Investment spend shortfall leaves Australian economy vulnerable

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull's government appears to be lagging on its $50 billion infrastructure plans.
Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull's government appears to be lagging on its $50 billion infrastructure plans. Scott Fletcher

The Turnbull government is falling short of its global and domestic infrastructure promises as a widening gap threatens to leave the economy dangerously exposed, particularly if the Trump administration triggers a global trade war.

With investors, superannuation managers and self-funded retirees clamouring for high quality nation-building projects, economists and infrastructure experts are warning the government must show leadership if it wants to drag business capital out of its cave.

New figures obtained by the AFR Weekend indicate delays and apparent reductions in the Coalition's $50 billion spending plan - a pledge first announced at the 2014 budget - are dragging on economic growth and contributing to an annual $18 billion of potential "missing investment".

Analysis of unpublished Australian Bureau of Statistics data shows non-mining business investment is languishing well below its average of the past 16 years, which would be around $55.8 billion in today's dollars.

Instead, the research shows the September quarter national accounts recorded investment outside of resources is languishing at about 32 per cent below par at $37.5 billion.

Economist Stephen Anthony, an outspoken critic of the former Labor government's budget management, said the figures underscore the Coalition's complacency. He warns that Australia's trade-dependent economy could be harder hit than most if the new US president triggers a global investment freeze after erecting trade barriers, increasing the need for alternative drivers.

"We are in a very tenuous position and it could very quickly go pear-shaped for us," said Mr Anthony, chief economist at Industry Super Australia.

Many experts say a healthy pipeline of productive and sensible infrastructure would act as insurance against any downturn in trade, which continues to keep the economy afloat.

Official export and import figures published on Friday indicate the terms of trade rose by almost 13 per cent in the fourth quarter, which would be the biggest gain in more than six years.

Saul Eslake, an independent economist, said there continues to be a need for what former Reserve Bank of Australia governor Glenn Stevens called a confidence boosting narrative from the government alongside a pipeline of well-chosen and well-targeted infrastructure.

"I would still think that is good advice and we really still don't have it," Mr Eslake said.

Mr Anthony said his analysis of ABS investment figures confirmed there are unlikely to be a big explosion in non-mining investment without more support from the government.

"This is a reason why government needs to get going right now and do something to get more private investment happening, especially in big public infrastructure projects," he said. "And if they can cut that to regional and other areas outside of the Melbourne and Sydney CBDs that would be a great thing."

He insisted that with the right constraints and governance there would be "no boondoggling" with low-quality projects designed purely for political gain.

The call - which echoes similar appeals by the Reserve Bank's new governor Philip Lowe, former Treasury Secretary Ken Henry, the International Monetary Fund and the OECD, among others - follows publication during the lull of the Christmas break of official data showing the government is falling behind on its promised infrastructure spend.

According to documents provided by the Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development to a Senate Committee, the Coalition's first five budgets have committed to spending just $34 billion between 2014-15 and 2018-19 on new infrastructure.

The department said another $8 billion had been allocated from 2019-20 "onwards". The disclosure suggests the $50 billion pledge has shrunk to $42 billion at best, with around 20 per cent of that reduced amount unlikely to hit the economy for the best part of a decade.

Urban Infrastructure Minister Paul Fletcher insists the government remains committed to delivering the full amount "by the end of the decade".

However, Mr Fletcher's calculations include spending in 2013-14, which was heavily impacted by policy and investment decisions of the previous Labor government, which was in office for a significant portion of that year.

Furthermore former treasurer Joe Hockey, when he announced the $50 billion plan his May 2014 budget speech, said the spending would happen over the "next six years", or from 2014-15 onwards.

The department said the government's spending was around $5.4 billion in 2014-15 and 2015-16, would peak at $9 billion this financial year, before falling to $5.7 billion in 2018-19.

Labor infrastructure spokesman Anthony Albanese has lambasted the Coalition's headline claim as a con, and accused the government of misleading voters about how much they are spending on railways, roads and other projects.

The apparent shortfall flies in the face of commitments made in 2014 to Group of 20 nations by former prime minister Tony Abbott and Mr Hockey, who clinched a heavily-hyped plan that year to boost global gross domestic product by 2 per cent over five years.

Last year's G20 summit in China heard fresh warnings that the world was falling seriously short on those promises.

Mr Anthony said it was unlikely capital spending would be a significant driver of the economy this year.

"If that's true, we won't be experiencing any pick-up in inflation. And that sounds like a recipe for low wages growth once again.

"Without strong policy stimulus anywhere else in the economy you would think we'll continue to flatline in a very low growth range of between 1 and 2 per cent."

The Commonwealth Bank of Australia's economic team this month nominated infrastructure, behind only resources exports, as the most likely thing to return the economy back to full speed.

Michael Blythe, chief economist at the bank, said productive spending has become a major casualty of budget repair, with the stock of economic and social infrastructure relative to the size of the economy tracking at the lowest levels since the 1970s.