Welcome to my website

On this site you can read about my work, see pictures from some of the plays I've had produced, find links to download many of my films and read some of the articles I've written.

It's undergoing an upgrade. A couple of things are missing and there will be some glitches. If you find any, please let me know. I'd love to hear your feedback.


Latest News

20 July 2016

My new book Charlie's Wives is published by The Wild Rose Press.

25 May 2016

My radio documentary on working in the funeral industry is broadcast on ABC Radio National.

12 October 2015

My article on working in the funeral industry appears in The Australian newspaper.

2 September 2015

I speak at U3A in Thirroul discussing my work on Dreaming Inside, Eddie's Country and Sculptures in the Scrub.

11 July 2015

I return to Wee Waa on a field trip for the film of Eddie's Country with director Adrian Russell Wills and screenwriter Steven Sewell.

4 May 2015

My new novel Extinct is published by Severed Press.

May - June 2014

I direct the audio of the animation of HPV and Me produced by HITnet and Deadly Vibe. Watch the animation here.

24 February 2014

I travel with Adrian Wills to Walgett, Collarenebri, Moree, Narrabri and Wee Waa to conduct research and interview people for the upcoming film of Eddie's Country.

4 January 2014

The book Unlock the Writer Within: A 'Go To' Guide to Successful Writing featuring my chapter 'Eleven Tips Towards Being a Sucessful Writer - And One Sure Guarantee of Failure' is published by the Fellowship of Australian Writers.

26 December 2013

ABC Radio National is to repeat the program I made on Wilma Reading on Thursday 26 December.

30 October 2013

I present a talk for Northern Illawarra U3A on my career as a writer in the Excelsior Hall at Thirroul Community Centre.

21 August 2013

Dreaming Inside is to be translated into Italian and released in a small print run. An article on the book was also published in the globally distributed magazine of the GEO Group (the multinational organisation that runs Junee Jail.)

04 July 2013

Adrian Russell Wills, who has worked on several episodes of the acclaimed Redfern Now, has optioned the film rights for Eddie's Country.

30 May 2013

The launch of Dreaming Inside

A book of poetry by inmates from Junee Jail and including poems from tutors who worked on the Junee Jail project (Aunty Barbara Nicholson, John Muk Muk Burke, Bruce Pascoe and myself) is launched as part of the Sydney Writers' Festival.

7 November 2013

I chair a panel discussion: Cultural Dialogues – Writers on Writing in the Illawarra. Guest panelists are: Dr Merlinda Bobis (performer and novelist), Di Bates (children's book author) and Dr Christine Howe (young adult fiction) at Wollongong City Gallery as part of the Viva la Gong festival.

9 July 2012

I travel to Junee to take part in some writing workshops in Junee Jail. Read a poem I wrote as a result of the visit...

12 June 2012

I am interviewed by Chip Rolley, artistic director of the Sydney Writers' Festival on ABC Radio National.


2 June 2012

ABC Radio National webcasts all four episodes of Concerto for Humans and Semtex.

1 June 2012

I deliver a lecture on Writing for Radio and Digital Production to creative writing students at the University of Wollongong.

17 May 2012

I deliver a lecture on Writing the Life of My City to creative writing students at the University of Wollongong.

11 May 2012

I return to Baradine for the final part of the fifth Sculptures in the Scrub documentation project.

Read my interview in the Coonabarabran Times here...

29 April 2012

My poem Shining City, (a history of Wollongong) commissioned for the 2011 Illawarra Business Awards (narrated by Peter Sumner with graphics created by Relativity Films) is made available for public viewing.

Watch the poem...

27 April 2012

I travel to Baradine and Coonabarabran to interview sculptor Pamela Denise about creating a fifth work for the Sculptures in the Scrub project.


2 April 2012

I conduct several journalism workshops for Warrawong High School students involved in creating a magazine for Port Kembla Youth Project.

21 March 2012

I conduct a Masterclass on Biography in Thirroul Library as part of 2012 Senior's Week.

4 Februrary 2012

The promo I created for The Glamma Rays goes online.

Watch the video...

12 / 13 Novembe 2011r

I held a workshop on Writing for Performance for the Fellowship of Australian Writers Bowral branch on the weekend of 12, 13 November. Michael Woodhouse, President of the branch, said: 'Thank you very much. I received some excellent feedback from members who loved your presentation...'

