Upside Down World is a news and analysis outlet covering social movements and politics in Latin America.

Since 2003, we have provided coverage that addresses the imbalance of political and economic power in our hemisphere, highlights voices and victories from social movements, traces the impact of Washington’s imperialism, and takes a critical and investigative look at the region’s political landscape.

We live in and report on an upside down world, where the poor and oppressed majority of society suffer as political and financial power is concentrated in the hands of a few. Our media organization’s name is based on the work of the late Uruguayan author Eduardo Galeano, who wrote, “If the world is upside down the way it is now, wouldn’t we have to turn it over to get it to stand up straight?”

With a view, as the Zapatistas say, “from below and to the left,” we are a community of writers, activists, and editors who, through empowering and educational reporting, aim to flip the world upside down… or right side up.

Our work is read by thousands of people around the world each week, has been translated widely, used in countless classrooms and activist circles, and often breaks stories long before they appear in major news outlets. For over a decade, UDW has been one of the leading outlets in English covering the rise and challenges of Latin America’s new left, the victories and defeats of the region’s vibrant social movements, and the webs of imperialism and power shaping hemispheric relations.

We are organized collectively and operate on a shoestring budget based entirely on small donations from individual readers. UDW receives no funding or support from any government, corporation, or major foundation; our reporting is therefore free of state or corporate influence, allowing us to share views and follow stories without constraint. We are a truly independent media outlet. If you would like to support UDW’s work, please consider making a donation.

UDW encourages anyone to contribute articles, pitches, translations, interviews, or book reviews. We regularly publish material from first time authors and seasoned journalists alike. Contact us at

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