- published: 06 Nov 2016
- views: 1143
The Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) is a federally funded research and development center and NASA field center located in La Cañada Flintridge, California and Pasadena, California, United States.
The JPL is managed by the nearby California Institute of Technology (Caltech) for NASA. The laboratory's primary function is the construction and operation of planetary robotic spacecraft, though it also conducts Earth-orbit and astronomy missions. It is also responsible for operating NASA's Deep Space Network.
Among the laboratory's current major active projects are the Mars Science Laboratory mission (which includes the Curiosity rover), the Cassini–Huygens mission orbiting Saturn, the Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity, the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, the Dawn mission to the dwarf planet Ceres and asteroid Vesta, the Juno spacecraft en route to Jupiter, the NuSTAR X-ray telescope, and the Spitzer Space Telescope. They are also responsible for managing the JPL Small-Body Database, and provides physical data and lists of publications for all known small Solar System bodies.
Super 8 or Super Eight may refer to:
JPL 2016 I Final Day
JPL 2016 I Final Day
JPL 2016 I Final Day
JPL 2016 I Final Day
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) Tour 2015
JPL 2016 I Day 5 I Super 8 Matches
JPL 2016 I Day 5 I Super 8 Matches
JPL 2016 I Day 6 I Super 8 Matches
DAY 1 I JPL 2016
JPL 2016 I DAY 3
In March I had the opportunity to tour NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California. I had been wanting to visit JPL for years, so I was thrilled! Many thanks to JPL's Roslyn Soto for being our tour guide for the afternoon. ♡ Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/michellemunteanu/ ۞ Twitter: https://twitter.com/meeshtangerine
Solar System playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL59613A47FF1FE00B more at http://scitech.quickfound.net/astro/planet_news.html "AL HIBBS, DR. EDWARD STONE, DR. BRAD SMITH, DR. DANIEL GAUTIER, AND DR. ANDRE BRAHIC, SCIENTISTS, JET PROPULSION LABORATORY, DISCUSS THE DISCOVERY OF NEW MOONS, ATMOSPHERIC COMPOSITION... SHOWS RECENT VOYAGER PHOTOGRAPHS." Reupload of a previously uploaded film, in one piece instead of multiple parts, and with improved video & sound. Public domain film from the US National Archives, slightly cropped to remove uneven edges, with the aspect ratio corrected, and one-pass brightness-contrast-color correction & mild video noise reduction applied. The soundtrack was also processed with volume normalization, noise reduction, clipping reduction, and/or e...
Noah Knows All About the Cool Stuff! Hey guys, do I have a treat for you! New travel posters from NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, is encouraging us to imagine a future where we can explore space. With these free downloadable posters, we can take a virtual trip to 14 alien worlds! The artwork is high resolution so you can print it out small like I did or you can plaster your bedroom or your classroom with giant planetary posters. The posters are available free for downloading and printing at: http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/news/news.php?feature=5052 Be sure to share this page with your family and any teachers you may know. This is a fantastic opportunity to get your hands on some amazing artwork for free! My favorite one is the MARS poster. What's yours? Let me know in the comments below. ...
Honey, I shrunk the satellites! Mini-satellites are following in the footsteps of cell phones and computers. CubeSats are small but highly capable of performing a variety of space missions. For more about our CubeSats, visit http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/cubesat/
Ion propulsion isn’t something found only in science fiction. JPL engineer Mike Meacham looks at how ion engines are being used to drive NASA's Dawn spacecraft through the solar system. Dawn is approaching dwarf planet Ceres in the main asteroid belt with arrival expected in March 2015. Previously, Dawn orbited Vesta, the second-largest body in the asteroid belt. Learn how ion propulsion works and why it's the reason Dawn will be the first spacecraft ever to orbit two solar system bodies beyond Earth. More about Dawn at: http://dawn.jpl.nasa.gov/
Top 16 Tourist Attractions in Pasadena - Travel California: Norton Simon Museum, The Gamble House, Old Pasadena, City of Pasadena City Hall, Rose Bowl Stadium, Colorado Boulevard, California Institute of Technology, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Eaton Canyon, Arlington Garden, Pasadena Convention Center, Pasadena Playhouse, Pacific Asia Museum, Pasadena Museum of California Art, Wrigley Gardens, Pasadena Museum of History
SpaceX and NASA to work together on 2018 and future Mars missions. If you liked my video perhaps you might like my channel too, I create videos about Science & Technology, Space, Astronomy, Gameplay, Military technology and Environmental Architecture, Green and Eco news including latest on the photovoltaic, wind, solar and other renewable sources of energy such as Fusion Power. Please Subscribe if you like my videos, or press like. Please comment and if you have any question please ask, if I know the answer I'll try to Answer. You can also follow me on other sites. Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/mic_of_orion?... you can help me with a monthly donations here. Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76... Twitter: https://twitter.com/mic_orion Google+: https://plus.google.com/b...