27 October 2011

I returned to Thursday Island to rehearse, record and edit Kasa Por Yarn 2.


22 October 2011

I held a workshop in Bermagui for the South Coast Writers' Centre called The Next Stage, looking at aspects of writing for performance. One participant noted: 'Thanks for today - a very interesting group! ...I am in awe of everything you manage to do...further down the track would be interesting to work on stuff for radio ...so any hints along that line appreciated...'

04 September 2011

I return to Thursday Island, Badu Island and the Northern Peninusla Area for more Kasa Por Yarn II workshops and auditions.


02 July 2011

The program I produced for Into the Music on the life of singer Wilma Reading is broadcast on ABC Radio National.


17 June 2011

I have completed my doctorate at UTS, specialising in Biography.

09 May 2011

I return to Thursday Island to hold workshops on a new series of Kasa Por Yarn radio plays.


20 April 2011

The program I produced for Into the Music on the life of American songwriter Jessie Mae Robinson is selected by the ABC as an entrant in the prestigious Prix Italia radio awards.


03 February 2011

Murder Road, to be directed by Keean Murrell Snape, goes into pre-production.

View the trailer...

01 February 2010

The manuscript for my novel Papertrail is shortlisted for a Varuna Publishing Fellowship.

16 December 2010

My poem Bill and Bertha is commended in the international Margaret Reid poetry contest.

04 December 2010

A Lonely Business is co-winner of the Fellowship of Australian Writers NSW Inc Walter Stone Award.

23 November 2010

A Lonely Business, the biography of Pauline McLeod I have compiled and edited, is shortlisted in the Harper Collins/ Varuna Award. The winner is yet to be announced.

10 November 2010

I'm selected as a finalist to pitch at this year's Screen Producers Association of Australia (SPAA) conference on a project called Love Inc developed with Aaron Fa'aoso.

17 September 2010

The Condoman Facebook social networking campaign is about to launch.

20 August 2010

Condoman is nominated for a Deadly Award for Outstanding Achievement in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health

08 August 2010

The manuscript for my novel The Walking Wounded is a co-winner the Byron Bay Writers' Festival LitLink Unpublished Manuscript Awards.

30 July 2010

Mellow Mama, an ABC Radio National documentary I co-produced on the life and work of composer Jessie Mae Robinson is to be broadcast on Sunday 28 August

12 May 2010

My radio plays Kasa Por Yarn and Lines in the Sand are nominated for 2010 AWGIE Awards.

08 May 2010

Recharge is selected for screening at the Sambuddhathwa Jayanthi International Buddhist Film Festival in Colombo, Sri Lanka on 27 May.

13 April 2010

I return to Thursday Island for the launch of Kasa Por Yarn. It goes well.

02 April 2010

I travel to Cairns to direct the vocal characterisations for Condoman.

12 February 2010

I begin revising Nought But The Leg with Timothy Daly as my mentor, as part of the AWG mentorship scheme.

15 December 2009

We begin shooting The Invitation, a short film.

01 December 2009

The Australian Writers' Guild announces I am one of the recipients of its 2009 mentorship program for my play Nought But The Leg.

05 November 2009

Merrigong Theatre Company's production Four Plays About Wollongong opens, including my play, The War on the Hill.

04 November 2009

I return from Thursday Island after the succesful recording of Girlpren/ Boypren, now renamed Kasa Por Yarn.

01 November 2009

Lines in the Sand is broadcast on ABC Radio National, (repeated 05 November).

15 October 2009

Queensland Health announces the recording date for Girlpren:Boypren (working title) is 30 October. Back to Thursday!

14 October 2009

ABC Radio National announces the broadcast date for Lines in the Sand is 1 November.

12 October 2009

War on the Hill goes into the Merrigong rehearsal room at the Illawarra Performing Arts Centre.

03 October 2009

A brief interview with me appears The Weekender Magazine of The Illawarra Mercury.

18 September 2009

My article on the different ways you can now be addressed when entering a shop appears in the Sydney Morning Herald.
Read the article...

13 September 2009

Anita Heiss kindly mentions me in her Sunday Telegraph travel article looking at Wollongong as a tourist destination (who knew?)

