Reading essential for starting school

Wednesday 25 January 2017 9:06AM (view full episode)

It is becoming clearer than ever that reading to children, often and from birth, is one of the most important ways to prepare children for school.

Experts say children who are not read to regularly may start school "developmentally vulnerable", placing them at greater risk of falling behind as the school years progress.

Life Matters hears about a service run by charity United Way, which sends free books to children who need them and helps their parents to read with them, and speaks to three educational experts about the broader issue of how to get all parents and children engaged in reading.

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Dr Stacey Fox
Policy Fellow at Victoria University's Mitchell Institute, which focusses on education.
Greg McMahon
Principal of Doveton College, a school based in the City of Casey in Melbourne's outer suburbs
Eleanor Loudon
Head of Community Impact at United Way Australia, a charity which focusses on early childhood development and youth employment.


Erica Vowles

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