Our resource centre provides introductory information about the situation of Roma in Europe, an overview of the international structures and instruments relevant to the Roma rights movement as well as links to organisations which are working on Romani issues and Romani media.

Please send suggestions for new content in this section to: dzavit.berisha@errc.org

Swastikas and Fascist Graffiti Scrawled on School in Bitola, Macedonia

25 January 2017

Budapest, Bitola, 25 January 2017: The European Roma Rights Centre together with representatives of the Roma community from Bitola, inhabitants of the Romani settlement Bair, and our local partners:

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Call for Grant Proposals: Community Legal Work Projects

20 January 2017

The ERRC’s legal work – which the organisation describes as “strategic litigation” – has been called “elite” or “elitist”. Budapest-best legal staff members work with us, Roma, as well as with local lawyers and NGOs, to design cases to have a big impact at national or European levels, and ultimately to ensure greater respect for our rights. But is this really working for us? Are we yet convinced – as the ERRC is – that court cases, and relying on legal rights more generally, are going to make our situation any better?

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Call for Proposals: Website Design and Hosting

18 January 2017

The European Roma Rights Centre (“the ERRC”) needs a clear, bold website to get strong messages across to the allies and foes of Roma rights: We are equal. The rights violations we suffer are real and unacceptable. We are taking our cases to court and winning. And the ERRC’s activist lawyers, advocates, researchers, human rights monitors, and entire team are making it possible.

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