
Bourke St - after the carnage, how two witnesses are managing the guilt

After an event such as Bourke St, shockwaves ripple out from the epicentre of carnage like a malicious pebble tossed into a tranquil pool.

One of the many souls caught up in the wash was my sister-in-law, Azam Biegler, who works as an IT consultant in the city and was at the corner of Queen and Bourke streets when she saw a maroon car driving at speed along the footpath.

"My first thought was 'why the hell is this guy driving on the footpath.' Another thing that surprised me was that he wasn't beeping. That's when I knew he was trying to kill people," she said.

"I saw one person flying through the air, like in the movies. I found myself screaming and wanting to go towards him but my friend stopped me."

She was able to get away and board a Swanston Street tram back to work.

"When the news came out three people had died I was at my desk trying to type and my hands were shaking and I had pain in my chest and tummy. It really started affecting me when I realised people had died," she said.


Five days after the event one emotion leaves a heavy residue.

"The key feeling for me is guilt. I could have done something about it. I just froze, I just couldn't do anything. I was shocked and confused. I was so frozen that I couldn't surf my phone to see what had happened," she said.

As a brother-in-law and a former emergency physician I feel a strong protective urge.

Professor David Forbes, Director of Melbourne University's Phoenix Australia Centre for Posttraumatic Mental Health, cautioned last week that one in five witnesses risk ongoing mental health issues including anxiety, depression and post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

So what predicts the risk and what can be done about it?

Mark Creamer, Professorial Fellow in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Melbourne, describes three categories.

"Firstly, serious trauma in the past and prior mental health problems are risk factors. Second is the level of exposure to threat and to the death and suffering of others during the event," he said.

"Third is what happens afterwards. Social supports are a major [helpful] factor, but people with major stressors in their lives like health or finances have more difficulty recovering."

Justin Kenardy, a professor in the School of Psychology at the University of Queensland, stresses that both the nature of the event and how the individual appraises it are important.

"Certain types of trauma, such as violent assaults and rape tend to be associated with higher rates of PTSD," said Kenardy.

"But it is not just about the event itself but also about the person's perception or experience of it. If the person feels they really were at great risk of dying or personal harm then they may be more at risk of developing PTSD," he said.

One of the difficulties is that key symptoms of a stress disorder – recurrent memories or dreams of the event, flashbacks in which the events are relived, feeling down, irritable, hypervigilant and having difficulty sleeping – can be part of a normal human response to threat.

"What is underlying PTSD is kind of a program to escape danger. At one level it's got quite a strong evolutionary advantage because you are constantly hyped up, constantly ready to fight or flee," said Creamer.

"But reactions that are helpful while under threat cease to be helpful when they interfere with relationships and dramatically reduce quality of life," he said.

A critical concept here is fear conditioning.

After an incident such as Bourke Street, features of the event including the model or distinctive colour of the car, a certain stretch of pavement, or even the appearance of the driver can be linked to fear such that when each is encountered later, in life or in memories, anxiety can resurface.

"Now when I see cars I'm more mindful. I'm not scared but I'm really aware of cars. Who's going to stop a person running me over?" Azam said.

Central to damping the fear response is to re-experience feared objects in a controlled way, a process called "exposure" that, with repetition, can help a person associate those things with safety rather than dread.

The process is helped by frequent reminders that, for example, most drivers are not homicidal maniacs.

"People are never going to forget these experiences. It is not about ablating these memories or altering the fact of what happened but about altering their interpretation, the physiological and emotional responses to them," said Creamer.

Exposure is a core psychological treatment for stress disorders but people caught up in Bourke Street will experience it automatically as they revisit the city and return to work and life.

So how should they approach it?

"Go back to where it happened at a rate you can manage because confronting this is very useful. Take your time. It is not helpful to rush through and avert your eyes and think of something else. Expect you will feel distressed and anxious but that will settle," said Creamer.

A vexed question is whether to talk about the event.

