
Italian base union organiser arrested: strike across Italy!

Aldo Milani.

Following the arrest of Aldo Milani, national coordinator for base union SiCobas, by police in Modena, strikes have started in the logistics warehouses of Emilia Romagna and Milan, awaiting the spreading of the mobilisation to other regions.

Fellow Worker and GDC Member Shot at anti-fascist protest in Seattle

On the evening of Friday, January 20th, a comrade of ours was shot in the stomach in the most public place on the University of Washington’s campus in Seattle – a place called “Red Square” for the color of its bricks rather than its politics.

This Fellow Worker (what members of the IWW call ourselves) and Defender (for GDC members) is a longtime anti-fascist and dedicated activist, a member of the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) and the General Defense Committee of the IWW. He’s currently in critical condition at Harborview Hospital in Seattle. They have a Level One Trauma center, so it’s likely he is receiving the best quality care available, for which we are deeply grateful.

J20 in Portland: report from a comrade

An anarchist reports from the 'Rise Up and Resist Fascism: Inauguration Day Protest' J20 demonstration in Portland, on the 20th January 2017, which began in Pioneer Courthouse Square, organised by the 'Direct Action Alliance' and a number of other groups in Portland, and set-off at 15:30. It was attended by thousands and met with some police violence.

Antifascist Demonstration in Moscow

On January 19 2017 a group of activists and supporters of the Russian section of the International Workers’ Association took part in the now traditional march in Moscow in memory of Stanislav Markelov and Anastasia Baburova, human rights lawyer and anarchist journalist respectively, who were murdered by neo-fascists in 2009. About 500 people took part in the demonstration, representing various anti-fascist groups, trade unions, and left-wing and human rights organizations.

Chronicle of days of looting & revolt. Or, what comes next?

translated from the Spanish. Originally published on Jan. 8th, 2017 in Antagonismo – Por el communismo y anarquia:

Electricity protests in Gaza: Hamas suppresses the working class

Power shortages in Gaza, are leading to social unrest. On Thursday 12th January, Hamas security forces broke-up a demonstration that erupted in Jabalya, northern Gaza Strip. But more are likely to occur as the situation deteriorates.

Meydan Gazette: "We are being cornered"

Late last month the editor of Meydan anarchist newspaper in Istanbul was sentenced to a year and three months in prison for “supporting terror,” the latest in a string of attempts by the Turkish State to shut down dissenting voices against Erdogan’s government. This translation of Meydan’s uncompromising response, from issue 35, was first published by Freedom News.

Behind the camouflage; a new strike wave in the Bangladeshi garment sector

Garment workers protest - Ashulia, Dec 2016

Following a period of relative quiet after the 2013 Rana Plaza factory disaster, new struggles emerge from the garment factories.

International of Anarchist Federations declares support for J20

International of Anarchist Federations (IFA/IAF) declares its support for J20 protest and actions against Donald Trump.

Indigenous Armed Group Created in the Mountains of Guerrero

They send a message to the world: “With autonomy we fight for life and territory”