
Wednesday, January 25, 2017
Jake Johnson
Dance on the Grave of the TPP
The Trans-Pacific Partnership was effectively dead before Donald Trump's inauguration but, somehow, it always seemed poised to emerge from the grave and walk among the living once more. But now it...
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Marjorie Cohn
The Injustices of Manning’s Ordeal
After overseeing the aggressive prosecution and near-seven-year incarceration of Army whistleblower Chelsea Manning, President Obama – in one of his last acts in office – commuted all but four months...
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Chuck Collins
Most Trump Voters Didn't Vote to Make Richest Richer, But GOP Congress Is About To
Donald Trump’s voters have high hopes that he’ll boost the economy and protect jobs for those who’ve been left behind after three decades of flat or shrinking paychecks. They didn’t vote to make the...
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Les Leopold
If Progressives Want to Defeat Trump, They Must Win Back Workers
During the Sanders campaign I heard a high level official give a powerful speech blasting the Trans-Pacific Partnership Act (TPP) for the harm it would bring to workers, environmentalists and to all...
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Dave Johnson
Trump Declares TPP Still Dead. So Now What?
President Trump formally withdrew the US from the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). Though TPP was killed by a long progressive fight that resulted in it not having the votes to pass Congress, of...
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Peter Dreier, Donald Cohen
Turning the March Into a Movement
Saturday’s day of protest—against Donald Trump and for women’s equality—was successful in two significant ways. First, it was the largest one-day protest in American history. Based on news reports...
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Andrew Cohen
Okay. Let's Have That Investigation into "Voter Fraud"
The scary part of the still-developing "voter fraud" story isn't that President Donald Trump evidently buys into a conspiracy theory that supports both his worldview and his ego. The scary part is...
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Bill McKibben
From Faith to Action: Fossil Fuel Divestment More Vital Than Ever
In a world where too many institutions now worship power and wealth, the Church remains a citadel of the word, a place where ideas matter. And words have rarely been used with more power than by Pope...
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Dean Baker
It’s Austerity, Not Globalization, That Pulls European Workers to the Right
Both the Washington Post ( 1/22/17 ) and New York Times ( 1/22/17 ) had pieces about declining support for the left in France and the rise of a nationalist right in both Italy and France. Both pieces...
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David Macaray
The Existential Threat of Trump's Genius
When people blur the relationship between facts and reality—when they jettison what has long been accepted as the basis of “verifiable evidence”—they put themselves in the awkward position of...
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Nick Dearden
The Death of the Toxic Trade Deal TPP Was Long Overdue - But Don’t Praise Trump for It
It’s good news that the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) is dead. In fact, the toxic deal – a pacific version of US-EU deal TTIP – was already dead before Trump took office. Popular pressure from...
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Jim Lobe
Who Will Rule Trump Foreign Policy?
The most frightening commentary I’ve read in the run-up to the inauguration—and there have been many—appeared in a column identifying the four people whose foreign policy ideas were likely to be most...
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Naomi Klein
Get Ready for the First Shocks of Trump’s Disaster Capitalism
We already know that the Trump administration plans to deregulate markets, wage all-out war on “radical Islamic terrorism,” trash climate science and unleash a fossil-fuel frenzy. It’s a vision that...
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Tuesday, January 24, 2017
Stephanie Woodard
The Never-Ending Indian Wars
The following is part of a YES! Magazine special report: The Spirit of Standing Rock on the Move. The world has been shocked by North Dakota’s violent reaction to the anti-oil pipeline resistance at...
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Rachel Cleetus
Gutting the EPA Hurts Real People
News reports indicate that the Trump administration has big plans underway to undermine the work of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the lead agency working to protect our health and the...
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Katrina vanden Heuvel
Why Trump’s Con Can’t Last Forever
From the start of his short, truculent and unabashedly populist inaugural address, President Trump called out the Washington establishment: “For too long, a small group in our nation’s capital has...
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Robert Reich
Trump's Infrastructure Scam
Our country is in dire need of massive investments in infrastructure, but what Donald Trump is proposing is nothing more than a huge tax giveaway for the rich. 1. It’s a giant public subsidy to...
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Laurie Garrett
Gag Me: Trump's Anti-Abortion Executive Order
Here we go again. The bad old days of United States foreign assistance are coming back, now that President Donald Trump signed an executive order reinstating the global gag rule on overseas...
