Back to school: Newcastle boy with albinism ready to teach new friends about his condition

Posted January 25, 2017 12:44:18

Starting high school can be a nerve-wracking experience for any adolescent.

But the transition can be made harder if that child has a disability or condition.

Newcastle boy Xander Russell has albinism, meaning he lacks pigment in his hair and skin, and has vision difficulties.

Xander is starting high school next week, with the prospective year presenting a cocktail of apprehension, excitement, and fresh opportunities.

Albinism a genetic condition

Xander was born with albinism — a genetic condition which is passed down from his parents.

"Every child that we had had a one-in-four chance of getting it; so he has two sisters that don't have the condition," Xander's mother, Kirsty Russell, said.

"For him, it's really meant from day one we've had to always have sunscreen, he's always worn hats, long-sleeve shirts," she said.

"It's meant we've probably had to live a less-outdoor life than a lot of other families would.

"But essentially, he's still been able to do things like go to the beach — we've just got to be a little bit more careful and pre-plan that stuff a bit more."

New year presents new challenges

At primary school, Xander was part of a close-knit group of friends in his composite class.

Many of them will still be in primary school this year, so Xander has some reservations about changing schools.

"I don't like it because my friends aren't going to be there," he said.

"Most of them are in year five, and they won't be there [at high school].

"I might miss all my friends.

"I don't want to have to move [between classes] five times a day; but at least on Fridays you get to go home at 1.30pm."

The daunting process of moving to high school has been made easier by a series of transition days late last year aiming to familiarise Xander with his new surroundings.

Despite the apprehension, Xander said he was looking forward to a fresh array of treats at his new school's canteen, and also the opportunity to learn new skills.

"I like music; and guess what? If you have the right equipment, you can actually make woodwork things," he said.

Teaching new friends about albinism

At primary school, Xander made it his mission to educate his peers about albinism.

He wants to continue teaching his new friends at high school.

"They'll probably arrange for me to go to all the classrooms at one time, just so I can tell all the classes about my condition," Xander said.

"I'll tell them about how I need to put sunscreen on every day, how I need to where a hat.

"I hope that I will have educated everyone in the school about albinism, and how everyone watches out for me."

Extensive planning required for a smooth transition

For Ms Russell, the prospect of her son going to high school is a nervous one.

She has had regular meetings with the new school in order to prepare them for what Xander needs.

"We've had to advocate really hard for him from the start," she said.

"I've been up to the school pretty-much all year, talking to them, getting him to have the extra transition visits, talking to them about getting markings put on poles and things so he can see.

"It's just getting people to understand that he looks like he can get around quite well, but he will still have issues, and we still need to get him that familiarity and that confidence in the environment so he can be independent."

She said the school, and others, had been receptive to meeting Xander's needs.

"You see Xander and it's pretty amazing the things that he can do, [it] can sometimes be hard moving through that to explain that he compensates a lot for his condition," she said.

"Most people want the best, and for all students."

Concerns about adjustment remain

Despite all the preparation, Ms Russell knows that some things are out of her control.

"I suppose things like bullying because of his appearance has always been a concern," she said.

"He's always going to have white hair, eyelashes, he's not going to have any pigmentation. He will look more and more different to his peers as they all get older.

"So it does worry me that he'll be targeted in some way because of his appearance.

"I do worry that he won't be able to get the assistance he needs as he goes along.

"That's part of my job now, I suppose, as he moves into teenage years, and then adulthood — is to prepare him to advocate for himself and for his needs."

Despite the concern, apprehension and excitement that is shrouded in the unknown, Ms Russell said above all, she wanted her son to grow as a person.

"I would like him to maybe have developed some new friendships, and to have kept some of his older ones as well," she said.

"I would love for him to have developed some independence, to be more confident in getting himself around, and knowing that he can do anything he wants to do," Ms Russell said.

Topics: secondary-schools, schools, education, children, newcastle-2300