Timely Topics

Timely Topics
ABC's of the Bible
A listing of bible images showing that the bible is anything but a "Good Book"
America Religious Identification Survey - Trinity College, March 2009
“Nones” are 15% of the U.S. population
ARIS: America Growing More Secular
Statistics on the growing number of "Nonreligious" Americans
Battle of Church and State
Listen to the song by Dan Barker
Betrayal of Trust: Clergy Abuse of Children
Boy Scouts Of America Practices Discrimination
Article by Annie Laurie Gaylor
Case Against School Prayer
Q&A, compelling arguments, and references to relevant Supreme Court cases
College Football Chaplains Report
The Freedom From Religion Foundation issued a report in August 2015, condemning more than 25 public universities for allowing football coaches to impose their personal religion on players by hiring Christian chaplains.
Darwin Day
February 12 is “Darwin Day”.
Days of Theocracy
Hear the song by kristin Lems
DeBaptismal Certificate
Download or buy the DeBaptismal Certificate
Freethought at the Flicks
Movies with a freethought perspective.
Freethought Week
Freshmen Religious Preference at Four-Year Colleges
Only Catholics Exceed ‘None’ -  (Chronicle of Higher Education 2009 poll)
Godless Constitution Ad
This ad (which has run in the New York Times and dozens of other dailies) counters ubiquitous Hobby Lobby ads distorting the secular roots of the United States. 
In God We (Don't) Trust
A series of articles showing the history of how a religious motto supplanted U.S. secular heritage.
Let’s Dispense with Christian Funerals
Pedophilia in the Church
Articles on the clergy and child abuse, by Freedom From Religion Foundation staff.
Secular proclamations.
Richard Dawkins Institute - Out Campaign
A place to be proud and organize with other freethinkers.
Secular Memorials and Funerals Without God
Information and ideas about dogma-free funerals.
The Pledge of Allegiance
A series of articles on the origin, history, and meaning of the Pledge.
There Ought Not To Be A Law
Two articles, originally published in Freethought Today, 1990

Studies on Religion & Atheism

American Religious Landscape (Pew/Akron U 2004)
16% of Americans "unaffiliated".
American Sociological Review, Univ. of Minnesota 2006
Atheists as 'other' 
Americans are somewhat more open to the idea of an atheist president
About half (53%) of Americans said they would be less likely to support an atheist as a presidential candidate.
Asian Americans: A Mosaic of Faiths (PEW 2012)
19% of the American population is nonreligious.
Associated Press - National Constitution Center Poll: 24% No religion
Shows that 24%, when asked their religious preference, responded "don't belong to religious denomination"
Interview of 1,007 adults conducted by GfK Roper Public Affairs & Corporate Communications
Aug. 11-16, 2010
Journal of Religion & Society
Cross-National Correlations of Quantifiable Societal Health with Popular Religiosity and Secularism in the Prosperous Democracies by Gregory S. Paul, 2005
PEW's Religious Landscape Survey, February 25, 2008
16% unaffiliated; 1 in 4 age 18-29 are not affiliated with any religion
Polling Location Influence on Voting Behavior
A 2008 study by Stanford Graduate School of Business on the influence of polling locations on voting behavior
Religion Among the Millenials
Feb. 2010
Shows that "fully one-in-four adults under age 30: is atheist, agnostic or "nothing in particular"
“Nones” on the Rise (PEW 2012)
Not only are one in five Americans nonreligious, younger Americans are the least religious population in the country: One in three Americans aged 18-29 are not religious. 

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