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John Feffer
A Globalism of the 1%: Donald Trump Against the World
Donald Trump is a worldly fellow. He travels the globe on his private jet. He’s married to a Slovene and divorced from a Czech. He doesn’t speak any other languages, but hey, he’s an American, so...
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Libero Della Piana
Tuesday Senate Protests Mark The Next Step In The Resistance
The massive Women’s March in Washington last Saturday started off with a bang the resistance to the incoming administration of Donald Trump and his policies. The breadth and scale of the myriad...
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Mark T. Harris
Dawn of the Resistance
As someone once said, a lie can travel halfway around the world before the truth puts its boots on. In the 2016 presidential election, right-wing billionaire Donald Trump’s lies may have carried him...
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Christopher Brauchli
Trumpeting Scorn: The Darkest Political Speech in US History
“O! what a deal of scorn looks beautiful In the contempt and anger of his lip.” — Shakespeare, Twelfth Night It was described as a dark speech. It could have been described as a speech filled with...
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Monday, January 23, 2017
Jeremy Malcolm
Does Trump's Withdrawal From TPP Signal a New Approach to Trade Agreements?
Today, President Trump signed an executive order fulfilling his campaign promise to withdraw the signature of the United States from the Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement (TPP). Although EFF was a...
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Chris Hedges
Revolt Is the Only Barrier to a Fascist America
This is a transcript of a talk Chris Hedges gave at the Inaugurate the Resistance rally in Washington, D.C., on Saturday. The ruling elites, terrified by the mobilization of the left in the 1960s, or...
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Ben Lilliston
Tillerson’s Damaging Record of Extraction and Opposing Climate Action
Rural communities in the U.S. and around the world are vulnerable to industries, often with headquarters elsewhere, who view local natural resources simply as an asset to be extracted. No global...
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Yanis Varoufakis
We Need an Alternative to Trump's Nationalism. It Isn't the Status Quo
A clash of two insurgencies is now shaping the west. Progressives on both sides of the Atlantic are on the sidelines, unable to comprehend what they are observing. Donald Trump’s inauguration marks...
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Ciara Torres-Spelliscy
Watch Out For the Swamp Monster
As I write this, President Trump is starting his first full week in the White House. So I do not yet know – does anyone? – how he will change the way the federal government works. But I hope his...
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Miles Mogulescu
From March To Movement
The Women’s March (or should I say Marches) were among the most inspiring events of my lifetime. As a middle aged man who has been marching for social and economic justice since I was very young, I...
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Bill McKibben
With the Rise of Trump, Is It Game Over for the Climate Fight?
One possibility is, we’ve lost. It’s a real possibility, and we should consider it carefully instead of ignoring it because it’s emotionally unpalatable. I think the argument would go like this: The...
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Tom Engelhardt
How Not To Predict the Future
They call themselves the U.S. “ Intelligence Community ,” or the IC. If you include the office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), which in 2005 began as a crew of 12 people , including...
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David Uberti
Don’t Let Trump Get Away with ‘Alternative Facts’
Call them what you will—whoppers, untruths, lies—but casual falsehoods have been the hallmark of President Donald Trump’s young political career. The latest example came on Saturday, when White House...
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Paul Buchheit
Facts That Our War-Happy Leaders Would Like To Keep Hushed Up
Donald Trump said, "I’m going to make our military so big, so powerful, so strong, that nobody — absolutely nobody — is gonna mess with us." Simple-minded but deadly thinking at the top derives from...
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Sunday, January 22, 2017
The Serbian resistance movement Otpor! successfully overthrew the nationalist dictator Slobodan Milosevic. Sarah Freeman-Woolpert
The History of Anti-Authoritarian Struggle is a History Worth Repeating
Throughout his campaign, critics have drawn comparisons between Donald Trump and authoritarian leaders from the past. From his proposed plans to create a Muslim registry, to threats against...
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White House press secretary Sean Spicer Robert Reich
Trump’s Two-Step Strategy To Take Over the Truth
Donald Trump is such a consummate liar that in coming days and years our democracy will depend more than ever on the independent press – finding the truth, reporting it, and holding Trump accountable...
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Rocky Mountains Rhea Suh
Standing Up for Our Values in the Age of Trump
Donald Trump opened his presidency Friday with actions directly at odds with American values, job creation, and prosperity—actions at odds even with his own inaugural address . As he vowed to hold...
