Sam Dolgoff


Fifth Estate # 397, Winter, 2017

a review of Left of the Left: My Memories of Sam Dolgoff by Anatole Dolgoff; Introduction by Andrew Cornell. AK Press, 2016, 391 pp., $22.

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Happy Birthday, Utopia!


Fifth Estate # 396, Summer, 2016

This year marks five-hundred years since the appearance of English social philosopher, author, statesman, and Renaissance humanist Thomas More’s famous Utopia. We might also consider that it is just over five-hundred years since the definitive anti-utopia, Machiavelli’s The Prince was

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The Tao of Anarchy


Fifth Estate # 351, Summer 1998

This essay originally appeared in John Clark’s now out-of-print The Anarchist Moment: Reflections on Culture, Nature and Power (Black Rose Books, Montreal, 1984) as “Master Lao and the Anarchist Prince.” John is Professor of Philosophy and Chair of Environmental Studies

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Letter from New Orleans


Fifth Estate # 371, Winter 2006

The following letter was sent to an International Conference on Elisee Reclus, the 19th century anarchist geographer and political theorist. The conference, which was held in Milan on October 12-13, was one of several planned for 2005 to celebrate the

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The Society of the Spectacle Reconsidered


Fifth Estate # 393, Spring 2015 - Anti-Marx

a review of The Society of the Spectacle by Guy Debord Newly translated & annotated by Ken Knabb, Bureau of Public Secrets, 2014, 150 pages. $15.

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Remembering Helen Hill


Fifth Estate # 375, Spring 2007

On February 24, I joined a large crowd to march in a jazz funeral celebrating the life of our friend, the filmmaker and community activist, Helen Hill. Helen was murdered at her home on January 4 by an intruder whose

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Introduction to “A Non-Euclidean View of California as a Cold Place To Be”


Fifth Estate # 382, Spring, 2010

Ursula Le Guin’s works typically recount the story of a voyage. Whether or not this voyage traverses vast distances of space, it is always an epic journey of the spirit.

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Occupy New Orleans Fights Off the authoritarian Left to defend Horizontalism


Fifth Estate # 387, Summer, 2012

It was encouraging to see large numbers of anarchists and anti-authoritarians at a late March Occupy New Orleans General Assembly (OccupyNOLA). As one of the participants mentioned, Occupy is in many ways the most significant grassroots uprising since the Vietnam

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