
  • Tuesday, November 29th, 2016

    Tuesday, November 29th, 2016

    #NoDAPL Indigenous Land Defense & Strategic Solidarity: Pressuring Power and Capital

    from It’s Going Down

    north-dakota-pipelineIt was impossible for us to get a bank account in this country, or insurance coverage in this country, and unfortunately we lost a lot of shareholders as well […] The number of activists isn’t huge, but their impact has been incredible […] There needs to be an understanding that this is a threat to all industries. The tactics could be extended to any other sectors of the economy.”

    –  Brian Cass, Managing Director of Huntington Life Sciences, on the efficacy of the Stop Huntington Animal Cruelty campaign

    The urgency of resistance to the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) cannot be overstated. Following the election of the billionaire, white supremacist and heteropatriachal Donald Trump, Energy Transfer Partners (ETP) Chief Executive Officer Kelcy Warrren – who donated over $100 thousand to Trump’s right-wing populist campaign – has stated that he is “100% confident” that Trump would facilitate completion of the DAPL route through unceded Oceti Sakowin territory. Trump, who has also vowed to renew construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline, has up $2 million personally invested in Energy Transfer Partners and Phillips 66, two of the key partners in DAPL.

    Read more for information about shareholders, construction companies, and other targets:


  • Tuesday, November 29th, 2016

    Tuesday, November 29th, 2016

    UK: Hunt Sabs Save Foxes at Curre and Llangibby Meet

    from Bristol Hunt Saboteurs


    We haven’t paid a visit to the Curre & Llangibby hunt for quite some time so thought it was only fair that they get some sab attention. We headed over the bridge with our friends from Bath Hunt Saboteurs & South Wales Hunt Saboteurs to find the hunt leaving their meet which was in the village of Itton.

    Soon enough hounds were in cry, and as we got closer to the hunt, a group of lads including the hunts terriermen decided to join us, putting cameras in our faces and threatening us. Unphased, we stuck with the hunt and it wasn’t long before we saw a fox breaking from the wood the hunt were working through. Riders were going loopy trying to alert the huntsman that they’d seen a fox but he had multiple sab cameras pointing at him and did the right thing and along with the terriermen called the hounds off and the fox got away.

    The hunt tried to create a bit of distance between us and them and were soon up to their old tricks when they thought no one was watching. Unfortunately for them, we had close eyes on the illegal hunting happening. We stepped in, taking the hounds away from the huntsman and covering the scent of a fat (sorry, festively plump) fox who was eager to leave the area. Run free, friend!

    The hunt stayed out ’til dark, down to the fact that the hounds were scattered all over the place and the huntsman was having a bit of trouble getting them back. He only had to ask us for help…

    The hunt finally headed home so we did too. We’ll be seeing the Curre again soon!

  • Tuesday, November 29th, 2016

    Tuesday, November 29th, 2016

    Political Prisoner Birthday Poster For December 2016 Is Now Available

    from Prison Books

    political-prisoners-birthdayHello Friends and Comrades,

    1. Here is the political prisoner birthday poster for December.(11″x17″ PDF, 25MB) Also available in color here (11″x17″ PDF, 25MB), non-PDF available here (imgur link) for sharing. Print it out and plaster your community, both in commemoration of these freedom fighters and to advertise locally for a political prisoner letter writing night. Get together with some friends in your town to send birthday cards to these fighters in our struggle. It’s an easy way to help remind them that they aren’t forgotten. If you make one, remember—don’t use anything like white-out, stickers, tape or glitter on it. We also recommend that you put a return name and address and their name and prisoner number on the card, lest the authorities “lose” the envelope and forget where it is going. If you would like to add a birthday or sign up for our poster mailing list (not a listserv, one email per month), or if you would like to contribute in another way to increasing the profile of US political prisoners, email us at

    2.There’s a special urgency to fight back the fascist creep represented in our white house and the US government. This is a great opportunity to reexamine your position within society, and dedicate yourself further towards its upturn. Whoever occupies the white house, the same pigs occupy our neighborhoods, and our neighbors occupy their cages. More now than ever, more today than yesterday, and more yesterday than the day before it. Renewing your dedication to the struggle to abolish this prison society can take many forms. Maybe you’ll be able to contribute financially. Maybe you’ll be able to contribute time. Maybe you have a special skill you can contribute to the struggle. This is the time to find out about yourself, the time to get together with your friends, coworkers, and neighbors, and the time to seize all available opportunities to disrupt and destroy the coming fascist menace. We are all we have, and no one is going to save us but ourselves. Sever the means of the reproduction of life from the market and share with the least of those around you. If we learn nothing else from 1936, it’s that the most potent fight against fascism is a vibrant movement of working class people against capitalism, white supremacy, patriarchy, and the state. Dig in, folks, we’re in for a serious struggle. Trump might be our next president, let’s try to make him our last.

