
Wednesday, January 25, 2017
Lying Once Again, Trump Declares Torture 'Absolutely' Works
"I want to do everything within the bounds of what you're allowed to do legally. But do I feel it works? Absolutely I feel it works." But it doesn't.
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War on Facts Sparks Momentum for Scientists' March on Washington
The Trump-Pence administration's war on facts may have galvanized the next major demonstration in the nation's capital—the Scientists' March on Washington, which is as yet unscheduled but is garnering significant enthusiasm online. Spurred by the new administration's stance on climate change ,...
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GOP Attack on Women Continues With House Vote to Deny Abortion Coverage
Anti-choice House Republicans on Tuesday voted to further curtail U.S. women's healthcare access, passing a draconian bill that permanently bans the use of federal funds for abortion and prohibits anyone who receives subsidies to buy insurance through the Affordable Care Act (ACA) from purchasing a...
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White House Distances Itself from 'Black Site' Order After Outrage
White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer on Wednesday said he had "no idea" where a controversial executive order that seemed poised to reinstate secret overseas CIA prisons came from, stating that President Donald Trump had not seen it. The draft, titled "Detention and Interrogation of Enemy...
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Opposition Gathers Steam as Trump Readies Conservative Pick for Supreme Court
With Republicans having blocked the nomination of former President Barack Obama's pick for the U.S. Supreme Court, Merrick Garland, President Donald Trump is now ready to offer up his choice for the seat left vacant for nearly a year since the death of conservative Justice Antonin Scalia. Trump...
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The 70-foot, hand-painted banner appeared to hang above the White House for several hours. In Call to Arms, Giant 'Resist' Banner Dropped Above Trump's White House
Greenpeace activists have unfurled a 70-foot, hand-painted banner declaring "RESIST" from atop a 270-foot construction crane facing the White House, demonstrating to President Donald Trump that his anti-environment, anti-women, anti-LGBTQ, and anti-immigrant policies are going to be met with a...
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#Badasslands National Park's Climate Change Tweets Go Viral—and Then Dark
A series of climate change-related tweets from the official Badlands National Park account went viral on Tuesday—the same day the Trump administration continued its war on science by instituting a media blackout at two federal agencies. The postings included factual information such as: "Today, the...
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'Fueled by Hate': Trump Signs Order on Border Wall, Sanctuary Cities
Update: President Donald Trump on Wednesday signed an executive order that directs federal agencies to start building a U.S.-Mexico border wall and institute a crackdown on immigration, in the first of a series of measures expected this week. Trump signed the actions during a visit to the...
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Trump's Voter Fraud Conspiracy Theory Dubbed "Prelude to Massive Suppression"
President Donald Trump's call for a "massive investigation" into widely debunked "voter fraud"—and his vow to "strengthen up voting procedures" depending on what that probe reveals—is merely laying the groundwork for further Republican voter suppression measures, democracy experts are warning ...
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A sign reading "Health Is A Right" held up at the Women's March in Los Angeles on January 21, 2017. The Netherlands to Counter Trump's "Global Gag Rule" With International Abortion Fund
The world has responded with fear and outrage to many of President Donald Trump's repressive actions since taking office, and the Dutch government immediately announced plans to counter one: the reinstatement of the "global gag rule" which cuts off U.S. funding to any NGO around the world that...
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Tuesday, January 24, 2017
Senate Dems Throw Down Gauntlet for Trump and GOP With Plan to Rebuild America
With a $1 trillion infrastructure plan unveiled Tuesday, Senate Democrats and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) are offering President Donald Trump an opportunity to make good on a major campaign promise—without giving away billions to private corporations in the process. The sweeping proposal (pdf),...
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Trump Issues Media Blackout at Multiple Federal Agencies
Though the majority of President Donald Trump's controversial cabinet nominations have not yet been confirmed, his so-called " beachhead " teams have arrived at their respective agencies, carrying out orders that make clear that the " War on Science " has begun. On Tuesday, BuzzFeed broke the news...
