Affordable housing: buyers devising creative ways to get into their first home

Mia Cornthwaite (left) and her partner Nicola Cornthwaite with their 20-month-old daughter Wren. The couple bought their ...
Mia Cornthwaite (left) and her partner Nicola Cornthwaite with their 20-month-old daughter Wren. The couple bought their first home, an 80-square metre two-bedroom apartment in a development designed to save them about $60,000 on the purchase price. Chris Hopkins

Mia and Nicola Cornthwaite's first home will be ready in November. The couple, who have been together for 13 years and have a 20-month-old daughter, Wren, are buying a two-bedroom apartment in Melbourne's inner northern suburb of Brunswick for $645,000.

But it's not a standard apartment deal. The couple has bought into Nightingale 1, a 20-unit project that seeks to make well-located housing more affordable in the Victorian capital. 

The price of their north-facing 80-square metre unit was made some $60,000 cheaper by a building design that allows them no second bathroom, no private car park, no airconditioning and no private laundry – residents use a communal bank of washing machines on the roof. There were no marketing or real estate agent costs, either. Apartment prices varied from $415,000 to $665,000.

What made the purchase possible for the public servant and social worker – both part-timers – was the 5 per cent deposit. Investor Social Enterprise Finance Australia, which is funding 70 per cent of the $9 million project, regarded it as lower risk due to the high involvement of owner-occupiers chosen from a waiting list and was happy to allow a lower upfront payment. 

Peter Phibbs argues: "There's a lot of cashed-up people and you are just not going to produce enough stock to satisfy ...
Peter Phibbs argues: "There's a lot of cashed-up people and you are just not going to produce enough stock to satisfy them ... unless you reduce the incentives for them to buy in." Luis Enrique Ascui

"That was make or break for us," Nicola says. "We wouldn't have been able to afford a 10 per cent deposit."

Affordability isn't just about the number of houses. It's about having houses that ordinary people can afford to buy a realistic distance from jobs. The Cornthwaites count themselves lucky to have snagged a home just 30 minutes' commute from their jobs in the CBD and North Melbourne. And while Nightingale's novel, architect-led approach to development is growing – as many as 16 architects have licensed the model – it will only make a slight dent in the affordability issue that's turning into a social and economic crisis. 

A Demographia International ranking this week showed that after Hong Kong, Sydney was the most unaffordable city in the world – with the median house price up to 12.2 times the average wage.  Melbourne was in sixth place with a house price-to-wage ratio of 9.5. It was a timely reminder to policymakers of a reality younger generations of Australians have to face every day.

Separate figures showed Sydney's median house price rose to more than $1.1 million in the December quarter, even as rents – a clearer indicator of housing affordability – continued to rise. 

"It's not in the economy's interest for housing to be so expensive," says Adrian Pisarski, the executive officer of housing affordability group National Shelter. "Because it is so expensive we are generating enormous private household debt which isn't being used for more productive activity. Apart from that, at the specific level it is leading to large increases in homelessness and massive levels of vulnerability for low- and moderate-income families."

Scott Morrison ruled out tampering with negative gearing.
Scott Morrison ruled out tampering with negative gearing. ALAN PORRITT

The problem isn't new. Since the late 1990s Australia's housing market has shown a widening split between the haves and have nots. Soaring prices of central-city homes reflect the cost of buying close to work and other opportunities. In contrast, in outer suburbs houses were cheaper to buy, went up more slowly in value and condemned their owners to long, petrol-based commutes. This was confirmed by the federal government's own State of Australian Cities 2014–2015 report. 

Now the problem threatens social cohesion – an alarming prospect for any mainstream politician in the time of Trump and Brexit. 

"In a sense, the issue can't wait," Assistant Minister to the Treasurer Michael Sukkar said this week of housing affordability. 

Ideas about how to tackle the issue vary.

Newly sworn in NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian this week said affordability would be best tackled by boosting housing supply and said she wouldn't push for changes to negative gearing tax breaks that benefit property investors. Later in the week Federal Treasurer, Scott Morrison, ruled out tampering with negative gearing

Mia Cornthwaite (left) says keeping property affordable is a "fantastic" idea.
Mia Cornthwaite (left) says keeping property affordable is a "fantastic" idea. Chris Hopkins

However, changes to breaks such as capital gains tax deductions, could be crucial to boosting affordability, 

"Our tax system skews investment to unaffordable levels," Pisarski says. "We really can't address the specific supply problems we have without taking the pressure out of the market in the first place."

