
Archives: October 2008

The Iraq War Bluff Revisited

Thanks to Mark Ganzer for digging back out a long post of mine from summer of 2002 about the Iraq War, then looming, and its likely consequences: Reprint edition from July 31,…

McCain Racism, Hypocrisy on Khalidi Issue

The increasingly sleazy John McCain, who once promised to run a clean campaign, has now attacked my friend Rashid Khalidi and attempted to use him against Barack Obama. Khalidi is an American…

Contacts begin with Taliban DPs Suffer in Camps

AFP reports: "Pakistani and Afghan officials and tribal leaders agreed Tuesday to make contact with Taliban militants in an attempt to end the raging insurgent violence along their porous border. The declaration…

Two Daring Attacks on US Troops in Afghanistan

In Baghlan in northern Afghanistan, a suicide bomber killed two US troops while meeting at a local police station. Baghlan, a center of sugar beet production, is largely Tajik (Sunni Persian-speakers) but…

More on Syria Raid

More on the US raid on a house in Syria: The LAT wonders if the attack will derail US-Syrian steps toward rapprochement.Syrian officials are complaining that the raid, which left 8 Syrians…

US Raid inside Syria Kills 8

US troops made a raid inside Syrian territory near Iraq, according to Syrian media, which left 8 persons (the Syrians say civilians) dead. What is odd is that the Bush administration did…

Obama and McCain on Iraq

Although the US public trusts Sen. Barack Obama to handle the economy far more than it does Sen. John McCain, the two are viewed as equally able with regard to handling Iraq…

Sunni Party Cuts off US in Iraq;

The Iraqi Islamic Party, led by Iraqi Vice President Tariq al-Hashimi, said it was suspending further high-level contact with the United States on Saturday. The Sunni fundamentalist group is angry about a…

Al-Maliki Will Not Sign Security Agreement

McClatchy reports that Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki has reneged on the security agreement that his office negotiated with the Bush administration, and now says he will not sign it and will not…

Powell’s Finest Moment

What is remarkable to me about Colin Powell's endorsement of Barack Obama on Meet the Press was its sincerity and the form of its reasoning. He addressed issues, not personalities. He engaged…

Muqtada Calls on Parliamentarians: ‘Just say ‘No’

Muqtada al-Sadr called Saturday for Iraqi parliamentarians to reject the draft security agreement proposed by the Bush administration and PM Nuri al-Maliki. Tens of thousands of Iraqis rallied against the agreement.Reuters reports…

Losing Afghanistan after Winning It

Nir Rosen reports on 'How we lost the War We Won' in Afghanistan:' Until recently, Ghazni, like much of central Afghanistan, was considered reasonably safe. But now the province, located 100 miles…

Game Over: A Good Neighbor in the Gulf?

The third and final debate again went to Obama in the instant polls done by organizations such as CNN. Independents told CNN they generally thought Obama won. CNN's real-time tracking of opinion…

NIE: Pakistan on Brink

The new National Intelligence Estimate on Pakistan will apparently depict that country as 'on the edge,' with 'no money, no energy, no government.' The fear is expressed that an unstable Pakistan will…

Guantanamo Counsel Resigns in Disgust

Lt. Col. Darrel J. Vandeveld resigned from the military commissions tribunals at Guantanamo convinced that the system denies defense attorneys exculpatory evidence that the government knows about, which might prove the innocence…

Zogby: I am an Arab and a Decent Man

James Zogby: :John McCain: I Am an Arab and a Decent Man":' We are disturbed by the degree to which 'Arab' has become the metaphorical mud to sling against your opponent. This…

100 Killed in Afghanistan; Security Deteriorating

Anand Gopal at on 'Who rules Afghanistan'? NATO is planning a crackdown on narcotics traffickers in Afghanistan. Pushtun guerrillas in Helmand Province attacked police positions near the capital, Lashkargah, provoking a…

McCain: Obama Decent, no Arab

John McCain quickly shed his last vestiges of decency when he allowed his campaign to try to smear Barack Obama for having been in the same room with Bill Ayers, who had…

GI Killed; Sadrist Politician Assassinated

A US GI was killed on Tuesday in Mosul while answering a distress callAssailants killed Sadrist parliamentarian Salih al-`Ukayli with a roadside bomb near Sadr City in East Baghdad. Al-`Ukayli has been…

Unreal Debate

In the real world of political ads, McCain and his surrogates are shouting ugly insults at Barack Obama. He is accused of saying that US airstrikes have killed innocents. This is true…

Factcheck: McCain on Taliban

Fact checking the debate:'MCCAIN: Now, let me just go back with you very briefly. We drove the Russians out with -- the Afghan freedom fighters drove the Russians out of Afghanistan, and…

McCain 1991: Unwise for US to Invade Iraq

On CNN's Larry King Live, April 23, 1991, Sen. John McCain opposed invading Iraq to overthrow Saddam Hussein on the grounds that 1) we'd turn Saddam Hussein into a hero; 2) we…

McCain Funded Righwing Contra Death Squads

Many of the "contras" or members of right wing guerrilla groups fighting the Sandinista government in the 1980s were drug smugglers and terrorists. High government officials of the Reagan and Bush, Sr.…

Is Karzai’s Brother a Drug Lord?

Afghanistan President Hamid Karzai's brother may be involved in the drug trade.Actually, a majority of Afghans are involved in raising poppies or making and exporting heroin. A good third of the country's…

Tuvalu Threatened by Rising Sea Water

As global warming melts land ice and causes ocean levels to rise, islands like Tuvalu are in danger of being inundated. The 10,000 people in the island nation are pleading with Australia…

You Betcha, Get out Those Snorkels, *Wink*

The bad news is that 250 million years ago, global warming almost killed the planet. 'Through the darkest days, the planet was a barren wasteland. Ocean circulation, so vital to our modern…

The Non-Debate

It was not a debate. Just as television in prime time has been largely emptied of drama and innovative comedy, with a few exceptions, in favor of empty-headed "reality shows," so the…

Palin: Raped Women must bear Child

Palin explains that she thinks women raped, even by their fathers, should be "encouraged" to bear the child.Although Palin says she doesn't want to send anyone to jail for having an abortion,…

Palin on Hamas; Sort of

The Young Turks ask if Palin's answer on democracy in the Middle East suggests that she supports Hamas:Asked by Couric about what to do when democratic elections result in the coming to…

Cole in Sarasota for Veterans & FCAN

Just to let my Floridian fans know that I'm speaking in Sarasota, Florida, on Saturday evening, Oct. 4, for Florida Veterans for Common Sense and Florida Consumer Action Network.Tickets: Minimum suggested donation…

Rice and Torture

Rice led Bush administration discussions of torture techniques, according to documents secured and released by Sen. Carl Levin as part of a congressional inquiry.I can't tell from this article how complicit Rice…