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Over 10,000 People Protest Trump's "Swamp Cabinet" at Senate Offices Nationwide
Days into the Trump administration, over 10,000 people showed up at senators' district offices nationwide to demand the U.S. Senate reject President Donald Trump's "Swamp Cabinet of billionaires, racists, and climate-change deniers," as the organizers put it in a statement . "[Trump's] actions out...
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Senators Say Mulvaney Will Break Trump's Promises on Social Security, Medicare
Senate Democrats are calling for President Donald Trump's pick for director of Office of Management and Budget, Rep. Mick Mulvaney (R-S.C.), to be disqualified over his track record of supporting cuts to safety net programs. Mulvaney, appearing Tuesday before the Senate Budget Committee,...
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Dutch Satire Accepts Trump's "America First" Decree, Kindly Requests "Netherlands Be Second"
Dutch news satire show Zondag met Lubach is endeavoring to win the approval of U.S. President Donald Trump, with a spoof video that asks the new president, if the policy is "America First," can we say "The Netherlands Second?" "The whole world was watching for the inauguration of the 45th president...
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Settlements under construction in the West Bank. Emboldened by Trump, Israel Rapidly Expands Illegal Settlements
Emboldened by the new right-wing Trump administration, Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu approved a large settlement expansion—2,500 housing units—in the West Bank on Tuesday. "Once again, the Israeli government has proved that it is more committed to land theft and colonialism than to the...
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Trump's Shadow Cabinet Will Allow His "Tentacles" to Control All Agencies
The Trump administration is giving its top aides a channel from the president's ear to major federal agencies, creating a so-called "shadow cabinet" that will help the White House control policy despite promising to give department secretaries "unusual autonomy," Politico reports . Chosen aides...
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Women Worldwide Are 'First Casualty' of Trump-Pence Administration
The Trump administration's regressive move to reinstate the so-called Global Gag Rule is being met with outrage from women's health advocates around the world, who say the decision is short-sighted, dangerous, and discriminatory. The rule, officially known as the Mexico City Policy, prohibits...
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Tsunami of Outrage, Vows of Resistance Follow Trump's Pipeline Order
President Donald Trump on Tuesday signed executive orders advancing the controversial Keystone XL (KXL) and Dakota Access (DAPL) pipelines, prompting a tsunami of outrage and vows of bold resistance from the Indigenous activists, climate campaigners, and countless others who have fought against...
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Trump's "Disastrous" Regulatory Cuts Imperil Public for Corporate Benefit
Even as he moves to approve risky fossil fuel projects and eliminate healthcare for millions, President Donald Trump told corporate leaders on Monday he could "cut regulations by 75 percent, maybe more"—and he made similar promises to automakers in a meeting Tuesday morning. "We're going to be...
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Trump Didn't Even Have to Ask CDC to Cancel Climate Summit
In another signal of the anti-science chill that has descended upon federal government, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has quietly cancelled a long-planned climate summit in anticipation of its unpopularity within the Donald Trump administration. The February summit—intended...
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Now President, Trump Once Again Lies About Why He Lost Popular Vote
Though he became the 45th President of the United States last Friday, Donald Trump on Monday took the opportunity of his first meeting with congressional leaders to again repeat the lie that he would have won the popular vote (which he lost to rival Hillary Clinton by nearly 3 million people) if it...
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With Help from Dems, Torture Supporter Pompeo Confirmed for CIA Chief
Rep. Mike Pompeo (R-Kan.) has been confirmed as CIA director, after 14 Democrats fell in line with almost all Senate Republicans Monday night. Pompeo, who has hinted that he is open to reauthorizing torture and mass surveillance , will lead the intelligence agency under President Donald Trump. The...
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Kim Jong-un and Donald Trump Echoing North Korea, Trump Declares Inauguration a 'Day of Patriotic Devotion'
President Donald Trump on Monday declared that the day of his inauguration would now be known as a "National Day of Patriotic Devotion," echoing the language of several generations of North Korean leaders. "NOW, THEREFORE, I, DONALD J. TRUMP, President of the United States of America, by virtue of...
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Trump Administration Imposes Freeze On EPA Grants and Contracts
The Trump administration has imposed a freeze on grants and contracts by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, a move that could affect a significant part of the agency’s budget allocations and even threaten to disrupt core operations ranging from toxic cleanups to water quality testing,...
