Revolution in Rojava - audio of Dublin launch and discussion by author


Revolution in Rojava” is an eye-witness account on the experience of creating a bottom up social order which actively challenges all forms of oppression and exploitation. The struggle in Rojava (a mostly Kurdish region north of Syria), despite the extent of counterrevolutionary and imperialist forces aligned against it, continues to nurture an autonomous, grassroots resistance across its multiply ethno-religious communities.

Ercan Ayboga, co-author of “Revolution in Rojava” launched the book on a speaking tour of Ireland in December, the audio is the Dublin meeting where Ercan spends over an hour discussing the revolution with the audience.  The meeting happened shortly after the fall of East Aleppo so this important event is also touched on.

The book describes in detail the experiences of the participants, the social and ideological evolution of the popular struggle, and most importantly, the attempt, in the most adverse circumstances imaginable, to nurture horizontalist social structures that make tangible an inclusive and participatory society, based on radical democracy and a cooperative economy. [Listen to the audio]

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