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In the New York Times‘ view, a politician whose nominees have a net worth of $14 billion has been “shun[ning the] establishment.” Jim Naureckas
Hey, NYT–the ‘Relentless Populist’ Relented Long Ago
In the New York Times ‘ lead news analysis after Donald Trump’s inauguration ( 1/20/17 ), White House correspondent Mark Landler wrote of Trump, “It remains an open question whether he will continue...
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Marchers in Washington, D.C., on Saturday. Photo by Lori Panico. Hannah Norman
Solidarity—Plus 10 Other Reasons Women Showed Up to March
An ocean of hand crafted signs and pink knitted hats flooded the capital a day after Donald Trump took office. Officials estimated over 500,000 marchers in Washington, D.C. Thousands of others took...
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A FOIA request Brett Max Kaufman
In First of Many, ACLU FOIA Request Seeks Information About the New President’s Conflicts of Interests
During the Trump administration, our country faces an unprecedented constellation of threats to the regular oversight processes that keep the powers that be in check. Faced with attacks on...
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Adrienne Alvord
A Climate Action Roadmap: California Steps Up in Uncertain Times
The New Year ushers in a new U.S. presidential administration and a lot of uncertainty and angst for people who care about taking decisive action on climate change ( polls indicate that’s most of us...
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President Donald Trump gestures after delivering his inaugural address on the West Front of the US Capitol on Jan. 20, 2017 in Washington, DC. Michael Winship, Bill Moyers
At Trump Inauguration, His Hollow Rhetoric Collides with Reality
Throughout the campaign and the transition period leading up to the Inauguration, whenever Donald Trump was caught lying or tweeting something outrageous we were told by his acolytes that we should...
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The Women's March on the National Mall in Washington, D.C., on Saturday. Bob Fitrakis, Harvey Wasserman
We Are Mourning…But We Are Marching And Organizing for Democracy and the Earth
In the midst of a terrible national illness, we organize and march for the known and solid cures. For democracy and our natural planet. We have clear direction on both issues. This weekend's massive...
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Saturday, January 21, 2017
A sign held up at the protest of Trump supporters' "DeploraBall" gala on January 19 in Washington, D.C. Juan Cole
Translating Trump’s Inaugural Speech From the Original German
Donald Trump’s inaugural speech , like the candidate himself, was a chain of falsehoods, saber-rattling and scary Neofascist uber-nationalism. But it could be difficult to follow because so much of...
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"Two thousand sixteen, it will be recalled, was an exciting year in Alabama politics." Christopher Brauchli
Alabama—Past and Present
All over Alabama the lights are out. — James Agee, Let Us Now Praise Famous Men With all the excitement about events in Washington this week, it’s easy to overlook exciting events in Alabama. Among...
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Mushrooms grow on the wall of a school in Detroit, Michigan. Steven Singer
Trump Says Our Schools Are “Flush with Cash!?” They’re Falling Apart!
Donald Trump lies. If you haven’t learned that yet, America, you’ve got four more cringe-inducing years to do so. Even in his inaugural address , he couldn’t help but let loose a whooper about US...
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Michelle and Barack Obama pose for photos with Melania and Donald Trump before the inauguration. Bill Moyers
Lest We Forget
In this web exclusive, Bill Moyers and four historians dissect the big lie Trump rode to power: the Birther lie. Nell Painter , historian and Edwards Professor of American History, Emerita, at...
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Demonstrators gather at the Utah State Capitol building to protest the election of Donald Trump as president of the United States in Salt Lake City, November 12, 2016. John Nichols
Donald Trump Has No Mandate—Sad!
Donald Trump is assuming the presidency without a mandate from the people—and this fact drives him crazy. For the tens of millions of Americans preparing to oppose his administration and its...
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Resistance in action: Demonstrators protest outside the Trump International Hotel during a march in downtown Washington this week. (Jose Luis Magana / AP) Sonali Kolhatkar
Greater Expectations: Anti-Trump Forces Should Aspire to Much More
In response to the collective feelings of dread at the dawn of Donald Trump’s presidency, a new and determined mass movement seems to have formed. The most tangible expression of that movement is the...
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President Donald Trump at the Inauguration. (Screen shot from White House live stream) Kevin Gosztola
Trump's Inaugural Address: A Call for Holy War
President Donald Trump used his inaugural address to call for the “civilized world” to unite “against radical Islamic terrorism, which we will eradicate completely from the face of the Earth.” It...
