
Nika Knight, staff writer
A sign reading "Health Is A Right" held up at the Women's March in Los Angeles on January 21, 2017.
The world has responded with fear and outrage to many of President Donald Trump's repressive actions since taking office, and the Dutch government immediately announced plans to counter one: the reinstatement of the "global gag rule" which cuts off U.S. funding to any NGO around the world that mentions abortions. Minister for Foreign Trade and...
Lauren McCauley, staff writer
Borrowing many of U.S. President Donald Trump's favorite phrases as well as his speaking style, the clip begins with the declaration that it "is going to be a great video." (Screenshot via Zondag met Lubach)
Dutch news satire show Zondag met Lubach is endeavoring to win the approval of...
Nika Knight, staff writer
Settlements under construction in the West Bank.
Emboldened by the new right-wing Trump administration, Israel Prime Minister...


The marches - the million-plus peaceably, ardently packed into D.C., all the others coming together in hope and righteous rage from Fairbanks (minus 16 degrees) to Budapest to Iraq - were extraordinary. The signs - Resistance Is Fertile! - were brilliant. And the actions will continue: On the bridge between El Paso and Juárez, women from both sides braided their hair together in a tender, potent show of solidarity. Their message: "No act is stronger than coming together.”