    3.A special thank you to the designers of this month’s poster. Designers are constantly bombarded with requests to work their trade for free, for publicity, or for a cause, and every month the PPBD Posters project relies on their generosity of time, skill and devotion to the cause of prison abolition. Cheers to Corina Dross for putting this month’s rad poster together.

    4.Do you need help advertising for your local Political Prisoner Letter Writing Night? Are you interested in distributing physical copies of the poster? Write to us and let’s find a way to get physical copies of our poster to you:

    5.Be sure to check out the latest Political Prisoner/Prisoner Of War every-other week update (PDF, 252KB) by the NYC-Anarchist Black Cross. There are lots of important updates on many political prisoners. This one includes updates on Chelsea Manning, Eric King, Oscar Lopez Rivera, and more.

    Remember: They are in there for us, we are out here for them!

    Until Every Cage Is Empty,

    The Political Prisoner Birthday Crew

  • Tuesday, November 29th, 2016

    Tuesday, November 29th, 2016

    Animal Liberation Front UK Destroys Hunting Towers

    from Frente de Liberacion Animal

    translated by Earth First! Journal

    hunting-towers-destroyed-alfAnonymous information:

    Towers used for hunting were destroyed by the Northern Cotswold Animal Liberation Front in Gloucestershire, England.

    All the hunting towers were tumbled and destroyed.

    ALF UK.


    Informe anónimo:

    Torres utilizadas para la caza fueron destruidas por El Frente de Liberación Animal en el Norte de Cotswold, Gloucestershire,Inglaterra.

    Todas las torres de caza fueron derribadas y destruidas.
    alf-cuars alf-tumbled-hunting-towers

    ALF UK.

  • Monday, November 28th, 2016

    Monday, November 28th, 2016

    France: Emergency Call-out From the Forest Occupation in Bure


    You know how these occupations often go: bad people start destroying the environment, good people intervene, and in the end the bad people get the papers to favour them and start the bulldozers once more. This is exactly what just happened in the woods of Lejuc, near the village of Bure in France. And that’s why we need you. To come. Here. And resist. Big time.

    “Some people re-occupied this forest two months ago. To support them I decided to put myself on the line and officially squat the place. I changed my home address here, there’s a mailbox and everything now, and I’m an official resident. Hopefully I’ll makes destroying all this a bit more difficult for Andra bastards!,” says Sven Lindstrom, the first official squatter of the Lejuc forest. For obvious reasons he’s entitled to have his say in this call-out.

    “To make things even more difficult for Andra, I’ve decided to have my birthday party right here, at this forest occupation. My birthday’s on 13.12. and of course it will be a theme party. And as it looks like I need to prepare for party crashers in blue, I think I will start celebrating early. Come in and bring your own beer and plenty of friends!”

  • Monday, November 28th, 2016

    Monday, November 28th, 2016

    Greece: Banner Drop Against DAPL In Exarchia Square, Athens

    from contra info

    no-dapl-544x408In the afternoon of November 24th 2016, we dropped a banner in Exarchia Square against the Dakota Access Pipeline, currently under construction in the US. This oil pipeline runs a distance of nearly 1,172 miles, from North Dakota to Illinois, and its cost is estimated to be around 3.7 billion dollars. In its destructive path, this mega-project is causing irreversible damage to territories, rivers and surrounding communities.

    Among the affected areas is also Standing Rock reservation in North Dakota, where residents alongside people in solidarity resist the police, forces of the US army, and security guards of the groups assigned to construct the pipeline (Energy Transfer Partners being the main contractor). Repression has been so harsh over the last days, that among the hundreds who were injured there’s also an activist whose hand was amputated because of a concussion grenade fired by cops.


