Celebrate Australia - One Day in Fremantle 28/1

World-class artists to celebrate Australia in Fremantle

Saturday 28 January 2017, 2.00-8.00 pm at Esplanade Reserve. Free event.

We’re proud to present ‘One Day in Fremantle’, an opportunity for all Australians to come together and celebrate diversity and passion for our country.

  • 2.00 pm - Free family-friendly activities and food trucks. Everything from bush tucker to hip hop to nature play and much, much more! Click here to jump to the workshop and entertainment list.
  • 4.30 pm - Welcome to Country with Marie Taylor, Richard Walley and MC Gina Williams
  • 4.50 pm - Mama Kin
  • 5.40 pm - John Butler
  • 6.40 pm - Dan Sultan.

We’ve also teamed up with Proacqua to offer free still and sparkling water for the entire event.

Remember the event is free and no tickets or registrations are required! ‘One Day in Fremantle’ is a family-friendly event and is smoke and alcohol free.

Nyoongar cleansing smoking ceremony at the Round House

A traditional Nyoongar community inspired smoking ceremony will be held at the Round House from 9.30 am to 10.30 am on Saturday 28 January to prepare and cleanse the area prior to the One Day in Fremantle celebration. Find out more.

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  1. Media release
  2. FAQs
  3. Workshops and entertainment
  4. Event flyer

One Day in Fremantle’ Saturday 28 January 2017 – Free public event.

Presented by the City of Fremantle, the free, family-friendly event is a culturally-inclusive alternative to traditional Australia Day celebrations that will see some of Australia’s finest artists take to the stage.

The Esplanade Reserve will host performances by world-class artists John Butler, Dan Sultan and Mama Kin.

Families will have the opportunity to enjoy and take part in a range of fun arts and cultural activities.

“I feel very honoured and privileged to be part of One Day in Fremantle. It takes bold steps to move forward as a community and I really commend the City of Fremantle for their vision to create a space and a moment that is culturally sensitive and inclusive. A day in which all Australians can happily celebrate and invest in,” said
John Butler.

“We are immensely proud to have artists of this calibre join Fremantle to celebrate diversity, inclusion and acceptance for all Australians. Whether it’s enjoying live music or participating in engaging art and cultural activities, this event is for all Australians to unite and celebrate on one day,” added Fremantle Mayor Dr. Brad Pettitt.

The celebrations will be hosted by multi-award-winning singer-songwriter Gina Williams and include a Welcome to Country by Marie Taylor and Dr. Richard Walley OAM. A citizenship ceremony will welcome new Australians from around the world.

To help shape future celebrations in Fremantle, a series of conversations hosted by locals and guests will encourage people to share their ideas and what they love about celebrating Australia.

“This family-friendly event will contribute to the nationwide conversation on celebrating our country and its people. Fremantle is offering Australians another day to celebrate – together,” said Dr Pettitt.

Everyone is encouraged to bring a picnic and enjoy the stellar line-up whilst embracing the diversity of modern-day Australia.

Celebrate Australia in the heart of Fremantle – one day when everyone is welcome. One Day in Fremantle is a free, family-friendly event that will be held at the Esplanade Reserve in Fremantle on Saturday 28 of January, 2.00–8.00 pm. For more information.

Visit fremantlestory.com.au/onedayinfremantle for further event details.


Does the move away from Australia Day celebrations on 26 January break family traditions and take political correctness too far?

The City of Fremantle is not opposed to celebrations on 26 January for those who so choose – rather, we are offering an opportunity for all Australians to come together on another day. 

What is wrong with celebrating on January 26?

Everyone should celebrate when they feel it is appropriate, however the City of Fremantle wanted to celebrate being Australian in a way that included all Australians and we believe moving away from this date was more culturally inclusive and more in line with Fremantle’s values

My ancestors came out on those first boats, isn't changing the date an insult to my family?

Not at all – all of our ancestors and new immigrants have played a part in shaping Australia as it is today and we value every contribution, which includes acknowledging that 26 January may not have the same implication for all Australians.

Has the fireworks event been cancelled because of cost as opposed to reconciliation?

The decision to move away from the fireworks event is in line with the City of Fremantle’s approach to cultural awareness. The fireworks celebration was only a relatively recent inclusion on Australia Day and one which the City has been determined to change in favour of an event that is more inclusive for all.

Will the move away from the fireworks event impact local businesses?

While the fireworks drew large crowds, we anticipate offering a suite of events in collaboration with other event holders over the weekend will offer locals in Fremantle and beyond another opportunity to celebrate and support local businesses.

Are the fireworks still happening in Fremantle?

Yes. The Fishing Boat Harbour Traders Group and the Fremantle BID will co-fund and host a fireworks display at Fishing Boat Harbour Fremantle at 8.00 pm on 26 January 2017. This is an independent event and as it is not being held on Fremantle Council land no approvals were required apart from a fireworks licence which the City granted. 

I’m proud of my country and proud of being Australian and I’ve always celebrated Australia on 26 January- why should I have to change?

You don’t have to change. We are also proud to be Australian that is why we want to encourage everyone to consider why we celebrate and what we are celebrating; ultimately we want people to make their own decision and celebrate when they feel comfortable. 

Will Fremantle always celebrate on January 28 now?

The City of Fremantle will select a date in future years that is the most suitable for our community – we are not fixed on 28 January as the date. 

Workshops and entertainment

Pop up performances

  • 2.15 pm - Beleza Samba Dance Group.
  • 2.45 pm - Afrotonic African Dance and percussion.
  • 3.30 pm - Perth Swing Dancers Academy.




What it involves

Earth friendly art

Ariane Roemmele

Use a handful of clay and a selection of natural materials to make create creatures from your imagination. These artworks are designed to fall apart over time and disintegrate back into nature hence the name Earth friendly art.

Bush tucker tastings & demo’s

Bindi Bindi Dreaming

Free bush tucker tastings and demonstrations showcasing everything from quandong dessert syrup to gluten free crackers and dips. All dishes are infused with native herbs and spices.

Ochre face painting

Bindi Bindi Dreaming

Traditional ochre face painting will be available for all ages to enjoy.

Aboriginal Dance workshops  

Willagee Koolanga Girl’s Dance Group

This dance troupe of girls aged 5-13 will teach you the ins and outs of traditional Aboriginal dance then will be showcased in a special performance at 4.30 pm accompanying the Welcome to Country.

Weaving with Sharyn Eagen

Sharyn Eagen

Nyoongar artist Sharyn Eagen will impart her wisdom of weaving and manipulating natural fibres to create wonderful works of art for all ages. 

Textile art workshop

Louise Snooke


Loose parts and cubby making

Nature Play Solutions

Nature Play Solutions will be bringing their loose parts and cubby making incursions to the Esplanade for a day of free play and building.

Hip hop workshop

Paulie P

Paulie P will provide a hip hop based workshop; have a go at beat boxing and rapping while Paulie P covers song writing and recording.   

Friendship bracelets & pledge area

ICEA (Indigenous Communities Education & Awareness)

Come have a chat to the friendly staff from ICEA while they teach you the secrets of the perfect friendship bracelet. You can join in a yarning circle and take part in a pledge activity.

Henna art & hair braiding

Freedom Fairies

The earthly goddesses from Freedom fairies are set to pamper you with beautiful henna designs and stunning hair braiding techniques.

Miniature book making

Samantha Hughes

Local artist Samantha Hughes will be teaching miniature book making workshops

Native seedling planting

City of Fremantle

Learn to make biodegradable seedling pots using newspaper and origami techniques. Take home your own native seedling ready to plant in your own backyard.


Event flyer

Click here for printable version of flyer below.