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Monday, January 23, 2017
'Hostile Takeover': Oil & Gas Industry Now In Charge of US Foreign Policy
In a vote strictly along party lines, Republican members of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee voted to confirm former ExxonMobil CEO Rex Tillerson as Secretary of State on Monday. Despite unified opposition from Democrats on the committee and a campaign by climate action and corporate...
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Trump's Press Attacks Decried as "Reminiscent of Authoritarian Government"
Press freedom organization Reporters Without Borders (RSF) on Monday expressed alarm over the Trump administration's lies to and attacks on the media within its first days of existence. To wit: On Saturday—his first full day in office—he "unleash[ed] a remarkably bitter attack on the news media,"...
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Trump's Dirty Climate Plan Out-of-Step as Most Americans Want Renewables
President Donald Trump's so-called "America First Energy Plan" may be dedicated to tapping domestic fossil fuel reserves—like fracked gas, oil, and even coal—but it turns out that the majority of Americans would rather see a move towards renewable sources, such as wind and solar. A Pew Research...
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Trump Resistance Builds With Nationwide 'Stop the #SwampCabinet' Actions
Building on a growing resistance movement , more than 100 actions are planned nationwide for Tuesday to demand U.S. senators vote against President Donald Trump's controversial cabinet picks. #SwampCabinet Tweets The rallies and protests at local offices of Democratic and Republican senators will...
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In Step Towards Privatization, Trump Enacts Federal Hiring Freeze
President Donald Trump's repeated pledge to create more American jobs, it appears, didn't include positions within the federal government. One of the new president's first orders of business on Monday was to sign an executive order establishing a federal hiring freeze, which the American Federation...
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The TPP Is Officially Dead. Thank the People's Movement, Not Trump.
President Donald Trump on Monday signed an executive order withdrawing the United States from the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) , marking a new phase for the broad movement that sought to kill the corporate-friendly trade deal. Progressive groups campaigned hard against the 12-nation trade...
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Reinstating 'Global Gag Rule,' Trump Attacks Women Worldwide
"To be clear, this policy is an attack on women's bodily autonomy and freedom, and we will see an increase in unintended pregnancies and unsafe abortions as a result."
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UK Cover-Up of Trident Missile Failure Continues Amid Demands for Inquiry
A U.S. official confirmed to CNN on Monday that the test of a British nuclear missile, conducted off the coast of Florida last June, ended in failure. The confirmation comes after the British newspaper Sunday Times reported that the British government had covered up the failed launch, briefing...
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Blessing Marriage of Oil and State, Rubio Drops Opposition to Rex Tillerson
Betraying an earlier tough stance, Sen. Marco Rubio announced Monday he would be voting in favor of ExxonMobil CEO Rex Tillerson to be confirmed as secretary of State, all but assuring the controversial climate denier and oil titan will become the top U.S. diplomat under the Trump administration. "...
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'Only the Beginning': Nationwide Campus Walkouts Issue Climate Call to #ResistRejectDenial
To show that President Donald Trump's climate denialism does not have their consent, thousands of students at universities and colleges across the U.S. on Monday are expected to walk out of class to urge their campuses to divest their assets from the fossil fuel industry. #ResistRejectDenial Tweets...
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President Trump Sued Over 'Immediate and Serious' Constitutional Violations
It is his first Monday in office and U.S. President Donald Trump is being sued. A team of prominent constitutional and ethics scholars filed the legal action with the U.S. District Court in the Southern District of New York early Monday, charging the billionaire real estate mogul with violating the...
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Top Trump Aide Indicates Promise to Release Tax Returns Will Be Broken
Belying promises he made on the campaign trail, President Donald Trump will not release his tax returns, according to presidential counselor Kellyanne Conway, who spoke Sunday to ABC 's "This Week." Despite widespread public demands that he do so, Conway said "he's not going to release his tax...
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CIA Pick Mike Pompeo Open to Re-Authorizing Torture
Rep. Mike Pompeo (R-Kan.), the nominee for CIA chief whose confirmation vote is set for Monday, has said he would consider re-authorizing waterboarding and other forms of torture. In a series of written responses (pdf) to questions from the Senate Intelligence Committee, who asked if he would...
