Mums are embracing Uber as a career option

Mum's taxi is now earning her money
Mum's taxi is now earning her money Photo: Sam Edwards

Claire Ashman, mum to eight, always planned to return to work when her children were all in school. However, what she didn't imagine herself doing was becoming an Uber driver.

"I already had a car, was new to Brisbane and thought it would be a great way to earn extra money, get to know my new city better and meet new people," she says.

That was two years ago, and Ashman now drives three times a week.

"I'm a girl who likes to keep busy, so I generally drive Thursday, Friday and Saturday mornings, from 4pm to midnight," she says.  

"I usually get back to back rides, and I try to get in the maximum amount in the shortest possible time."

With her husband at home holding the fort while she works, Ashman says that she earns good money, particularly as she drives during the busy times.

She also says that the job fits in with her lifestyle because it's so flexible, and allows her to do all her mum duties in the day.

"I can literally put my app on at any time, anywhere I may be," she says.

"And my car has a double purpose, for both family and work, so it's a 2 for 1 deal! "

So would she recommend it to other mums as a career option?

"I would definitely recommend Uber driving to other mums," she says.

"Every female Uber driver I've met loves the flexible hours because it easily fits in around the kids and other projects that they have on the go."

Karen Steele is another mother who's turned to Uber as a career option.  

Raising four children as a single mum, she started working for them in March this year, but wishes that she'd started even sooner.

"It would have been a perfect flexible option when the children were even younger and particularly because I was single parenting," she says.

"Not working has never been an option for me, but being able to return to a flexible work schedule and income source would have helped immensely and wouldn't have compromised the care of my children," she adds.

Steele usually drives between 20 - 25 hours a week, and says that she definitely earns enough to justify doing it.  

However, if she wants to generate more money, she just puts in more hours.

"For me Uber driving is a fabulous lifestyle job, coupled with my role as a celebrant, and I love the flexibility and variety," she says.  

"I decide how long I'll work and when, and if I'm on a roll with ride after ride, then I just continue."

Much like Ashman, Steele recommends Uber driving to other Mums, advocating it as a good way to earn extra money and have the flexibility of working during and around school hours.

"With Uber having your own business is made so simple," she says.  

"There's no sales or marketing required, no behind the scenes stress that often comes with other work situations, and no generating invoices or having to deal with money."

Mike Abbot is the general manager of operations at Uber Australia & New Zealand. 

He says that in an era where the cost of living is rising, ridesharing gives mums an opportunity to provide for themselves and their family, all with the flexibility to work when, where and how they want.

"For many mums, driving on Uber isn't even a part-time job," he says.

"It's just driving an hour or two a day, here or there, to support their family and help pay the bills."

Abbot says that mums who are considering becoming an Uber driver partner can visit the Start Driving With Uber page for more details, with key criteria below:

All drivers must be at least 21 years of age and are required to undergo rigorous criminal background and driver history checks provided by the Australian Federal Police and relevant state transport departments.

All vehicles must be nine years or newer, in good condition with four doors. Additionally, before a vehicle is allowed on the platform it must be inspected by an accredited third-party vehicle inspector, and then at least once a year thereafter.

All drivers must have a minimum of compulsory third party injury insurance.