09 September 2009

My article on the ramifications of an Aboriginal death in custody appears in the current addition of The Koori Mail.

24 July 2009

I have begun editing Lines in the Sand at ABC Radio National.

23 July 2009

My article on plastic bags appears in the Heckler column of the Sydney Morning Herald.
Read the article...

23 June 2009

My play Concerto for Humans and Semtex has been nominated for an AWGIE award. Winners announced on 28 April 2009.

21 June 2009

I begin work on the Girlpren/ Boypren (working title) positive health message radio plays project for the Queensland Department of Health on Thursday Island.

27 May 2009

My play Concerto for Humans and Semtex has been selected by the ABC as one of its three entrants in this year's prestigious Prix Italia Awards for Radio.

3 May 2009

I begin work on the Sculptures in the Scrub Artist Interviews project for the NSW Department of Environment and Climate Change.

23 April 2009

Illawarra Performing Writers' Group has a reading of my new play, Nought But The Leg.

23 March 2009

ABC Radio National has asked me to direct a radio version of my play Lines in the Sand later in the year...

17 March 2009

My story on Peter Costello's influence on the English language (who knew?) is published in The Australian.
Read the article...

13 March 2009

Recharge screens at Short Sited 13.

28 January 2009

My story on Frending is published in the Sydney Morning Herald.
Read the article...

29 December 2008

Concerto for Humans and Semtex is broadcast on ABC Radio National as part of the Worldplay series.

24 December 2008

My claim to have coined the longest word in the English speaking language is now official - at least in Column 8 of The Sydney Morning Herald


02 December 2008

Christmas Bonus screens at West Side Shorts, Melbourne on 16 December.

21 November 2008

The Deaths Go On, a song about Aboriginal deaths in custody, sung by Kerry Fletcher, free to download from this site.
Download here...

10 November 2008

The War on the Hill to be produced by Merrigong Theatre Company.

30 October 2008

Aphrodite's Tears commissioned by ABC Radio.

21 August 2008

Too Much Wrong now available to download from this site. This book describes the legal and forensic complexities of the Eddie Murray case can now be obtained by clicking the link below.
Download here...

20 August 2008

Lines in the Sand is shortlisted for the 2008 Griffin Award.

04 August 2008

Eddie's Country is mentioned in Anita Heiss's new novel, Avoiding Mr Right.

14 July 2008

Concerto for Humans and Semtex to be published in the Australian Script Centre's Collection #7.
Read more..

26 May 2008

Lines in the Sand enters the rehearsal room prior to Saturday night's rehearsed reading. Click below to see photos.
Cast photo...

7 May 2008

Christmas Bonus now on You Tube.

2 April 2008

Lines in the Sand to have rehearsed reading at Illawarra Performing Arts Centre.

30 March 2008

Christmas Bonus wins Short Sited Film Festival.

12 March 2008

Christmas Bonus to screen at Short Sited Film Festival.

31 January 2008

Concerto for Humans and Semtex is being recorded by ABC Radio National. Click below to see a picture of the cast in the studio.
Cast photo

10 January 2008

Christmas Bonus, my annual short film, has been shot and is edited. I'm really happy with it.

16 November 2007

Merrigong Theatre Company has commissioned me to write a new one-act play as part of its Stories from Wollongong (Working Title) project.

11 October 2007

Lines in the Sand is selected for Stage One Development (dramaturgical consultation) with the Merrigong Theatre Company at Illawarra Performing Arts Centre.

09 October 2007

Concerto for Humans and Semtex development initiative begins next week at Illawarra Performing Arts Centre. A cooperative venture between ABC Radio and Merrigong Theatre Company, the play will be professionally workshopped by eight actors, a director, a dramaturg and composer.

02 September 2007

'Later in the afternoon, the most amazing thing happened' to be screened as part of the 2007 Homebrewed International Film Festival.

22 August 2007

Page three Illawarra Mercury article describes the ongoing standoff between Simon Luckhurst and the producers of his 24-minute film, Lifelike, who are refusing to release it.

20 August 2007

ABC Radio to produce Concerto for Humans and Semtex as a four-part nationally broadcast radio play. It will also produce a one-hour version of the play for national and international broadcast.

26 July 2007

Eddie's Country is one of the shortlisted works pitched to film producers as part of this years Melbourne International Film Festival.