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Sunday, January 22, 2017
Trump Advisor Calls Press Secretary's Falsehoods "Alternative Facts"
After President Donald Trump spent his first full day in the White House attacking the press , deploying White House press secretary Sean Spicer to falsely claim the media underreported the size of his inauguration crowds, top Trump advisor Kellyanne Conway doubled-down on those statements on Meet...
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Saturday, January 21, 2017
On First Full Day as President, Trump Attacks the Press
In a foreboding speech at CIA headquarters in Washington, D.C. on Saturday, President Donald Trump attacked press coverage of his inauguration, characterizing reporters as "the most dishonest human beings" and saying that they would "pay." The president wrongly claimed that the crowd had stretched...
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About 500,000 people have descended on the National Mall in Washington, D.C., alone. In Photos: Women's Marches on All Seven Continents Demand 'A Better Future'
The second day of the Trump administration has seen an unprecedented wave of protests swell across the globe, as the Women's March on Washington and its sister marches on all continents—yes, including Antarctica —fight back against the U.S. president's frightening rhetoric . Organizers' informal...
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President Donald Trump signing his first executive order on Friday. Trump Strikes Blow to Obamacare With First Executive Order
President Donald Trump's very first executive order was a move toward fulfilling his campaign promise to gut Obamacare. The executive order, signed hours after Trump's swearing-in on Friday, directed federal agencies to "ease the burden of Obamacare," reported The Hill. The Hill explained that the...
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The Women's March in Rome, Italy. (Photo: CNN/Facebook) Women's March Sets Off in D.C. as 'Sister Marches' Take to Streets Around the World
The Women's March on Washington set off at 10am EST Saturday in Washington, D.C. Responding to the frightening rhetoric of the past election, the marchers are demonstrating a show of solidarity "in numbers too great to ignore," the organizers write, to fight for human rights and inclusive...
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Voting sign With Trump in Office, Feds May Alter Course in Texas Voter ID Case
Hours after President Donald Trump was inaugurated, the Department of Justice filed to postpone a hearing on the Texas Voter ID law. The request was granted. The DOJ had previously argued that the law intentionally discriminated against minority voters, but told the court it needed additional time...
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Friday, January 20, 2017
Michael Moore and Naomi Klein on Resisting Donald Trump as Protests Erupt Ahead of Inauguration
Democracy Now! broadcast our daily show live from WHUT on the campus of the historically black university, Howard University in Washington, D.C., less than four hours before Donald Trump became the nation’s 45th president. Trump lost the popular vote to Hillary Clinton by almost 3 million votes,...
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In First Hour, President Trump Delivers 'Punch in the Gut to Middle Class'
About an hour after President Donald Trump was sworn in on Friday, his administration suspended indefinitely a scheduled cut in mortgage insurance premiums—effectively raising costs for middle-class borrowers by about $500 a year. The drop in rate, which was announced January 9 and supposed to go...
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It's Day One and Trump Is Already in Violation of the Constitution: Watchdog
President Donald Trump is already in violation of the Constitution over a lease on his Washington, D.C. hotel, a government ethics watchdog warned on Friday. The president owns more than three-quarters of the lease on Trump International Hotel, located in the federal Old Post Office building on...
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On Day One, Trump's Scrubs Every Mention of Combating Climate Change
Soon after Donald Trump took his oath as the 45the President of the United States, the new White House web page for his administration went up. Among the key differences from the previous administration's—the lack of any reference to the threat of climate change. While climate change was listed as...
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'The Resistance Starts Now': Harsh Crackdown on Anti-Trump Protesters in DC
This piece may be updated. Riot police arrested and used tear gas and pepper spray against protesters in the streets of Washington, D.C., on Friday, as crowds blockaded inauguration checkpoints and clashed with law enforcement as well as supporters of newly sworn-in President Donald Trump. From...
