'It's been a shock': Will's bills up more than $1000 this year as seniors lose concessions

Will Tuck began keeping track of how much his bills have risen in the new year. It's only just gone Australia Day and he's passed $1000.

Mr Tuck, a retired journalist, has, along with 30,000 other people in NSW, this year been deemed ineligible for the age pension under a new, tougher means tests introduced by the federal government.

So far attention has focused on the up to $10,000 a year lost by part pensioners under the changes.

But Mr Tuck says while many seniors have accepted the loss of benefits they are unaware of the substantial increases to their living costs from a loss of a wide range of concessions on bills and state government services given to pensioners.

"It has been a shock," Mr Tuck said. "It's an impost that nobody knows about or [was] expecting.

"Most have no idea where the next concession loss will be."


Mr Tuck first noted new charges on his Sydney Water bill, up by $130 per quarter. Then came council rates, which rose by $250 a year, and renewing his driver's licence for five years now costs $175.

He could soon encounter further, previously waived costs of registering a car (up to $350 or more) and rebates on electricity bills ($235 a year).

"The NSW government could choose, if they wish, to make their concessions available to people regardless of the type of concession card they hold," a spokesman for the federal Department of Social Services said. "People concerned about state government concessions in NSW should contact the relevant minister in the Berejiklian ministry."

A spokesman declined to say whether the federal government had anticipated such costs when designing the pension changes but said former pensioners could use a replacement Seniors Health Card to ensure they keep cheap prescriptions.

"The federal government realises full well that this won't happen," said Paul Versteege, the policy co-ordinator for the Combined Pensioners and Superannuants Association of NSW. "Pensioner concessions put pressure on the NSW government's budget as it is, so we are very unlikely to see concessions being [extended]."

The CPSA is calling for concessions on bills to be indexed and standardised between the states. People losing the pension in Victoria may still be able to claim power rebates.

"On the upside, those that have dropped out of the pension by a small margin will soon be back in as they run down their savings," he said.

Labor's spokeswoman on ageing Sophie Cotsis said the state government should "explain to the thousands of pensioners who might be hurting why they are being made to pay for Coalition cuts, because that's what they are".

A spokesman for the NSW Department of Family and Community Services said expanding concessions to all holders of a Seniors Card would cost more than $100 million and make 90,000 additional people eligible for concessions.

The state government spends $2.2 billion a year on concessions, the spokesman said.

The asset threshold for homeowners to receive a part pension has been lowered by $200,000 to $816,000 for a couple and $542,000 for single pensioners.

About 90 per cent of pensioners will be unaffected or better off under the changes, the department said, which are designed to save the budget $2.4 billion over five years.