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Friday, January 20, 2017
Rebecca Solnit
We Could’ve Avoided President Donald Trump. Now, We Must Learn the Lessons
The road to President Trump was long and bumpy. There were many turns not taken, countless alternative routes that would have spared us this outcome. Instead, we kept going, corruption, infighting...
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Peter Dreier
American Fascist
I have watched, listened to, and read many commentaries on the inaugural address but so far none of the mainstream pundits have used the one word that best identifies Donald Trump: fascist. The...
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Matt Taibbi
Remembering Trump Biographer and Reporter Wayne Barrett
Wayne Barrett, an icon of New York journalism and one of the great muckrakers of our time, died Thursday. W ayne was New York's iconoclast-in-chief for many years, in particular the Eighties and...
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Richard Eskow
Inauguration Day: Letter to a Trump Voter
We don’t know each other. But today, on the occasion of Donald Trump’s inauguration, there were some things I wanted to say to you as one American to another. (I’m willing to listen, too.) Let’s get...
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Bob Burnett
It’s Midnight in America
Thirty-three years ago, Ronald Reagan was elected President in large part because of his TV ad, It's morning in America : "It's morning again in America, and under the leadership of President Reagan...
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Christian Christensen
Until He Shows Respect, We Owe Donald Trump Nothing But Resistance
A Swedish language version of this article ran today in Aftonbladet , a daily newspaper in Sweden. Today, Donald John Trump was officially sworn in as the 45th President of the United States of...
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Richard Heinberg
A Good Day for a Walk in the Woods
Not since the Civil War has an American presidential Inauguration Day been so fraught with fear and dread (on February 23, 1861, Abraham Lincoln traveled to his inauguration under military guard,...
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Yifat Susskind
A Beginning, Not an End: My Open Letter To You on Inauguration Day
Today is the beginning. It may be the start of the Trump Administration, but let it also be the inauguration of something much more powerful: a renewed feminist social justice movement that takes...
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Christopher D. Cook
Trump’s Attack on America
As "President" Trump assumes the Oval Office amid historically rock-bottom public support, the clatter of partisan battling and liberal anger clutters a harsher reality. This moment isn’t about how...
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Thursday, January 19, 2017
Julie Matthaei
The Women’s March on Washington and the Coming of Age of Feminism
For those who believe in equality and solidarity, and face the outrage of the upcoming Trump inauguration, it is heartening to witness the Women’s March on Washington take shape. The March represents...
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Rick Claypool
Corporate Contributors to Trump Inauguration Seek to Curry Favor
Despite the incoming administration of President-Elect Donald Trump’s efforts to keep inauguration donors secret, The New York Times has reported seven of the event’s corporate donors: AT&T, Bank...
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RoseAnn DeMoro
Access to Buying Insurance Is Not Health Coverage
A signature exchange early in the first Senate hearing Wednesday for Rep. Tom Price in his nomination to be the next Health and Human Services Secretary illustrates a lot about our still damaged...
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Jack Serle, Abigail Fielding-Smith
Trump, Obama and the Future of Targeted Killing
Barack Obama’s foreign policy legacy is often discussed in terms of things he didn’t do: intervene in Syria, reset with Russia, get out of Afghanistan. In one area however, Obama developed and...
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Steven Harper
The Trump Resistance Plan: Step One
The king and his worthless adherents are got at their old game of dividing the continent, and there are not wanting among us, printers, who will be busy in spreading specious falsehoods… — Thomas...
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Elizabeth Warren
Trump’s Nominees Putting Us All at Risk by Ignoring Ethics Laws
President-elect Donald Trump is selecting nominees to run his government. It’s no secret that I have deep reservations about the policy views of many of these nominees. I will vote against some of...
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Zephyr Teachout
 Donald Trump Will Violate the Constitution on Day One
T hus far, the debate over Donald Trump’s refusal to sell his assets has focused on whether he might use his position to make himself even wealthier, in ways that most people would regard as corrupt...
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Norman Solomon
Caution: Not All Attacks on Trump Are Created Equal
Thirty-five Democrats in the House have sent a letter to Attorney General Loretta Lynch urging her to appoint an independent Special Counsel because Donald Trump “has repeatedly engaged in actions...
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Jake Johnson
Bernie Sanders Said America Is Not a Compassionate Country. The Numbers Say He's Right.
On Wednesday, Bernie Sanders had his chance to question Tom Price, President-elect Donald Trump's pick to head the Department of Health and Human Services. Asked if he would work to ensure that every...
