Last updated December 4, 2015.

Google Code-In is a program to get 13-17 year old students involved in open source. We need lots of mentoring help, so please read on to find out how to get involved!

There are many ways to get involved. Here are a few:

Proposing tasks

We need people to think up tasks for GCI. Good tasks should take students about 2 hours to complete, and should not require any previous Drupal knowledge or experience. GCI is not only about code! Tasks can be about other things, such as outreach, marketing, translation, research, documentation, usability, etc. Also, please try to avoid wildcard tasks (like "choose a bug and fix it"). Tasks can be for Drupal core or for any contributed module or theme, or for the Drupal community as a whole.

You can look at the list of our existing tasks @ for reference. To add new tasks or mentor existing tasks, you need to register on the Google Code-In portal. In order to do so, please contact Slurpee, preferably via his contact page on

When you add a new task, leave it in the unpublished state. Once it has been reviewed by one of the admins, it will be published. If you face any issues, feel free to drop by our IRC channel #drupal-google and we'll try to help you out.

Reviewing and revising tasks

Once you're registered on the Code-In site, you can find the list of all tasks by clicking on the Tasks tab. If you notice a task that currently does not have a mentor and you feel you can mentor the task, feel free to add your name in the mentor column.


We need people to mentor tasks! Basically, just make yourself available, through IRC, IM, Email, or other means, to a student for help. Join Google Code-In group for further updates.

To mentor a task, one needs to be signed up on the contest site. Once you are signed up, you can add the task and assign yourself as a mentor.

Reviewing tasks

While reviewing submissions of students for a task, ensure that the solution meets community standards (like the coding standard for code etc) and it meets the task deliverables. If the task passes, close that task. If not, leave it open.

To get involved, feel free to just pick up any of these tasks -- we'd love your help. You can also stop by in #drupal-google, which is our IRC channel for GCI.