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'Dark Day': President Donald Trump Delivers Grim Speech as Protests Swell
President Donald J. Trump has taken the oath of office, delivering a blunt speech rife with his signature autocratic declarations, promising to "make America great again" as tense protests swelled around Capitol Hill. "Today's inauguration is an incredibly dark day for our country," Charles...
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A plane flew a protest banner above New York City as Donald Trump was sworn in. Protest in Pictures: Resistance Swells Around the World as Trump Sworn In
On an Inauguration Day that feels dark to many, people around the world are gathering in solidarity and protest to vocally oppose the far-right agenda of the new U.S. president. In the U.K., an advocacy group called Bridges Not Walls organized a series of "banner drops" to vocalize sustained...
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Trump vs. The Planet: Climate in Crosshairs of Executive Pen
Given what is known about his cabinet picks and plans for fossil fuel extraction and executive actions, the former reality TV star who became the 45th President of the United States on Friday appears poised to kick off a " deregulatory agenda " and take actions to fast-track climate catastrophe...
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DeploraBall protest D.C. Protests Against Trump Supporters' "DeploraBall" Met With Tear Gas, Riot Police
Protesters took to the streets of Washington, D.C. on the eve of President-elect Donald Trump's inauguration, chanting "No Trump! No KKK! No fascist USA!" outside of a party for high-rolling Trump supporters dubbed the "DeploraBall." The demonstrations were met with clouds of tear gas and walls of...
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Tens of Thousands of New Yorkers Vow to Build 'Wall Against Hate'
Kicking off a weekend of disruptions and marches protesting the presidential inauguration of Donald Trump, an estimated 25,000 people rallied outside of Trump International Hotel in the president-elect's hometown of Manhattan on Thursday evening to send the message that New Yorkers will not roll...
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President Trump Poised to Implement Extreme Right-Wing Agenda on Day One
Donald Trump's pen is poised to sign several executive actions as soon as Friday afternoon, following his swearing-in as the 45th president of the United States. While it's not clear exactly which executive orders he'll sign on Day One— Reuters reports that his " advisers vetted more than 200...
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Protesters block an entry point before the inauguration of U.S. President-elect Donald Trump in Washington, DC, U.S., January 20, 2017. (Photo: Bryan Woolston/ Reuters) World Erupts in Revulsion as Trump Becomes 45th US President
Follow live coverage of official events—as well as protest and dissent—as Inauguration Day unfolds
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Trump Team Wanted 'Red Square/North Korea-Style' Parade with Tanks and Missiles: Reports
The military itself ultimately denied the request due to Washington, D.C.'s crumbling roads...
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Thursday, January 19, 2017
Sanders Skewers Perry for Whitewashing Climate Crisis
During his confirmation hearing on Thursday, former Texas Governor Rick Perry was able to laugh off having once called for abolishing the Department of Energy, which he is now poised to lead, but Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) refused to let him get away "sounding like a hung over frat boy," as one...
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'Foreclosure King' Mnuchin Put On Defensive at Senate Hearing
At Thursday's hearing before the Senate Finance Committee, U.S. Treasury secretary nominee Steven Mnuchin was forced to defend his offshore holdings and his record at the bank dubbed a "foreclosure machine." Mnuchin faced occasionally tough questioning from Democrats on the Finance Committee,...
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On His Way Out the Door, Obama Bombs Libya One Last Time
U.S. B-2 war planes bombed two camps in Libya overnight that Pentagon officials claim were housing Islamic State (ISIS) militants, concluding President Barack Obama's time as commander in chief with another slew of deaths. More than 80 people were killed at the camps about 25 miles southeast of...
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"Never Seen Anything Like This": Gaping Holes in Trump's Foreign Policy Team
Many aspects of President-elect Donald Trump's transition have been described as disorganized (at best), but his administration's approach to foreign policy appears particularly rudderless, raising concerns among domestic experts and international allies alike. Foreign Policy reported Wednesday:...
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Eerie Echo of Nixon as Trump Camp Declares President 'Has No Conflicts By Law'
Seemingly adhering to the Nixonian adage that "if the president does it, that means it is not illegal," the Trump team continues to stand by the legitimacy of the incoming president keeping his business ties. When asked by MSNBC 's Katy Turr during his first official news conference on Thursday if...