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Gonzalo Martínez de Vedia, Jeremy Haile
How to Stop Trump: Lessons From the Tea Party
Donald Trump represents a grave threat to liberal democratic values. On Capitol Hill, Republicans are falling in line and some moderate Democrats have signaled a willingness to cut deals. But...
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William deBuys
New From Trump University: Election Rigging 101
Donald Trump was right. The election was rigged. What Trump got wrong (and, boy, does he get things wrong) is that the rigging worked in his favor. The manipulations took three monumental forms:...
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Isaiah Poole
Millions of Reasons – Plus One Big One – To Block Tom Price’s Nomination
A school bus driver living in Slatington, Pa., writes that three years ago she was beginning to feel ill, but thought nothing of it until one morning, while checking the bus before starting her route...
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Sarah van Gelder
Big Trump Protests Are Fine, But Here’s a To-Do List for Lasting Change
As the Trump regime rolls out, the need for building local power becomes startlingly clear. Many will march in the Women’s March on Saturday, and that promises to be an important statement against...
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Robert C. Koehler
Tomorrow Is Today
The icon’s day has come and gone, and — oh, the irony — eight people were fatally shot in Chicago on his weekend. Another eight were shot during a Martin Luther King rally and celebration in Miami...
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Betsy Hartmann
Making Music Out of the Post-Inaugural Blues
It’s a beautiful thing, the refusal of big-name singers like Celine Dion, Elton John, and Garth Brooks to perform at Trump’s inauguration. Their absence has Trump’s spin doctors grasping at straws...
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Wednesday, January 18, 2017
Robert Reich
Four Takeaways from Trump’s Latest Tweet Tantrum
This morning Donald Trump bashed NBC, tweeting: “Totally biased NBCNews went out of its way to say that the big announcement from Ford, G.M., Lockheed & others that jobs are coming back to the U...
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Frances Fox Piven
 Throw Sand in the Gears of Everything
A s many are saying, we woke from a nightmare to find it was our new reality. A gaggle of inflated far-right self-promoters and operatives, big businessmen and their toadies, and homegrown fascists...
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Betsy DeVos Jeremy Scahill
Trump Education Nominee Betsy DeVos Lied to the Senate
There are many reasons Betsy DeVos’s nomination to serve as Donald Trump’s education secretary could be justifiably quashed by the U.S. Senate. Her long public record indicates she is a religious...
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Laura Tanenbaum , Mark Engler
When Women Revolted
Fifty years ago, feminist organizing in the United States entered a vibrant new phase of activity. While pinning down an exact starting date is a controversial endeavor, several major events in the...
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Josh Hoxie
Health Care Repeal Is a Stealth Tax Break for Millionaires
Great magicians are masters of diversion. They attract our attention with one hand while using the other to trick us into thinking a supernatural act is taking place. But even the best street...
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Steven Singer
Ignorance and Arrogance – the Defining Characteristics of the Betsy DeVos Hearing
Betsy DeVos wouldn’t commit to protecting students with special needs. She wouldn’t commit to keeping guns out of school campuses . She wouldn’t commit to holding charter and voucher schools to the...
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Tim Koechlin
Déjà vu All Over Again: The GOP Prepares to Make the Rich Even Richer
As the Republican Congress begins to execute its latest attack on poor and middle class Americans (the repeal of the Affordable Care Act; cuts in education spending, Social Security and Medicare;...
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Ira Chernus
Moving Beyond Resistance
In the very early morning hours of November 9 , when we learned that Donald Trump—however improbably and perhaps illegitimately—would be the next president of the United States, a battle broke out...
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Nisha Swinton
Why Susan Collins (and All Senators) Must Stand Against Pruitt
When it was announced that Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt was Donald Trump’s pick to head the Environmental Protection Agency, Maine's U.S. Sen. Susan Collins reportedly said, “I don’t know...
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Dana Gold
Obama Should Pardon Snowden as Well as Manning
President Obama’s brave and principled decision to commute Chelsea Manning’s remaining 35-year prison sentence highlights the equally strong need to pardon whistleblower Edward Snowden. Offering a...
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Trevor Timm
Chelsea Manning Did the Right Thing. Finally, Barack Obama Has Too
here is no one who has suffered more under the US government’s crackdown on leakers and whistleblowers than Chelsea Manning. But now, after President Obama commuted her unjust 35 year jail sentence...
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Jim Hightower
We Can Beat Back the Reign of Trump
Buckle up, friends. Most Americans are about to be detoured onto a rough and rocky back road called "Trump Way." The autocratic tycoon was unabashed on the campaign trail in promising his victory...
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Bill Moyers, Michael Winship
We Cannot Wait for History to Judge. We Need the Truth About Trump and Russia Now.
Over the holidays, John Farrell, author of an upcoming biography of Richard Nixon, wrote an op-ed piece in The New York Times confirming what many of us have known for nearly 50 years: In the fall of...
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Ralph Nader
Beyond the Spasmodic and Petty: An Open Letter to President-Elect Donald Trump
President-Elect Donald Trump Trump Tower 725 5th Ave New York, NY 10022 Dear President-Elect Trump, You’ve come a long way without my advice, but ascension to the White House invites listening to...
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Tuesday, January 17, 2017
Gretchen Goldman
Can President Trump Uphold Scientific Integrity in Government Decisionmaking? New Report Tells What’s At Stake
Last week, the US Department of Energy released a revised scientific integrity policy in what was likely the last move by the Obama administration to promote scientific integrity in federal decision-...
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Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity
Another Demand for Russian ‘Hacking’ Proof
MEMORANDUM FOR: President Barack Obama FROM: Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS) SUBJECT: A Key Issue That Still Needs to be Resolved As President-elect Donald Trump prepares to take...
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Adam Markham
Nine Questions for Ryan Zinke, Donald Trump’s Pick to Lead the Interior Department
Montana Congressman Ryan Zinke will begin Senate confirmation hearings today for the post of Secretary of Interior in Donald Trump’s cabinet. As Secretary, he would oversee America’s 500 million...
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Richard Eskow
Booker and the Big Pharma Dems Have No Excuse. This Vote Proves It.
It’s devastating, and potentially lethal, when Americans can’t afford life-saving drugs because their elected representatives are in thrall to Big Pharma. It’s disappointing when Democrats offer...
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Joanne Barkan
Milton Friedman, Betsy DeVos, and the Privatization of Public Education
Milton Friedman, patron saint of the free market, died in 2006, but his ideas about public education live on in the thought and deeds of Betsy DeVos, likely the next U.S. Secretary of Education. The...
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Michael T. Klare
Escalation Watch: Four Looming Flashpoints Facing President Trump
Within months of taking office, President Donald Trump is likely to face one or more major international crises, possibly entailing a risk of nuclear escalation. Not since the end of the Cold War has...
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Monday, January 16, 2017
Lee Saunders
Dr. King, Labor Leader
The photograph is iconic. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., only 39 years old but the nation’s most prominent civil rights leader, lay fatally wounded on a motel balcony in Memphis, Tennessee. His...
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Wendi C. Thomas
Let’s Not Forget—Martin Luther King Jr. Was Preaching Economic Justice, Too
“Martin Luther King Jr. Day is not only for celebration and remembrance, education and tribute, but above all a day of service,” wrote King’s widow, Coretta Scott King. In Atlanta, where King...
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DeShawn Taylor
I’m an Abortion Provider in a Red State, and I Expect the Attacks on Reproductive Freedom to Intensify in Trump’s America
If we take President Donald Trump at his word, his administration will try to implement policies that will be a sustained assault on the constitutional rights of all Americans, particularly its most...
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Chris Hedges
Building the Institutions for Revolt
Politics is a game of fear. Those who do not have the ability to make power elites afraid do not succeed. All of the movements that opened up the democratic space in America—the abolitionists, the...
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Elizabeth Warren
The GOP’s Strategy for Obamacare? Repeal and Run.
For eight years, Republicans in Congress have complained about health care in America, heaping most of the blame on President Obama. Meanwhile, they’ve hung out on the sidelines making doomsday...
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Bill Moyers
John Lewis Is a True American Profile in Courage
High from his gilded throne room in midtown Manhattan — like Zeus from Mt. Olympus — Donald Trump has been hurling tweeted spitballs at Rep. John Lewis of Georgia. He’s a man of “ no action ,” typed...
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Robert Reich
Trump’s Plan to Neuter the White House Press Corps, and Neuter Our Democracy
Tyrants don’t allow open questioning, and they hate the free press. They want total control. That’s why, according to three senior officials on the transition team, the incoming Trump administration...
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Duncan Green
8 Men Now Own the Same as the Poorest Half of the World
It’s Davos this week, which means it’s time for Oxfam’s latest global ‘ killer fact ’ on extreme inequality. Since our first calculation in 2014 , these have helped get inequality onto the agenda of...
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