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Everything Donald Trump Did in His First Week as President

It’s been a dizzying week—but it’s crucial to keep an eye on what’s really happening. 

George Zornick and Zoë Carpenter


Trump’s Crony Cabinet May Look Strong, but They Are Scared

From climate justice to the Fight for $15, movements had CEOs on the ropes—and we can still beat them.

Naomi Klein

Want to Know How Trump’s Policies Will Actually Impact Undocumented Immigrants? Read This.

How Trump will target immigrants, and how all of our communities can fight back.

Michelle Chen
Immigration Policy

How to Fight Trump’s Racist Immigration Policies

Contact your representatives, get involved locally, and learn about what’s at stake.

Ariana Rosas
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From the Magazine

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Nobody Wanted to Take Us In: The Story of Jared Kushner’s Family, and Mine

As Trump prepares to ban refugees, it’s worth remembering the Jews who were shut out from our country the last time we closed our borders—like Jared Kushners grandmother.
Lizzy Ratner

In my aunt’s house, in the bedroom where 
I’ve often slept, there’s a framed photo of a ship’s manifest that I love to stare at. The ship was the RMS Aquitania, a Cunard ocean liner with an inky-black hull that was famous for its four smokestacks; its picture hangs in… Continue Reading >


Donald Trump Intentionally Lies to Us

He has no mandate. That fact has so unhinged Trump that he is shaming himself and his office by promulgating obvious lies.

John Nichols

Trump’s Crony Cabinet May Look Strong, but They Are Scared

From climate justice to the Fight for $15, movements had CEOs on the ropes—and we can still beat them.

Naomi Klein

Trump Did Not Fulfill His Day-One Promise to Drain the Swamp

The president has signed a lot of executive orders—but not this one.

David Dayen
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Resisting Trump

The Women’s March Succeeded Because It Spoke to Women’s Outrage

The success of the marches should put the critique of “identity politics” as divisive dead end to rest, once and for all.

Katha Pollitt

In the Age of Donald Trump, the Resistance Will Be Localized

How cities can counter the power of President Trump.

Benjamin Barber

Throw Sand in the Gears of Everything

When it comes to stopping Trump, petitions aren’t going to do it.

Frances Fox Piven


A Victory Lap for Run the Jewels

With the Trump presidency on the horizon, Killer Mike and El-P do what’s become customary for them: They urge us to get up and fight.

Marcus J. Moore

Plenty’s Discontent

The lost sense of hope and idealism in David Hare’s England.

Alisa Solomon

Kerry James Marshall’s Enigmatic Authority

It seems a mistake to call him a realist in any but the loosest sense.

Barry Schwabsky
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Watch and Listen

View: Photos of Resistance: Inside the DC Women’s March

Over 500,000 people flooded the streets of the nation’s capital to protest everything President Trump stands for.

January 22, 2017

Watch: Homeless in the Shadow of Santa Barbara’s Mansions

For hundreds of families, home is a car in a quiet parking lot.

December 20, 2016

View: These Photos Show the People Who Turn a Cotton Plant Into Your Jeans

Following the path of cotton from Burkina Faso to Bangladesh to your local mall.

December 12, 2016


Take Action

How to Fight Trump’s Racist Immigration Policies

Contact your representatives, get involved locally, and learn about what’s at stake.

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