Ban Of Refugees’ and #BlockTheBill. You can help stop this by informing the Senators that you are against this proposal. Call or email the Senators and tell them you stand with refugees and do not support the lifetime ban on refugees bill.

Details of Undecided Senators:

Senator Derryn Hinch
(02) 6277 3168
1300 498 035

Senator David Leyonhjelm
(02) 6277 3054
1300 884 092

Senator Jacqui Lambie
(02) 6277 3063
(03) 6431 2233

Senator Skye Kakoschke-Moore
(02) 6277 3178
(08) 8232 0440

Senator Stirling Griff
(02) 6277 3713
1300 556 115

Senator Nick Xenophon
(02) 6277 3713
1300 556 115

A script suggestion to help you when you call:
“Hi my name is …(name, if comfortable disclosing).. and I am calling from …(location)… I would like to express my concern and discontent with the proposal of imposing a lifetime ban on refugees. This goes against the Refugee Convention and International Law. It also goes against our humanity and morality as we should be assisting those in need of protection. Please vote NO to this proposal or you will lose my vote”

2. You can show your solidarity by changing your social media profile images : Facebook , Twitter , Poster , Facebook Banner

3. Get informed and read more about the #BlockTheBill campaign

4. Support RISE:
RISE does not accept any funding from the government; or money from anyone who invests in the upkeep of detention centres, prisons, land grabbing or any unethical conduct.RISE advocacy portfolio has not been funded since 2010 and we encourage you to make a tax-deductible donation so that we continue our work. We rely on your donations.

An asylum seeker was attacked and racially vilified for the second time by the same group of 4 white men .

Four days ago, we reported that a RISE member was assaulted by 4 white men. It has happened again on Wednesday night. The same group of 4 white men, armed with the same weapons, verbally abused him and chased him into a restaurant.

Our member (an asylum seeker) was coming back from work, walking from the St Albans train station. One of the four white attackers from the first incident followed him while on a bike, and said “Remember the last time we came after you and you escaped – are you going to give us your money and phone this time?”

Our member said “Leave me alone or I’ll call the police”. The man replied “I know a lot of police, I don’t care and it doesn’t bother me at all”. After that, he cycled away returned with his three friends who were involved in the first incident, and again they started threatening and verbally abusing him.

After many racist taunts, they said “Who’s gonna save you now? Who’s gonna save you today?” Our member ran into the restaurant to hide there, and called the police. An hour after he called for help, the police arrived. Two police officers escorted him back home.

The member and his wife told the police they don’t want to stay in the area and go to the city, because they are fearful for their lives. Police told them to stay at home, because the attackers won’t try to break into their home, but to grab a cab if they wanted to go somewhere.

On Thursday night, our members were temporarily sheltered at a different location with friends. They are terrified for their safety and well-being, because it they have been seriously and purposely threatened twice by the same group and the authorities cannot keep them safe. (The media will be quick to cover black on white crime, but not cover white on black crime.) At one point this week, our members had to stay overnight at our RISE drop-in centre.

This morning (Friday 18/11/16), our members sought help from a government subcontracted organisation, where they were registered with. They were told that they should make an appointment before coming in regardless of whether it was an emergency situation, and that they have “no proof” that these incidents occurred.

What does it say about how seriously life-threatening racist hate crimes are taken when our member’s only option is to move out of the area, and hope they are not subjected to the same hatred? Remaining silent in the face of continued race-motivated attacks is acceptance and normalisation of these despicable acts, and complicity in the growth of the culture of racism and xenophobia. We highly condemn the active targeting and assaults on members of our communities, who have escaped persecution and violence, only to be met with a new form of systemic violence and racial persecution.

RISE #BlockTheBill Campaign 2016 : ‘Say No To The Life Ban Of Refugees’

Thank you so much for supporting this campaign. It has received overwhelming responses and support from the public at the local and international level.

The bill still has to be approved on the 22nd of November by the majority of Senators in the upper house in parliament before this discriminatory policy can become part of Australian law.

1. RISE Media Release –
“We refugees, asylum seekers and ex-detainees at RISE highly condemn the Turnbull government’s plan to introduce legislation to ban asylum seekers who arrive by boat from ever being allowed into Australia”.

2. RISE Letter to the Australian Public –
“Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull’s proposal to impose a “life ban” on refugees and asylum seekers who have arrived since 2013, as well as future refugees who will be arriving to seek protection, will be tied up with the “No Advantage Policy”, which was crafted and designed under the Labor party”.

3. Video Message by RISE –
“Rather than taking cues from divisive rhetoric propagated by racist extremists such as the One Nation Party, the Australian government should treat refugees and asylum seekers with respect and dignity”.

4. Open letter from a former detainee in Australia –
“Six refugees have died on these islands and many more have suffered from cruel and degrading treatment including torture and rape and none have been provided a safe and durable option of permanent protection. Is this how Australia measures the “success” of refugee policies”?

5. #BLOCKtheBILL SNAP PROTEST (19/11/2016) organised by a collective made up mostly of queer & trans people of colour (also other trans / queer folks)

Making the bill legal adds to the trauma and persecution of refugees coming to Australia to seek asylum so please continue all efforts to call and email or contact Senators – particularly cross-bench senators – in the upper house to block the bill.

On behalf of RISE and refugees and asylum seekers in Australia, Manus and Nauru, we urge you take a stand. Join with us and fight against these discriminatory policies that affect our community groups indefinitely. Contact your cross-bench senators now and tell them you stand with refugees and do not support the lifetime ban on refugees bill.


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