Judge suspends Trump order; bars deportation of refugees

Protesters are surrounded by police officers and travellers as they pass through an exit of Terminal 4 at John F. ...
Protesters are surrounded by police officers and travellers as they pass through an exit of Terminal 4 at John F. Kennedy International Airport. Craig Ruttle
by Michael D. Shear and Alan Feuer

A federal judge blocked part of President Donald Trump's executive order on immigration on Sunday (AEDT), ordering that refugees and others trapped at airports across the United States should not be sent back to their home countries. But the judge stopped short of letting them into the country or issuing a broader ruling on the constitutionality of Trump's actions.

Lawyers who sued the government to block the White House order said the decision, which came after an emergency hearing in a New York City courtroom, could affect an estimated 100 to 200 people who were detained upon arrival at US airports in the wake of the order that Trump signed on Saturday (AEDT), a week into his presidency.

Judge Ann M. Donnelly of US District Court in Brooklyn, who was nominated by former President Barack Obama, ruled that implementing Trump's order by sending the travellers home could cause them irreparable harm.

Dozens of people waited outside of the courthouse chanting, "Set them free!" as lawyers made their case. When the crowd learned that Donnelly had ruled in favour of the plaintiffs, a rousing cheer went up in the crowd.

Although none of the detainees will be sent back immediately, lawyers for the plaintiffs in the case expressed concern that all those at the airports would now be put in detention, pending a resolution of the case. Inviting the lawyers to return to court if the travellers were detained, Donnelly said: "If someone is not being released, I guess I'll just hear from you."

Trump's executive order on immigration quickly reverberated across the United States and the world at the weekend, as his actions slammed the border shut for an Iranian scientist headed to a lab in Massachusetts, a Syrian refugee family headed to a new life in Ohio and countless others.

Around the nation, security personnel at major international airports had new rules to follow, although the application of the order appeared uneven. Humanitarian organisations delivered the bad news to overseas families that had overcome the bureaucratic hurdles previously in place and were all set to travel. And refugees on flights when the order was signed found themselves detained upon arrival.

"We've gotten reports of people being detained all over the country," said Becca Heller, director of the International Refugee Assistance Project. "They're literally pouring in by the minute."

There were numerous reports of students attending US universities who were blocked from returning to the United States from visits abroad. One student said in a Twitter post that he would be unable to study at Yale. Another who attends the Massachusetts Institute of Technology was refused permission to board a plane. A Sudanese graduate student at Stanford University was blocked for hours from entering the country.

Human rights groups reported that legal permanent residents of the United States who hold green cards were being stopped in foreign airports as they sought to return from funerals, vacations or study abroad. There was widespread condemnation of the order from religious leaders, business executives, academics, political leaders and others. Trump's supporters offered praise, calling it a necessary step on behalf of the nation's security.

The president's order, enacted with the stroke of a pen, suspended entry of all refugees to the United States for 120 days, barred Syrian refugees indefinitely and blocked entry into the United States for 90 days for citizens of seven predominantly Muslim countries: Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen.

The Department of Homeland Security said the order also barred green card holders from those countries from re-entering the United States. White House officials said that green card holders from the seven affected countries who are outside the United States would need a case-by-case waiver to return.

Legal residents who have a green card and are in the United States should meet with a consular officer before leaving the country, a White House official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, told reporters.

But the week-old administration appeared to be implementing the order chaotically, with agencies and officials around the globe interpreting it in different ways.

The Stanford student, Nisrin Omer, a legal permanent resident, said she was held at Kennedy International Airport in New York for about five hours but was eventually allowed to leave the airport. Others who were detained appeared to be still in custody or sent back to their home countries.

At least one case prompted a legal challenge as lawyers representing two Iraqis held at Kennedy Airport filed a motion on Saturday seeking to have their clients released. They also filed a motion for class certification, in an effort to represent all refugees and other immigrants who they said were being unlawfully detained at ports of entry.

Hameed Khalid Darweesh, an interpreter who worked for more than a decade on behalf of the US government in Iraq, was released. After nearly 19 hours of detention, Darweesh began to cry as he spoke to reporters, putting his hands behind his back and miming handcuffs.

"What I do for this country? They put the cuffs on," Darweesh said. "You know how many soldiers I touch by this hand?"

The other man the lawyers are representing, Haider Sameer Abdulkhaleq Alshawi, who was en route to Houston, was released on Sunday morning (AEDT).

"I was very scared. I was 100 per cent sure I wasn't coming in," he said. "I saw people being sent back."

The New York Times