Finance Ministers from the 21 APEC member economies announced a joint statement at the conclusion of their meeting in Lima on Saturday under the theme, “Strengthening Public Policy for an Integrated and Resilient Asia-Pacific Region.”

The statement reflects the outcomes of the 2016 APEC Finance Ministers’ Meeting chaired by Dr. Alfredo Thorne, Minister of Economy and Finance of Peru. It describes joint actions to be taken forward by APEC economies in the following priority areas:

  • Global and Regional Economy
  • Strengthening Public Policy
  • Investment in Infrastructure
  • Financial Inclusion
  • Disaster Risk Financing and Insurance

Click here to view the 2016 APEC Joint Finance Ministerial Statement

Finance Ministers also agreed to three annexes:

  • Annex A. Strategy for Modernization of the Finance Ministers’ Process
  • Annex B. Strategy for Implementation of the Cebu Action Plan
  • Annex C. Collaboration Action Plan between APEC Member Economies and the Global Infrastructure Hub

For more:

Downloadable photos from the APEC Finance Ministers’s Meeting can be viewed here.

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