Political Prisoner Birthday Poster For February

prisoner bday poster

From the Prison Books Collective:

Hello Friends and Comrades,

  1. Here is the political prisoner birthday poster for February.(11″x17″ PDF, 7.2MB) Also available in color here (11″x17″ PDF, 2.6MB), and as a shareable PNG file here (imgur link). Print it out and plaster your community, both in commemoration of these freedom fighters and to advertise locally for a political prisoner letter writing night. Get together with some friends in your town to send birthday cards to these fighters in our struggle. It’s an easy way to help remind them that they aren’t forgotten. If you make one, remember—don’t use anything like white-out, stickers, tape or glitter on it. We also recommend that you put a return name and address and their name and prisoner number on the card, lest the authorities “lose” the envelope and forget where it is going. If you would like to add a birthday or sign up for our poster mailing list (not a listserv, one email per month), or if you would like to contribute in another way to increasing the profile of US political prisoners, email us at ppbirthday@riseup.net.
  2. A special thank you to the designers of this month’s poster. Designers are constantly bombarded with requests to work their trade for free, for publicity, or for a cause, and every month the PPBD Posters project relies on their generosity of time, skill and devotion to the cause of prison abolition. Cheers to Estraven for putting this month’s rad poster together.
  3. Do you need help advertising for your local Political Prisoner Letter Writing Night? Are you interested in distributing physical copies of the poster? Write to us and let’s find a way to get physical copies of our poster to you: ppbirthday@riseup.net
  4. After 35 years, Oscar Lopez Rivera has been released from prison. His community, friends, and family are rejoicing, and we rejoice with them.
  5. Chelsea Manning has also had her sentence commuted, and we are absolutely delighted to remove her from our list of people to support, as she will be amongst us and not behind bars on May 17th of this year.
  6. This presidency promises to be a wild ride, with utter tragedy and beautiful resistance occurring on a daily basis. All of this is happening so quickly there is hardly time to catch our breaths. There are at least 250 comrades facing felony charges (some of whom you can support here), and more to come as the bootheel of the state attempts to smash out our growing movement against it. Be careful out there, comrades. Take care of each other so that you can be dangerous together.
  7. Be sure to check out the latest Political Prisoner/Prisoner Of War every-other week update (PDF) by the NYC-Anarchist Black Cross. There are lots of important updates on many political prisoners. This one includes updates on Mutulu Shakur, Mumia Abu-Jamal, Leonard Peltier, and more.

Remember: They are in there for us, we are out here for them!

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Materials Against Borders

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