Ken Wyatt sworn in as first Indigenous minister in Malcolm Turnbull's reshuffle

Updated January 24, 2017 15:49:31

Ken Wyatt becomes first Indigenous federal minister Video: Ken Wyatt becomes first Indigenous federal minister (ABC News)

Ken Wyatt is the country's first Indigenous person into the Commonwealth ministry after being sworn in as Minister for Indigenous Health and Aged Care.

Federal politicians have gathered at Government House in Canberra for a swearing-in ceremony, prompted by the resignation of former health minister Sussan Ley.

Greg Hunt was announced as Ms Ley's replacement last week, taking on the health portfolio as part of Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull's fourth reshuffle since taking the top office less than 18 months ago.

Mr Hunt was sworn in today alongside Arthur Sinodinos, who has taken over the industry, innovation and science portfolios.

Mr Hunt described Mr Wyatt's appointment as "historic", saying on Twitter that it was "a very significant day for our nation".

Michael Sukkar was also promoted to Assistant Minister to the Treasurer and David Gillespie to Assistant Minister for Health.

Mr Turnbull announced the appointments last week following Ms Ley's resignation amid ongoing investigations into her travel expense claims.

Stan Grant interviews Western Australian MP Ken Wyatt on his promotion to the ministry. Video: Stan Grant interviews Western Australian MP Ken Wyatt on his promotion to the ministry. (7.30)

Topics: indigenous-aboriginal-and-torres-strait-islander, indigenous-policy, government-and-politics, federal-parliament, australia

First posted January 24, 2017 14:01:28