Sydney University's long-term proponent of "affordable housing" Professor Peter Phibbs, chair of the university's Urban and Regional Planning and Policy, said Australia's "obsession" with property will give it an "enduring boom", which means tackling the classic demand and supply levers would be pointless. 

"There's a lot of cashed-up people and you are just not going to produce enough stock to satisfy them ... unless you reduce the incentives for them to buy in," he said. 

His colleague Danika Wright at the University of Sydney Business School also said tackling the supply and demand ends of the conundrum was too long-sighted. 

"We have targeted foreigners with more land tax and stamp duty surcharge, in theory demand should drop but the fall has been relatively modest.

"There's also a large group of baby boomers appearing. The problem is that demand for property is not elastic.

"It's like problem gambling or smokers. They are addicted to it to some extent," she said. 

The ineffectiveness of supply and demand measures has been made worse by the low yield and low interest rate global condition which forced investors to seek out property in lieu of other more profitable assets. The only way to tackle affordability is through implementation of short-term solutions in the form of government policies, Ms Wright added. 

And if negative gearing can't be touched, then changes to the capital gains tax should be considered to discourage plump profits for investors, Mr Phibbs said. 

"In Singapore, they moderate stamp duty based on the residential market cycle, so when it is up, the duty goes up, and when it is down it is the opposite," he said. "It's not the world's silliest idea."

In Singapore too, the government has successfully cooled its residential market in recent years through hard-hitting government interventions such as slapping a high tax on foreign buyers. 

Both Mr Phibbs and Ms Wright agreed the rental framework should also be altered to allow people to negotiate long-term leases, reducing the threat to home security for renters and thus alleviate some ownership demand. 

But the most effective solution would be use of inclusionary zoning in residential development (requiring a percentage of stock to be "affordable housing"). The Greater Sydney Commission's recent introduction of a 5 to 10 per cent zoning was simply not enough, Mr Phibbs said. Those numbers should be 15 to 30 per cent. 

"The NSW government has been reluctant to set significant inclusionary zoning requirements for new developments ... One possible reason is that the government itself stands to reap revenue from rezoning and/or redevelopment of government-owned land," he said in a research piece co-written with seven other housing experts.

In the end, true affordability carries costs.

At Nightingale, owners effectively purchase affordability by agreeing to forego future profit, as they are bound by a maximum resale price. A covenant limits the price at which the unit can be sold. A series of calculations sets the maximum resale price as the greater of the purchase price multiplied by the Real Estate Institute of Victoria's increase in median prices for the suburb or the price paid by the ABS-measured growth for Melbourne as a whole, plus the cost of any verified improvements made to the property. 

"It allows the property value to rise in line with housing in the area," says Jessie Hochberg, the general manager of Nightingale Housing. "It doesn't stop the owners from making a profit over time, but the initial purchaser can't flip the property and resell it at market value when they purchased it at less than market value – be that $60,000 or more. This ensures the ongoing affordability of the Nightingale model and that affordability is passed on to future purchasers."

The idea is a big change from normal practice. 

"It was something that took us a while to get our head around," Nicola says. "The idea that we wouldn't be able to sell it for exactly what it was worth on the market at that time – I can't even have that conversation with my family. They just wouldn't get it. They would think I was foolish!"

Mia says the popularity of the building and the Nightingale projects generally – waiting list of buyers have grown from 200 in 2015 to more than 1700 now – mean they won't lose money on the apartment. But she agrees it was a strange notion originally. 

"You always think 'If we had to sell, it would be nice to know we were going to make an extra million on it or something'," she says. "But we really had to take a step back and think about our principles and realise ... that idea about keeping property affordable – that was fantastic."

In the absence of co-ordinated policy to reduce housing affordability, piecemeal efforts will continue. The third Nightingale project, designed by well-known Austin Maynard Architects, won planning approval from the local Moreland Council on Wednesday. And like its predecessors, it seeks to prioritise 20 per cent of sales for key service workers, who are trying to get to the same stage as the Cornthwaites.

"The first home is a really big deal," Mia says.