
English bubble physicist Helen Czerski says Donald Trump is a 'magic pill'

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"Trump is just a magic pill," said Helen Czerski, English physicist, BBC science television presenter and, most recently, successful author.

As descriptions of the new US President go, it's pretty mild, but it serves Czerski's point. Life – stuff like climate change and pandemics and antibiotic resistance – is complicated, and even the most agile science communicators can't make it simple.

And this explains the rise of populist demagogues. Scientists, burdened by actual evidence, equivocate and talk in probabilities. Trump and his appointees, dismissing evidence, talk in certainties, however wrong. Like magic pills, they promise to make the hurt go away.

Czerski – who when not on the telly spends her time teaching at University College London and researching in exotic bits of the world's oceans – is quick to defend the absence of easy solutions.

"Not knowing the answer doesn't mean we know nothing," she said.

This point will likely be made evident in March when Czerski, solar physicist Professor Lucie Green, stand-up comedian Matt Parker and Robin Ince – Brian Cox's co-host on the cult radio show, The Infinite Monkey Cage – arrive in Australia to stage a science-themed variety show called Cosmic Shambles.


It will all be a lot of nerdy fun, no doubt, but whether having to do shows in Melbourne, Sydney and Perth represents a break or a burden for Czerski is something of a moot point.

As well as fulfilling teaching duties, research obligations and television commitments, her workload over the past several months has also included extensive publicity to promote her new book, a hefty but chatty pop-science tome called Storm in a Teacup: the physics of everyday life.

All up, it's a prodigious exercise in schedule-juggling, but, for the record, she has no plans to abandon proper research in favour of the less stressful – and perhaps better paid – life of a documentary presenter.

"I probably work too hard," she said. "But there's a thing about science in general, which is that you can never do enough. You never finish a scientific project. So you sort of get used to living in a world where things are progressing but never finished, because that's how science is.

"As [UK comedian] Dara O Briain once said, if scientists knew everything, they would stop."

There is certainly still much to learn in her own specialist field. It is an area of research that, she happily admits, has so few people working in it that keeping up to date with all the new discoveries is a doddle.

Helen Czerski is a bubble physicist.

"It's a real job," she giggled. "I did my PhD in something else – explosives, actually – but what interested me was the idea of small things happening very fast, right in front of your nose, that were too small and too fast to see."

Ditching things that went bang for things that go pop, therefore, she taught herself the art of high-speed photography and the basics of oceanography. Quite soon after that she found herself spending time on research ships, riding the waves on the high seas, looking at bubbles forming and dissolving just a metre below the surface.

Now, a proselytiser of the magic pill solution to the world's problems might, at this point, be tempted to dismiss the study of bubbles as manifestly pointless and pointy-headed. They would be wrong.

"Bubbles are the unsung heroes of the physical world," she said. "The interesting thing about bubbles is that they look pretty, but they turn water into something else, something that can do things that water on its own or air on its own couldn't do.

"That's why they're interesting. They are fleeting, but that just makes them even more fun to study. They are just below the surface and the job they are doing is hugely important. They are helping the ocean breathe, changing the ocean's acoustics, and things like that. It's so close, but also so inaccessible – and that's the bit that interests me."

Czerski can riff on the idea of a bubble with more passion and charm than anyone else in the world.

It's a talent she also brings to her writing. Her book uses the familiar and the banal – the sloshing of a coffee cup, the stubborn resistance of tomato sauce – as springboards for exploring the great themes of science. It's a strategy that implicitly rejects the magic pill approach to describing the world, instead offering the promise that even the most complex of matters can be grasped, at least broadly, through the act of narrowing focus.

In a sense, the book represents the intersection of Czerski the presenter and Czerski the serious physicist.

"Both sides of my life involve a lot of time spent alone, thinking deeply and rigorously about things, but they manifest in different ways," she said.

"In science, you dig and dig and dig and dig until you're absolutely sure you've done the best possible job. You spend a very long time thinking about very tiny details.

"With the communications side, the rigour comes somewhere else. It comes in understanding, seeing the big picture, and picking out the one thing that will be of interest to someone who hasn't ever thought about it before.

"They are different things that I get from the two halves of my life, and I like both. All of us are more than one person, basically, all bundled up."

Luckily, all the people bundled up inside Helen Czerski share a single trait, essential for all her work: a bubbly personality. (Sorry.)

Helen Czerski is in Sydney on March 28, Melbourne on April 1, and Perth on April 13. Tickets: