Reproductive Rights

Nika Knight, staff writer
A sign reading "Health Is A Right" held up at the Women's March in Los Angeles on January 21, 2017.
The world has responded with fear and outrage to many of President Donald Trump's repressive actions since taking office, and the Dutch government immediately announced plans to counter one: the reinstatement of the "global gag rule" which cuts off U.S. funding to any NGO around the world that mentions abortions. Minister for Foreign Trade and...
Deirdre Fulton, staff writer
The Trump administration's regressive move to reinstate the so-called Global...
Andrea Germanos, staff writer
"To be clear, this policy is an attack on women's bodily autonomy and freedom,...


Today's SCOTUS ruling against Massachusetts' buffer zones around abortion clinics - issued from within SCOTUS' own legally protected buffer zone - has met with swift outrage from pro-choice forces appalled that the court took seriously the "pro-life" argument their "gentle...sidewalk counselors" merely seek to "engage in personal, caring, consensual conver­sations with women." Under the quickly created Twitter hashtags #NotCounseling and #ClinicEscort, angry pro-choice women told the real story...