Daily Life

The importance of being idle

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Being able to sit around and do absolutely sweet FA (and it is mighty sweet) is one of my greatest talents. I do not feel even a remote twinge of guilt when I throw myself on the couch to indulge in back-to-back episodes of Law & Order in whatever iteration I can find. I can happily waste hours tootling around social media while the pinging on my computer tells me that work emails are piling up in my inbox (well, work and spam). 

Being able to waste time has always been my gift. As a child I was constantly admonished for being lazy and my school reports were monotonously repetitive: "Jane could do better if she tried." I never tried. I was a daydreamer, a bookworm and a lolly-gagger. If I could skim over the surface of a task and get away with it, I did. I still do. I have perfected the ability to put absolutely no more work into anything than is necessary. I work hard, when I must, but fast. If I must put effort in, then I like to get it over with. 

This infuriates some people. There are many who feel that nothing worthwhile can be achieved without agonising over it. I disagree. The agonising is a terrible waste of energy, much better to put that energy to use actually doing the task than worrying over whether the result is "good enough".

Unless we have inherited a fortune, we all have to do an awful lot just to stay afloat. We must work to pay the bills. We must maintain ourselves, our families and our households. Those tasks in themselves fill most of the hours in a day, so when we do get a chance to kick back and do nothing, what a sin it is to mar those luxurious moments with feelings of guilt and unease.

Despite what our leaders love to tell us (and what a neurotic bunch of try-hards most of them have turned out to be), we were not put on this earth to be "productive". Indeed, given the state of the planet, we may well be in danger of "producing" ourselves to oblivion. After all, we have already "produced" lots of other species to extinction. Perhaps  this should give us pause? Of course, the one thing the earnest and driven never do is pause.

At least when I waste time I am not doing anybody any harm. In fact, I have noticed that those of us who can be happily idle are much less likely than the more earnest to sit in judgment of others. Now this may partly be because we simply can't be arsed, but I think it is also because we are less judgmental of ourselves. Somehow, probably due to equally slack parents (laziness may well be hereditary), we did not get the memo about hard work being the price we pay for being alive.


In our current purse-lipped, blame oriented, self-righteous world, it is even considered a moral virtue to work out for hours each day to whittle one's body into an acceptable shape. Why is this a virtue? What good does it do anyone, except to feed the exerciser's own vanity? All the health authorities agree that moderate exercise (half an hour's brisk walk daily) has the greatest beneficial effect on our health. Frankly, to do more is just annoying.

I am starting to believe that if more of us slowed down, skived off and took the easy road, the world would be a much better place. It would certainly be more relaxed and less judgmental. Forget international education comparisons, just imagine if every school kid worked 30 per cent less hard?

The same kids would still come top, they'd probably learn much more about the really important school lessons (like how to get along with others), and they'd have more time to play and have fun. Teachers would be happier, too, because they'd be less exhausted and might actually have the time and head space to enjoy being in the classroom. Results might even improve!

So, next time you find yourself on holiday, please put a little effort into doing absolutely nothing. And if you must call it fishing (doing absolutely nothing while dangling a line in water) or sunbathing (doing absolutely nothing while "getting a tan") to justify your appalling slackness, go right ahead. It takes practice to be perfectly idle.