Comments for Informed Comment Thoughts on the Middle East, History and Religion Sun, 29 Jan 2017 02:06:14 +0000 hourly 1 Comment on Trump Visa Denials target same countries Bush vowed to Overthrow by Peter Bechtold Sun, 29 Jan 2017 02:06:14 +0000 NO ! There was a document on USG stationery which Gen. Wesley Clark saw; it was the policy of the group headed by the then Dep. SecDEf Paul Wolfowitz. No personal surmise and not fuzzy at all. We who were there still have nightmares.

Comment on Trump Visa Denials target same countries Bush vowed to Overthrow by Nicholas Wibberley Sun, 29 Jan 2017 01:03:05 +0000 What is in the process of being eroded is the self assumed right/duty of the US to intervene unilaterally in such events. Had they wished to they could have pushed the issue in the Security Council but they didn’t wish to, as anon writes, and that is precisely where the problem lies. A peacekeeper who selectively turns a blind eye abdicates all authority and is left with only force

Comment on Iraqi Leaders Denounce Trump over Oil, Jerusalem; US Troops in Political Crossfire by super390 Sun, 29 Jan 2017 01:01:21 +0000 ISIS appears to be far too useful an enemy for all governments to be worth destroying. Everyone sends forces there to bomb ISIS, and they instead bomb someone else’s proxies. And imagine how valuable ISIS is in the long-lasting Israeli effort to prove to the world that Moslems and Arabs are inherently animals and that the Palestinians thus can be deprived of the right to exist. Sure, America is the only country where this propaganda campaign worked, but it’s the only country where it needed to work. ISIS can be molded into the final justification for the cleansing of the Occupied Territories and the official elimination of Arab citizenship in Israel proper.

If ISIS finally falls to the Kurds and Shia actually living there who understand how awful it is, the Saudis will bankroll a replacement and this all starts over again.

Comment on Trump Is Carpet-Bombing . . . U.S. Foreign Policy by super390 Sun, 29 Jan 2017 00:53:24 +0000 If that’s all he does, he really does have the mind of a hillbilly. There are much bigger scams that could be run through a fully corporatized White House. Corporations in every country could simply form joint ventures with entities whose ownerships worm their complex ways to The Trump Organization. This in turn opens up Enron-level stock scams, the dilution of value through forming joint ventures being an Enron favorite. A hotel might generate tens of millions a year in revenue. Joint ventures in energy or privatization of state goods get you to billions. Favors in the privatization of Social Security, Medicare and public schools get you to the level that I like to call “Pentagon money”.

Comment on New report reveals top Israeli official living in illegal colonial settlement by Mark Koroi Sat, 28 Jan 2017 23:43:02 +0000 A European Union report leaked recently blamed the Israeli government for the unrest in Jerusalem and cited the 211,000 Jewish settlers that have relocated to Jerusalem since 1967 and the 3% per annum growth of their number:

link to

Comment on Trump Visa Denials target same countries Bush vowed to Overthrow by Dieter Heymann Sat, 28 Jan 2017 23:20:42 +0000 Not one of these persons was an enemy soldier or a so-called “enemy combatant”. Not one of these persons has entered US territory illegally. Not one of these persons was suspected of having committed or was planning to commit a crime on US soil. Hence the Trump administration must in every individual case demonstrate a legal cause why it restricted the freedom of movement of these persons. I hold that every one of these cases was a false arrest. The moment they are in US custody they are protected by our constitution.

Comment on Trump Visa Denials target same countries Bush vowed to Overthrow by Dieter Heymann Sat, 28 Jan 2017 23:06:50 +0000 Thanks.
Furthermore many Trump voters wanted a bull-president. They got one for all of us. In a China shop.

Comment on Trump Visa Denials target same countries Bush vowed to Overthrow by Gary Page Sat, 28 Jan 2017 22:43:45 +0000 According to articles in the Huffington Post, this ban even applies to people who hold dual citizenship and American green cards. Not being an attorney, but having a wife who was an immigrant, I don’t see how this is legal. And yet it is happening. One wonders how many times he will break the law with impunity before Congress reacts. I think that if anything, Trump is worse than many of us had feared before the election.
