• Jessoca. Aleisha, Hannah, Danella, Sharna and Kiara Rule at their family home in Perth. (AP)
We already know in the Rule family there's one mother, nine daughters and we also know that craziness rules in their house, but what don't we know? Here are some cool and quirky facts about our new favourite real life TV stars.
Laura Morelli

23 Dec 2016 - 3:57 PM  UPDATED 23 Dec 2016 - 5:28 PM

So you've seen the first episode of Family Rules On Demand and you think you know the Rule family?

Aleisha may like to 'borrow' her sisters belongings and Shenika may be the fashionista - but how well do you really know ‘Family Rules’?

We’ve culled together some pretty cool facts about all 10 women so you can get to know them a bit better.

HANNAH - 'The Baby'

"In my spare time I like to make my own music video clips, hopefully one day I can use them for something big!"

Meet 'The Baby'
It doesn't matter how old you are, the last born will always be the baby of the family. For the Rules, that's Hannah. The 12-year-old is the cheeky youngest sister who gets away with a lot. Despite starting high school, she's still a kid at heart. She loves playing the Nintendo Wii and spending time on Snapchat much to the dismay of her mother and older sisters.

JESS - 'The Helper'

"I taught myself how to do a backwards-bend - the one where you're standing straight, flip over on your back and kick your legs over to be back standing - I was so proud because this is something none of my sisters know how to do!"

Meet 'The Helper'
Jessica is the good girl who always helps her mother but the 15-year-old is ready for a little more freedom and fun with her friends. Jessica dreams of becoming a model like her older sister, Shenika. Her bubbly personality and sweet nature shines through in every situation.

ALEISHA - 'The Rebel' 

"Noone knows this, but when I was little, my father gave nick-named me Lee-Lee Bubba-Jane. Lee-Lee being the 'Lei' in my first name, Bubba because I was a baby and Jane which is my middle name."

Meet 'The Rebel'
Like most other 18-year-old's Aleisha is cheeky-mouthed and has a lot of attitude. Aleisha can usually be found applying make-up, which almost always belongs to one of her other sisters. She's in her final year of school and completing a work placement at the WA Football Commission. Beneath her sassy attitude is a sensitive young woman still trying to understand the priorities in her life.

SHARNA - 'The Sensitive One'

"When I was little I didn’t want a Barbie Doll, instead I wanted a toy monkey so my father bought me one that can clip onto you - I wouldn’t go anywhere without it."

Meet 'The Sensitive One'
Sharna's sassy, sentimental and a bit of an extrovert. The 20-year-old works hard for her money and likes to treat her family. Living at home with her younger sisters has its challenges, especially when they ‘borrow’ her clothes and makeup. Sharna is desperate for her own space and wants to move out of home but she learns that when you have sisters, you have to share.

KIARA - 'The Thinker'

"I was the first Indigenous head-girl at my primary school in Western Australia."

Meet 'The Thinker’
Kiara is cool, calm and collected and sister number five, putting her smack bang in the middle of her siblings. The 22-year-old Rule sister lives in Melbourne and is in her second year of a double degree in Anthropology and Business. Kiara's used to being called the ‘golden child’ by some of her sisters...

KELLY - 'The Fun One'

"I work on a drilling rig that's 240kms out of Broome which is 2 hours 15 minutes on a helicopter. It's the longest flight to a rig in the southern hemisphere."

Meet 'The Fun One'
Kelly works on an oilrig in the middle of the ocean for 28 days at a time before returning to Perth to let down her hair. The 23-year-old loves a night out with her sisters and can’t help but spoil her nieces and nephews. Gregarious and feisty, Kelly is life of the party.

HELEN - 'The Quiet One'

"I can't leave the house without my nails done – my go-to colour at the moment is light pink."

Meet 'The Quiet One'
Helen is 26-years-old and is currently planning her wedding. The mother of two is always preoccupied, be it with managing her children or her siblings. Amongst chaos, Helen is calm, quiet, contemplative and sentimental. She hangs out with her older sisters and is always around for advice and love when the younger ones need her.

SHENIKA - 'The Enforcer'

"I have to always wash my feet before I get into bed, I wouldn't even dream of getting into clean sheets without doing it! When I can’t be bothered having a shower, I just run a bath and wash them there. I do it every night without fail."

Meet 'The Enforcer'
Shenika is not only a mother of two, but a successful model. The 28-year-old came 10th in ‘The Face’ with judge, Naomi Campbell. Hard-working and little tolerance for laziness or bad behaviour are her top traits, much to the dismay of her younger siblings. Effortlessly stylish Shenika has been dubbed as the fashionista of the Rule family.

ANGELA - 'The Second Mum'

"I can whistle whilst smiling - I think that's pretty cool."

Meet 'The Second Mum'
Like most older siblings, Angela has been labelled as the 'second mother' by her younger sisters because she is the calm voice of reason in this noisy family. The 29-year-old mother is an accomplished singer/songwriter. In fact she even helped write the catchy music sting for the Family Rules titles sequence.

DANIELLA - 'The Matriarch'

"I was pregnant for 81 months of my life, which is basically 7 years of my life - and every child was a natural birth."

Meet 'The Matriarch'
Daniella is the matriarch of the Rule family, she's the glue that keeps it together and despite being big-hearted, no-one rules over Mamma Rule. At the age of 17 her and her husband had their first daughter but in 2004 he died from a coward punch and left his wife and nine girls behind. As a single mum, she completed her studies while undertaking a new degree and encourages all her children to further their education.

Family Rules airs on Monday 9 January, 7.30pm on NITV Ch.34, you can catch a sneak peak of Episode 1 On Demand 

GALLERY: Behind the scenes of NITV's new real life series
As Daniella, matriarch of the Rule family, and her nine daughters face a world full of teenage angst and peer pressure, all whilst trying to find their own identities, the Indigenous family will invoke tears, laughter, sadness and heartfelt moments - some of which we've clicked on camera.