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Shepard Fairey's "Defend Dignity" Women's March Against Trump Turns Into Global Day of Action
The Women's March on Washington on January 21 has gone global, with over 600 "sister marches" planned in 57 countries that same day, as an international display of opposition to the far-right populism embodied by President-elect Donald Trump. A map on the Women's March Global site shows the...
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With Vows of Collective Power, Trump Opponents Plan for 'Day After Friday'
On Thursday, the day before President-elect Donald Trump is sworn in amid global protests and boycotts , his opponents are looking beyond inauguration day actions to create long-term strategies to resist the incoming right-wing agenda. In an op-ed published in the Los Angeles Times , rights...
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Chinese Billionaire Says US Wasted Trillions on Wars and Wall Street
Speaking at the World Economic Forum in Switzerland on Wednesday, Chinese billionaire Jack Ma accused the United States of spending too much money on foreign wars and risky financial speculation and not enough money "on your own people." The founder of the world's largest retailer, Alibaba, was...
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Treasury Nominee Will Have to Answer for 'Grinding Families Into Dirt'
Former Goldman Sachs partner Steven Mnuchin , who President-elect Donald Trump wants to run the U.S. Treasury Department, sits for his confirmation hearing before the Senate Finance Committee on Thursday—one day after Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) accused him of "grinding families into the dirt"...
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On Verge of Trump Era, Republicans Push New Laws to 'Chill Protest' Nationwide
Republican lawmakers around the country are pushing legislation that would criminalize and penalize nonviolent protest, apparently anticipating an upswell of civic engagement during the coming Trump administration. Spencer Woodman reported at The Intercept Thursday on the anti-protest bills...
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'Horrifying' Trump Budget Plan Would Privatize PBS and Destroy National Arts Endowment
President-elect Donald Trump is aiming to slash government spending across the board, with numerous public services in the crosshairs, according to staffers on his transition team who spoke to The Hill on Thursday. The proposals, The Hill 's Alexander Bolton writes, "are dramatic." The departments...
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Wednesday, January 18, 2017
EPA Nominee Pruitt's Hearing Shows Him Poised to Be "Every Polluter's Ally"
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt) and his Democratic colleagues on the Senate Environment and Public Works committee dug into Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) nominee Scott Pruitt on Wednesday, blasting his record of suing the very agency he's been selected to lead, and putting his fossil fuel...
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'Ominous': Trump Hotel in DC Bans Journalists During Inauguration Week
The Trump International Hotel in Washington has banned the press from its premises for inauguration week, Politico reports Wednesday. Politico reporter Daniel Lippman was prevented from entering the property on Wednesday after being stopped and identifying himself as a journalist. Lippman writes...
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Mexican Goldman Environmentalist Prize Winner Killed in Latest Attack on Latin American Activists
A Mexican Indigenous activist who won the Goldman Environmental Prize has been shot dead, the second recipient of the prestigious award to be murdered in less than 12 months. The Guardian reports that Isidro Baldenegro López, a subsistence farmer known for his work to stop illegal logging and...
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2014 Was Hottest Year Ever Recorded. Then It Was 2015. Now It's 2016.
For the third year in a row, the world experienced its warmest year on the books, global scientists have determined. The new assessments come from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) , the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) , and the UK's Met Office , as...
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Trump's Pick for Top Healthcare Post Makes It Clear: Safety Net No Longer Safe
As tens of millions of Americans face losing their health insurance under a Republican-led Congress, President-elect Donald Trump's nominee to head the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Tom Price , refused to clearly tell a Senate committee how critical healthcare safety net...
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The march to Goldman Sachs headquarters on Tuesday 'Government Sachs': Protesters Dressed as Swamp Creatures Launch Sit-In at Goldman HQ
Over 50 people, some dressed as swamp creatures, have launched a days-long sit-in at Goldman Sachs headquarters in New York City to protest President-elect Donald Trump's nomination of former Goldman executives to his cabinet. #GovernmentSachs Tweets "It's about highlighting the lie that was told...