"For most people the opportunity to talk about what happened is a good thing, a healthy thing. But we need to be careful not to fall into the trap of saying everyone must talk about it. Different people are ready at different times, and if it is particularly distressing to talk about it people shouldn't feel they have to," said Creamer.

According to Creamer there are two reasons talking can help.

The first is that it can facilitate fear extinction. Voluntarily talking about the event in a supportive environment, with family or friends, can be a way of learning to associate it with less distressing emotions.

But the second reason is that it can address the confusion people feel about what happened.

Paul Howell, a designer for a management and technology company, was walking up William St towards Bourke St as things unfolded.

"I could see part of a pram mangled next to a traffic light, then looking across I could see three bodies were down. Closest to me a guy in a blue shirt was bleeding profusely from the head. There was a pool of blood and he was just starting to struggle to get up," said Howell.

"I started to move towards him and at that moment police moved in between him and me saying 'Get back'. Then I heard what sounded like a gun shot," he said.

"You're suddenly confronted with a vision of things you are not used to seeing. The pram will always be etched in my mind. Why has the pram been abandoned? Where is the mother? Where is the baby? All these thoughts are rushing through your head at the same moment."

Creamer explains that the sheer incomprehensibility can impact on our well-being.

"Making sense of the experience, putting the jigsaw together and making it a coherent story, often means it is easier to file it away as a memory rather than have it intrude on our consciousness all the time," Creamer said.

"When new things happen they usually get incorporated into our model of how the world works without any conflict. But this is completely different to anything we would expect to happen on a nice sunny afternoon in the city and is very difficult to fit with our understanding of the way the world works," he said.

"The danger is we can chuck out that pre-existing model that the world is safe and replace it with a threat-oriented schema that 'if I can get run over in Bourke Street then I'm not safe anywhere.' "

A talking process that reinforces the idea that "most of the time the world is safe but bad things do happen," can restore some order to a person's fractured new sense of the world.

But the evidence is strong that our recent practice of almost obligatory de-briefing for trauma victims is unhelpful and possibly harmful.

Australian Guidelines for the Treatment of Acute Stress Disorder and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder say debriefing should not be offered routinely.

According to the US National Centre for PTSD de-briefing may cause harm by reigniting distress in an environment, such as a group setting, where there is limited opportunity to relearn the event as non-threatening.

Like my sister-in-law Paul Howell also expresses worry that he could have done more, despite being instructed by police to stay back.

"Was that the right thing to do? Did that cause a delay in getting help? Could I have contributed more?" said Howell.

But Creamer stresses such feelings are normal.

"They are part of the natural process of trying to come to terms with what happened. In fact we did some research that showed people who reported feelings of guilt in the first couple of months actually did better in the long run," he said.

Creamer speculates feelings of guilt might indicate the event is being worked through and memories accessed in ways that can lead to fear extinction.

By contrast blocking out all thoughts of the event is counterproductive.

Kenardy explains that the impact of acute trauma can lead to a phenomenon called "dissociation".

"You feel as though you are outside your body or that you're watching the world as if it was a movie. You feel as though you're detached from yourself," said Kenardy.

"Dissociation may be a way that the person is able to manage or 'dose' the level of distress they are experiencing. But ultimately dissociation, if it becomes entrenched, may not be an adaptive phenomenon. In those cases the person isn't processing the events of the trauma in a way that would lead them to naturally recover," he said.

The strong message is that people should get professional help if distressing thoughts and feelings are prolonged, severe, and affect work or relationships.

"Looking after yourself, a healthy diet, aerobic exercise and getting plenty of rest play a big part in psychological recovery," said Creamer.

Also important is getting back to the rhythm of normal life.

"When we have been through something that has shattered our lives a routine and structure is a good thing. Related to that is getting back into enjoyable activities. Some people either don't feel like it or think it is inappropriate to be having fun. But it is part of reclaiming our lives," said Creamer.

"The vast majority of people exposed to this event will recover without developing long term health problems and they will recover using their existing strategies with the help of family members and friends. Human beings are tough. They're resilient."