
U.S. Border Patrol frisks a man near the U.S.-Mexico border in California. REUTERS/Mike Blake

Trump’s policies will affect four groups of undocumented immigrants

A team of legal scholars breaks down the factors that will determine which immigrants are most vulnerable for deportation under the new administration.


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Donald Trump is famously attached to his phone. AP Photo/Matt Rourke

How to secure a smartphone for the tweeter-in-chief

The best way to protect a presidential device is to keep it off the internet altogether. If that's not going to happen, how else can such a sensitive gadget be kept safe?


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How can students think critically about information in today’s age? UBC Library Communications/flickr

The challenge facing libraries in an era of fake news

Since the 19th century academic librarians have helped students navigate the complex world of information. In today's unpredictable information environment, how might they rethink their role?


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  1. Data should smash the biological myth of promiscuous males and sexually coy females
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  5. Why Trump’s wall with Mexico is so popular, and why it won’t work

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