Freedom depends upon Freethinkers.
Won’t you join FFRF in our critical work to promote nontheism and defend the constitutional separation between religion and government? With more than 26,000 members, the nonprofit FFRF works as an effective state/church watchdog and voice for freethought (atheism, agnosticism, skepticism).
27.01.17 A Christian flag has no place at… More» -
26.01.17 Senate needs to view agriculture secretary nominee with skepticism
The Senate should be highly apprehensive about… More» -
26.01.17 Oppose Religious Right’s cruel domestic and international abortion gag rules
The Religious Right is already baring its… More»
Please tell Senate to reject evangelization of public schools
We need to thwart the evisceration of… More» -
Ask committee to pass bill protecting children’s health
The state of Washington must stop permitting… More» -
Ask your U.S. senators to vote against Carson and Sessions
The Senate votes to approve Ben Carson… More»