  • Monday, November 28th, 2016

    Monday, November 28th, 2016

    Minneapolis: Bank Doors and ATMs Glued Shut in Solidarity with Standing Rock

    submitted to the Earth First! Newswire
    Communique from Minneapolis, MN, Nov 26, 2016

    The doors and ATMS of 3 Wells Fargos and one US Bank in Minneapolis were glued shut in solidarity with the Standing Rock pipeline resistance movement this Black Friday weekend. Wells Fargo and US Bank directly fund the Dakota Access Pipeline and are thus complicit in perpetuating over 500 years of genocide and oppression against Native Americans. Business as usual cannot continue while banks and oil corporations destroy indigenous peoples’ lands and cultures. We demand that Wells Fargo, US Bank and all funders divest from Energy Transfer Partners, DAPL and all fossil fuel interests.

    Friends of The Planet



    Friends of The Planet

  • Saturday, November 26th, 2016

    Saturday, November 26th, 2016

    Army Corps Issues Eviction Notice to Standing Rock Protest Camp

    by Joshua Barajas / PBS


    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers issued a letter Friday announcing its plan to close land that has been the campsite for months-long protests against the North Dakota Access oil pipeline, according to Dave Archambault II, chairman of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe.

    Protesters, or “water protectors,” were notified that land north of the Cannonball River will be closed on Dec. 5, in roughly 10 days, he said.

    The Oceti Sakowin camp, which rests on the banks of the river, contains a loose collective of tribal nations and out-of-state supporters opposing the 1,172-mile pipeline. The camp is about 45 minutes south of Bismarck, the state capital.

    The chairman said he was “deeply disappointed” by the Army Corps’ decision, “but our resolve to protect our water is stronger than ever.”


  • Saturday, November 26th, 2016

    Saturday, November 26th, 2016

    Hunter Impaled by Elk’s Antler in Central Oregon Wilderness

    from KATU


    A hunter was impaled by the antler of an elk he had just killed when he crashed an ATV on his way back to camp, the Crook County Sheriff’s Office said.

    According to deputies, 69-year-old Gary Heeter, of Bend, was out hunting on Saturday with a group near Arrowwood Point in the Maury Mountains.

    He was dragging the elk’s carcass behind his four-wheeler when just before noon he started up a steep hillside. The vehicle flipped, sending him backward onto the elk’s antler.Hospital officials told KATU News on Monday that Heeter is in fair condition.

    Members of the hunting party started first aid and worked to control the bleeding, Sheriff’s Sgt. Ryan Seaney said.

    First responders from Crook County Fire & Medical helped treat Heeter’s injuries while a Life Flight helicopter headed to the scene.


  • Thursday, November 24th, 2016

    Thursday, November 24th, 2016

    UK’s Largest Ever Anti-Fracking Gathering

    submitted to Earth First! Newswire
    [Editer’s Note: This march happened on November 12th]
    An estimated two thousand people marched through the center of Manchester today in what was probably the largest anti-fracking gathering ever seen in the United Kingdom. Activist converged on the city from Lancashire, Yorkshire, London, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland, claiming Manchester was today the “capital of the so-called bleak and desolate north“.
    The march was led by Bianca Jagger, who addressed the crowd at the Castlefield Arena by saying “I’m here not only as the founder and president of the Bianca Jagger Human Rights Foundation, but as a mother, grandmother and great-grandmother because I feel fracking is a real threat to our way of life, it’s a threat to our environment, it’s a threat to our water sources, it’s a threat to the air we breathe, it’s a threat to everything we think is important in our lives.”
    MP for Leigh and Makersfield, and Labour Party candidate for the Mayor of Greater Manchester, Andy Burnham received some of the loudest applause of the day for saying “I can’t support fracking in Leigh, in Greater Manchester or anywhere.”
    John Ashton, the former Foreign Office Special Representative for Climate Change, until he resigned in 2002, spoke about his namesake, John Ashton, who died at Peterloo, and made the comparison with this march. He also called on the membership of  the GMB and Community trade unions to rise up and overturn their leadership’s support for fracking.
    There was a video message from Emma Thompson, who thanked what she called the “investor removal teams” – activists who, by their opposition to fracking at sites such as Barton Moss to Balcombe, have made sure that the big money has stayed away from shale gas.
    Martin Porter from the Manchester Greenpeace Network said “This has been a tremendous day that will send a clear message to the government. It has also inspired every one of thousands who attended today. We are ready for the fight that we know is coming next year, and we will win.”
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