News package about NASA's Jet Propulsion Lab. Produced by Sheila Dee at Los Angeles City College in the CinemaTV Department.
What if outer space tourism were possible? The travel posters might look something like these. For its Visions of the Future project, NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) commissioned artists to design a series of travel posters that depict an exotic locale in our solar system — from Venus and Mars to Ceres, the recently photographed dwarf planet — illustrated in a vintage style that evokes classic travel posters. Fourteen posters, including three new ones from artists Don and Ryan Clark, are available for free download and printing. “The posters are the brainchild of The Studio at JPL, a design and strategy team that works with JPL scientists and engineers to visualize and depict complex science and technology topics,” JPL writes. “Their work is used in designing space missions and in s...
INFO: Juno is a NASA space probe orbiting the planet Jupiter. It was built by Lockheed Martin and is operated by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory. The spacecraft was launched from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station on August 5, 2011 (UTC), as part of the New Frontiers program, and entered a polar orbit of Jupiter on July 5, 2016 (UTC), to begin a 20 month scientific investigation of the planet. After completing its mission, Juno will be intentionally deorbited into Jupiter's atmosphere. CREDIT: NASA: http://www.nasa.gov/ LINKS: VISIT OUR WEBSITE: http://deepspacetv.tumblr.com/ FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/DeepSpaceTvOfficial/ FOLLOW US ON TWITTER: https://twitter.com/Deep_spaceTV MORE DOCUMENTARYS: https://www.youtube.com/c/lunardocumentaries
I feel like somebody's
Taking my heart
Stop throwing it away
I don't want it anymore
I don't wanna feel like this no more
[Verse 1:]
I'm like a bird with no wings to fly
Can't go no where
No matter how I try
Like a pair of eyes
With no tears to cry
Feels like I'm barely alive
I just wanna rip my heart
Out of my chest
I'm fed up
And put it in a box away
Tie it to a rock
And throw it over the edge
And let it sink to the bottom
Of the Atlantic
Like the Titanic
That was lost at sea
Let it sink to the bottom
Of the Atlantic
I wanna lock it up
And throw away the key
Let it sink to the bottom
Of the Atlantic
Let it sink to the bottom
To the bottom
Let it fall to the bottom
To the bottom
Of the Atlantic
[Verse 2:]
It's like I'm bleeding internally
And I can feel sharp pains in my chest
It's like the doctor
Ran out of my medicine
And I can feel in through my flesh
I just wanna rip my heart
Out of my chest
I'm fed up
And put it in a box away
Tie it to a rock
And throw it over the edge
And let it sink to the bottom
Of the Atlantic
Like the Titanic
That was lost at sea
Let it sink to the bottom
Of the Atlantic
I wanna lock it up
And throw away the key
Let it sink to the bottom
Of the Atlantic
Let it sink to the bottom
To the bottom
Let it fall to the bottom
To the bottom
Of the Atlantic
Like woo
I'm sinking at the bottom
And it's going down because of you
Gotta let it go
Just didn't know what else I can do
Cross the seven seas
But still I'm lost and so confused
Cause I just can't take it
No need to fake it because it's true
I'm sinking at the bottom
And it's going down because of you
Gotta let it go
Just didn't know what else I can do
I just wanna rip my heart out of my chest
Throw it away
Like the Titanic
That was lost at sea
Let it sink to the bottom
Of the Atlantic
I wanna lock it up
And throw away the key
Let it sink to the bottom
Of the Atlantic
Let it sink to the bottom
To the bottom
Let it fall to the bottom
To the bottom
Of the Atlantic
Like woo
I'm sinking at the bottom
And it's going down because of you
Gotta let it go
Just didn't know what else I can do
Cross the seven seas
But still I'm lost and so confused
Cause I just can't take it
No need to fake it because it's true
I'm sinking at the bottom