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Follow me on Twitter at @MattBors and pick up an Illustrated Calendar of Obscure Holidays for 2017.

Follow Jen on Twitter at @JenSorensen

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I hope no one tuned in and gives this inauguration the worst TV ratings in history. It would devastate the fragile new President’s delicate ego.

If you haven’t picked up your free inauguration tickets yet, there’s still time! To get you in the mood, this cartoon is a little preview of what we can expect. How many times will Donald Trump say “great” and “incredible” in his speech? (Use caution if you plan on playing an inauguration speech drinking game.)

Oddly enough, it’s beginning to seem like the inauguration may be an attempt to distract from the truly horrific cabinet picks the new president (ulp) has made. From grizzly bears justifying guns in schools to Egyptian grain elevators to an unsuspecting energy secretary, this is going from bad to worse.

There is much more than just silliness and stupidity in store for us, people are trying to make cruel and dangerous policies that will impact our nation and the world for years (generations?) to come. I can’t believe we’re here, let’s hope we never get used to this. Enjoy the cartoon, and be sure to visit me on Patreon, too!


This Friday we will witness the peaceful transfer of power. Here’s a preview. Good luck to us all.

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AND FOR NO PARTICULAR REASON, GET Ruben Bolling’s new hit book series for kids, The EMU Club Adventures. (”A book for the curious and adventurous!” -Cory Doctorow)  Book One here.  Book Two here.


The PEEOTUS Donald Trump who loses his shit from the simplest provocation went after civil rights icon Congressman John Lewis  for daring to suggest that he was not a legitimate President. He tweeted that Lewis was “all talk.” Here I reimagine what he would say about Martin Luther King Jr., a man whose actual “talk” changed history. 

Follow me on Twitter at @MattBors and pick up an Illustrated Calendar of Obscure Holidays for 2017.

Follow Jen on Twitter at @JenSorensen