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DAPL Tensions Heat Up as National Guard Deploys 'Observational' Missile Launchers
The National Guard has deployed missile launchers to a "critical" Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) site, while the pipeline's parent company seeks to quash an environmental review of the project—two developments that hint at the possibility of renewed tensions between DAPL's opponents and state...
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That's It. Eight Years Later, Obama White House Admits Gitmo Won't Close
The Obama administration made clear Tuesday that it would not be fulfilling its promise to close the notorious Guantánamo Bay prison . Speaking to reporters, White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest said , "I don't anticipate that we will succeed in that goal of closing the prison, but it's not for...
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Press Corps to President-Elect Trump: Rules Are Ours to Set—Not Yours
As Donald Trump prepares to take office, the U.S. press corps has offered the president-elect—whose relationship with the media is dicey at best—"a backgrounder on what to expect from us over the next four years." The open letter published Tuesday at the Columbia Journalism Review (CJR) reminds...
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Snowden, Ellsberg Issue Heartfelt Support for Almost-Free Chelsea Manning
President Barack Obama's commutation Tuesday of Chelsea Manning 's 35-year prison sentence brought about ecstatic reactions from the whistleblower's supporters, who have waged a campaign for her freedom for years. That includes Daniel Ellsberg , the former military analyst who leaked the Pentagon...
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Betsy DeVos at her confirmation hearing for Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos May Defund Public Ed—But Wants Guns in Schools to Fight Grizzlies
Billionaire heiress and school privatization advocate Betsy DeVos faced withering scrutiny Tuesday at a rushed confirmation hearing for her nomination as secretary of education, often betraying her inexperience with education policy as she dodged Democrats' questions. As she attempted to avoid the...
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Tuesday, January 17, 2017
A rally for Chelsea Manning. Supporters 'Ecstatic' After Obama Commutes Chelsea Manning's Sentence
"Chelsea's release is massive victory for free speech, human rights, and democracy."
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'Actually, There Is Not a Lot of Debate': Sanders Forced to Correct Trump Nominee on Climate Science
'The scientific community is virtually unanimous that climate change is real and causing devastating problems.'
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500+ Groups Urge Senators: 'Use All Your Power' to Block Anti-Environment Pruitt
"Anyone that breathes air and drinks water should be aggressively opposed to this man leading the EPA."
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Civil Rights Advocates Concerned That Betsy DeVos Will Not Stand Up for All Children
The "alarming record" of billionaire heiress Betsy DeVos , President-elect Donald Trump's nominee to lead the Department of Education, has national civil rights groups warning that the ideologically-driven conservative will not be an advocate for all children. DeVos, who appears before the U.S...
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Obama Sends $500 Million to Green Climate Fund, Signaling End to Era
The Obama administration on Tuesday sent another $500 million to the Green Climate Fund, which was established as part of the Paris climate agreement to collect aid from wealthy countries to help frontline nations adapt to the impacts of global warming. The contribution marks one of President...
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Amnesty International earlier this month floated a hot air balloon with whistleblower Edward Snowden's portrait above the Statue of Liberty in New York City. In Obama's Final Days in Office, Rights Advocates Push for Last-Minute Pardons
President Barack Obama has only days remaining in the White House and he must use that time to pardon whistleblowers and political prisoners, argue human rights advocates and prominent journalists, before the far-right administration of president-elect Donald Trump takes charge. Obama has an...
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Anti-Choice Republicans Likely to Ignore Key Reason for Abortion Rate Decline
Improved contraceptive use was a major factor in the just-revealed U.S. abortion rate decline, but Republican attempts to gut critical healthcare programs could reverse those gains, experts warned Tuesday. The Guttmacher Institute, which works to advance reproductive health and rights through...
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Budget Office Report: GOP Healthcare Repeal Would Strip Insurance from 32 Million People
Repealing the Affordable Care Act (ACA) without replacing it could cost 32 million people their health insurance, according to a new estimate from the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) released Tuesday. The CBO estimated that if Congress votes to repeal the ACA—also known as Obamacare—...
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Trump Inauguration as 'Twilight Zone' Television Listing Goes Viral
Offering a glimpse into how the international community perceives the pending inauguration of U.S. President-elect Donald Trump , a Scottish newspaper's satirical take on the event, which it casts as a return episode of the "The Twilight Zone," has gone viral in recent days. Amid the weekly...
