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A woman holds a red sign reading don't ban my family
A woman holds a red sign reading don't ban my family

On Sunday morning Sydney time, about a day after Donald Trump had made sweeping changes to immigration policy, a 29-year-old Iranian refugee living in Australia got an email from the United States.

Your visa appointment has been cancelled. A U.S. Presidential Executive Order signed on January 27, 2017, suspended visa issuance to nationals of Iraq, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen. Please continue to monitor for further updates.

Ali's story is one example of the global ripple effect of the executive order, which has temporarily banned refugees from around the world from entering the US, blocked Syrian refugees indefinitely, and halted entry for people from seven countries: Iraq, Syria, Iran, Yemen, Sudan, Libya and Somalia.

The ban also applies to dual nationals of these listed countries, including those whose other nationality is Australian.

Trump orders:

  • Stop issuing visas to Syrian nationals and halts the processing of Syrian refugees.
  • Suspend broader refugee program for four months
  • Legal permanent residents of US who hold passports from Syria, Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen, and who are travelling outside of the US, will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
  • More extreme vetting of refugees (once the program begins again)

Get more detail here.

At US airports on Saturday, there was chaos as people who had flown to the US were held in detention, while others were barred from boarding flights or were pulled off planes overseas. The ban also extends to green card holders from the seven listed countries who are granted authorisation to live and work in the US. Many fear being separated from family members trapped abroad.

The ban reportedly applies to up to 500,000 green card holders. If they leave the US - or are currently abroad - there's a good chance they won't be allowed to come home.

Ali, who lives in Sydney, had been planning on visiting his sister, who had travelled to US on a visa from Iran about one year ago. There she was studying a Masters in Bioelectric engineering. Now, under the terms of the executive order President Trump signed on Friday in Washington, she was unable to leave and come back, and her parents in Tehran were unable to visit.

One week ago her father had received approval for the US travel visa he had applied for nine months ago. The executive order had made it suddenly worthless.

"The whole world is a very huge prison for us," said Ali, a political refugee who arrived in Australia about five years ago. "My sister cannot leave the USA."

UPDATE: Other stories have begun to emerge of Australians affected by the ban.

Farzaneh Ahmadi, a Western Sydney University academic, told Hack she was driving her parents to the airport last night, when they began hearing about people being detained on entry into the US.

Her parents, aged in their 60s, had been visiting her and her sister from their home in Iran. They were now going to the US to see Farzaneh's brother, who was studying a PhD in the United States on a single-entry visa. They had not seen him for three years.

"We took them to the airport but at the last minute my brother went to JFK [New York airport] and said the situation was very unclear.

"So we stopped Mum and Dad from going."

"It was very hard for them."

"The emotional burden is hard because you don't know when the situation will be clear. If you had a date of three months or four months time ... but it's a ban with unlimited possibility."

To add to the confusion, the ban is being applied on a case-by-case basis. Immigration officers have reportedly said their orders are not clear. There are reports of some people being allowed to enter the country without problem, while permanent residents have been kept in detention.

There were dramatic scenes at major airports where protests erupted as border agents detained refugees who landed after Mr Trump signed the executive order.

Late on Saturday night (Sunday afternoon on the Australian east coast), a federal judge blocked part of the executive order, preventing the government from deporting some arrivals. But it stopped short of letting them into the country.

Protestors rally during a demonstration against the new immigration ban

A protest at JFK on Saturday night.

A police officer stands guard as protestors rally

JFK Airport.

International students are especially affected. There were reports of students attending American universities who were blocked from returning to the US. Universities have scrambled to contact their international students. The Association of American Universities said the order was "already causing damage and should end as quickly as possible. The order is stranding students who have been approved to study here and are trying to get back to campus, and threatens to disrupt the education and research of many others."

The LA Times reports some institutions began taking action before the President signed the order. An official at a major teaching hospital said he had told administrators to cancel offers of residency to medical students from some countries.

"We are literally going to look at 'Country of origin' and remove the applicant based on [that]," he said. "Can't get more racist than that."

President Trump has denied the immigration halt was a Muslim ban.

"It's working out very nicely. You see it at airports, you see it all over."

He justified the ban as a response to terrorism. The ban does not include Afghanistan, Pakistan or Saudi Arabia


People hold signs with the names of people detained and denied entry at LAX

People hold signs with the names of people detained and denied entry in protest of the sweeping travel ban.

The temporary aspects of the ban last for 90 days. A senior White House official said the ban is likely just a first step toward establishing a broader ban.

The official said the administration will be "very aggressive" as it weighs how many more countries to add to the list. There is no indication when visa applications will re-open.

At the web portal for applying for a US visa, an "urgent notice" has been posted for nationals and dual-nationals of the seven listed countries: "If you already have an appointment scheduled, please DO NOT ATTEND your appointment as we will not be able to proceed with your visa interview."

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau tweeted that Canada will welcome refugees rejected by Mr Trump.

Iran said it would stop US citizens from entering the country in retaliation for the ban.

  • Author James Purtill

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