
Liquid, Transparent Markets

Powering Risk Management Around the World

Every day, companies from a wide range of industries turn to ICE to help them manage price and counterparty risk so they can focus on their business priorities: progress and growth. To ensure we can deliver on and meet that responsibility, we’ve created a unique global market infrastructure that spans the jurisdictions our customers do business in.

As a result of our customer-centric mindset and dedication to providing the right solutions for market participants like you, we’ve become a leader in several areas of the futures market and are able to offer benchmark products across a variety of asset classes.

Our Trusted Global Market Infrastructure

As global financial markets have grown, the need for innovation and agility has increased. Our customers need exchanges and clearing services that provide proven risk management solutions in the time zones and regulatory jurisdictions where they want to do business. To meet that need, we’ve built safe, regulated, markets across North America, Europe and Asia that enable customers to effectively mitigate risk.

Each of our Markets Provides:

Deep Liquidity - By deliberately focusing on areas of the market customers like you need access to, we’ve become a leader in creating benchmark contracts. Volume and open interest records are continually seen across different asset classes, validating the growing liquidity in our markets. For many of our products, that liquidity extends out the curve.

Asset Class & Product Diversification - With contracts across all major asset classes, our markets are designed to support companies in a diverse range of industries as they address risk. Our customers are able to choose from more than 8,000 listed contracts, including benchmark products in the energy, interest rate, equity and agriculture asset classes, to find the risk management solutions that best meet their needs.

Strict Regulatory Oversight - In today’s complex financial environment, market participants place more value than ever on the safety and peace of mind that comes from knowing that they are trading on regulated markets. To provide that assurance, our markets are highly regulated by global financial standards, local regulations and strict internal market supervision policies.

Intuitive Technology - Our industry-leading technology is designed to provide unparalleled access to world markets in an efficient, seamless trading environment. Global markets spanning all major asset classes are easily reachable with user-friendly platforms that enable you to quickly identify market opportunities, track contract performance and discover adjacent products that expand your ability to manage complex risks.

Global Support - Trading never stops in a global market, and our support doesn’t either. Whether it’s through a phone call with our 24-hour help desk, a platform demo or user tutorial with one of our technical account managers or a one-on-one meeting with our product experts, you have access to an industry-leading network of trading and technology support whenever and wherever you need it.

ICE Markets

The types of products or specific contracts you want to trade will determine which ICE market you participate in. Take a look at the table below to see which asset classes trade in each of our markets.