New Internationalist


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Targeting children's minds; stymying Indian reform

Mari Marcel Thekaekara is unimpressed by latest pharmaceutical developments.

Filed in: Children Germany India Pharmaceuticals

Switching on to energy democracy

Popular participation, social ideals and ecological sustainability are key attributes of sustainable systems, Claire Fauset writes.

Filed in: Cities Climate Change Environment Germany Spain Sustainability United Kingdom

Worldbeater: Wolfgang Schäuble

This New Internationalist editorial takes a look at Germany’s finance minister.

Filed in: European Union Germany

Chaos computer camp challenges power and the zombie apocalypse

Ásta Guðrún Helgadóttir reports from a hackers’ gathering where things are broken to be fixed and made better.

Filed in: Germany Technology

The people have the power

An anti-mining action in the Rhineland coalfields brings hopes for climate change activism. Catherine Nadel reports.

Filed in: Climate Change Germany Mining

An (illegal) trade in arms

Andrew Smith and Kirk Jackson shine a light on German arms manufacturer shady dealings.

Filed in: Arms Germany Politics

More depressing news

According to the World Health Organization, depression will be the second most debilitating disease in the world by 2020.

Filed in: Germany Mental Health Pharmaceuticals Russia UN

Return To Sender

Filed in: Environment Germany Recycling Waste

  • October 5, 1997
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