Comrade Motopu

Do Marxian academics dream of affluent LARPers?

As white nationalists attacked towns across the US, many of the critiques of black bloc and antifa tactics were cheap shots.

Review: They can't kill us all: Ferguson, Baltimore, and the new era in America's racial justice movement

They Can't Kill Us All

A review of Wesley Lowery's book covering the emergence of the Black Lives Matter movement and other activist projects in response to police shootings in the US.

ISOnuts: one stop activism and the gentrification of the left

An Activist enters the bizarre and alienating world of the International Socialist Organization.

Dead Time with Bill Maher

Shot from Punishment Park

Semi off the cuff observations on a terrible television spectacle.

Coopting the language of the left at the pro-life march on Washington

Temptation by Max Beckmann

A pro-life marcher speaking the language of the Left and what it says about the tone and form of a position versus the content.

Review: 1% Free - MaximumRockNRoll political columnist's sci-fi novel

1% Free

A review of a science fiction novel by political writer and MaximumRockNRoll columnist G.A. Matiasz.

Hawaii: class militancy or cultural patriotism?

ILWU Hawaii mural

An examination of the reactionary aspects of some of the cultural politics in Hawaii.

Right and Left against the state: education without classes

Education reform, whether promoted by the Left or Right, often fails to deeply address the class-based issues driving the alleged "failure" of the educational system.

Top 15 messages in Clint Eastwood's anti-war masterpiece "American Sniper"

I just watched "American Sniper. " I learned so much about manliness, honor, and love…

Corporate school reformers on "ethics in education" at the University of Hawaii

Neoliberals Kevin Johnson and Michelle Rhee

On August 7th, 2012, the University of Hawaii hosted a wildly misnomered "Ethics in Education" event with Michelle Rhee and Sacramento Mayor Kevin Johnson who both push charter schools, privatization, and attacks on teacher tenure and unions.