
Andrea Germanos, staff writer
A series of climate change-related tweets from the official Badlands National Park account went viral on Tuesday—the same day the Trump administration continued its war on science by instituting a media blackout at two federal agencies. The postings included factual information such as: "Today, the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is...
Lauren McCauley, staff writer
Though the majority of President Donald Trump's controversial cabinet...
Lauren McCauley, staff writer
A San Francisco protest in solidarity with North Dakota's Standing Rock Sioux and their fight against the Dakota Access Pipeline. (Photo: Peg Hunter/cc/flickr)
President Donald Trump on Tuesday signed executive orders advancing the...


Well this is cool: Trumpian efforts to block information on climate change - 'cause who needs science/a planet? - have sparked fierce resistance by the National Park Service, suggesting the Revolution may yet be tweeted. After being gagged for posting science FACTS - think about that - defiant rangers at Badlands National Park re-posted them, swiftly followed by Golden Gate, Death Valley, NASA, and new alt-park sites vowing, "You will never silence the truth, tiny-fisted dictator."