New Internationalist


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Artful dodging

Five reasons not to buy BP’s story about the end of its sponsorship deals.

Filed in: Art Corporations Oil

Oil on the skids

The quiet power of oil and money has for decades enabled Saudi Arabia to buy silence and influence. But not for much longer, predicts Nafeez Ahmed.

Filed in: Oil Saudi Arabia

Art, oil and arrests in Paris

Today, hundreds protested against oil sponsorship at the Louvre and ten were arrested. Jess Worth was in the thick of the action.

Filed in: Climate Change Environment France Oil Sustainability

Is Saudi Arabia the big bad wolf of the Paris climate talks?

The oil producing giant blocked efforts in Paris to limit global warming to 1.5C above pre-industrial levels, Kyla Mandel and Brendan Montague report.

Filed in: Climate Change Environment France Oil Saudi Arabia

#ShellNo: the triumph of the Kayaktivists

We do not always win - but sometimes we prevail. Mark Engler celebrates a daring victory.

Filed in: Activism Oil United States

Escaping carbon slavery: the view from Nigeria

The climate negotiations have done worse than nothing to prevent climate change. Nigerian activist Adesuwa Uwagie-Ero suggests paths toward climate justice.

Filed in: Climate Change Environment Nigeria Oil

The pipe dream that came true

Cherri Foytlin on the significance of Obama’s decision to reject the Keystone XL pipeline.

Filed in: Disasters Environment Indigenous Peoples Oil Pollution

Still biting

Big Oil’s history of denial, delay and distortion is laid bare by Greg Muttitt.

Filed in: Climate Change Corporations Energy Oil

How we are tackling climate change by taking over the British Museum

Chris Garrard decries the museum’s collusion with oil giant BP.

Filed in: Art Oil

10 signs that climate change success is coming

A remarkable month for tackling global climate change is about to get even better, writes Joe Ware.

Filed in: Climate Change Environment Oil

Dirty games

Azerbaijan will be showing its friendly face this month as it hosts the European Games. But it’s what is going on behind the scenes that is important, argue Emma Hughes and James Marriott.

Filed in: Azerbaijan Oil Politics

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