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Sanders Says MLK's Courage Will Be Necessary for Fight Ahead
Speaking at the same Atlanta church where Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. served as pastor, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) on Monday heralded the long term vision of the civil rights leader and said that it is "necessary for us to bring his spirit and courage into 2017." "The great strength of Dr. King,"...
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More Than 40 Dems Now Skipping Inauguration, While Planned Protests Grow
More than 40 U.S. lawmakers now say they will not attend Donald Trump's pricey inauguration on Friday, while the nation's capital braces for large protests on that day and over the weekend. The Washington Post is keeping a tally and put the count at 44 Democratic representatives on Tuesday morning...
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Water protectors peacefully sang, drummed, and chanted as riot police blocked them from the pipeline drill site. Water Protectors Arrested, Tear-Gassed for Peaceful Prayer Walk at DAPL Site
Water protectors battling the controversial Dakota Access Pipeline once again faced down police in riot gear, tear gas, and arrests on Monday as Indigenous activists attempted to hold a peaceful prayer walk at the pipeline drilling site alongside the Missouri River near Cannon Ball, North Dakota...
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Trump to Be Least Popular President in Decades as Ratings Keep Plummeting
President-elect Donald Trump's historically low approval ratings have dropped even more, paving the way for him to take the oath of office as the most unpopular president in at least 40 years. A Washington Post/ABC News survey released Monday finds that Trump will enter office with 54 percent...
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Monday, January 16, 2017
Actually Mr. Trump, Turns Out Americans 'Care a Lot' About Your Tax Returns
President-elect Donald Trump has claimed that the American people "don't care at all" about whether he releases his tax returns. Turns out, he was wrong. In fact, new ABC News/Washington Post polling data released on Monday shows that 74 percent of all Americans, including 49 percent of his own...
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Global Sea Ice Hits Lowest Levels 'Probably in Millenia'
Global sea ice levels are at their lowest in recorded history, according to new statistics from the U.S. National Snow & Ice Data Center. In the Arctic, the loss is due to climate change and extreme weather events that are likely influenced by global warming, while the changes in the Antarctic...
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Worried This Billionaire Will Destroy Public Education, Teachers Have Some #Questions4Betsy
Defenders of public education have a few questions they want to ask Betsy DeVos, President-elect Donald Trump's controversial pick to lead the Department of Education, when she appears at her senate confirmation hearing on Tuesday. With a new campaign targeting members of the U.S. Senate Committee...
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Close-up of George Washington on the dollar bill Despite Growing Disapproval and Protest, Corporate Cash Floods Trump Inauguration
"This is very unfettered, brazen selling of access. It certainly runs counter to any presidential candidate who was talking about draining the swamp."
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Bipartisan EPA Alumni Urge Senate to Reject Pruitt's "Troubling" Nomination
On Monday, 13 former heads of state environmental bureaus sent a letter to senate leaders, urging them to reject Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt's nomination as Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) chief. The letter (pdf), organized by the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS), implores...
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Garment workers in Vietnam Just Eight Men Own Same Wealth as Half of Humanity: Report
The private jets of the world's wealthiest men and women are swarming the Swiss Alps for the annual World Economic Forum (WEF), which begins Monday in Davos, Switzerland, in the midst of an ongoing global inequality crisis. "Across the world, people are being left behind[...] their voices are...
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Overwhelmed by Voters Angry About ACA Repeal, GOP Rep Sneaks Out Backdoor
One day after voting to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA), a Republican Congressman in Colorado was caught sneaking out the backdoor of a community meeting on Saturday after being overwhelmed by constituents concerned over the future of their healthcare. U.S. Rep. Mike Coffman had invited...
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'Shocking': North Dakota Republicans Want to Legalize Running Over Protesters
Running over protesters may soon be legal in North Dakota, if conservative lawmakers are successful in advancing legislation introduced last week. House Bill Number 1203 (pdf) states that, "Notwithstanding any other provision of law, a driver of a motor vehicle who unintentionally causes injury or...
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